Countless blue silver grasses were chaotic, and under the power of the ink-colored soul ring of the blue silver emperor A Yin, they met Tang Hao’s Haotian hammer.

“Ah Yin.” Tang Hao muttered, and Hao Tianhammer’s grip tightened, without the slightest softness. When I was

in the forest cottage, it was because I was afraid when I faced the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, and I ended up like that.

“Ugh!” With a roar, the Haotian hammer broke the wind and fell, and the blue silver grass trembled.

Tang Hao (OS) Ah Yin don’t blame me, if you want to blame, blame this person, he manipulated you, I have no choice.


The strong impact made the still water lake in Yuexuan’s courtyard surge in an instant.

The water wave rose 100 meters high, and there was no tendency to fall for a long time. {Third Order, Alarm} {Third Order, Alarm}

{Third Order, Alarm}

The continuous mechanical sound constantly prompts Luo Yan to quickly exit the form of the third order.

But Luo Yan did not withdraw and faced Tang Hao, who was blessed by unknown white metal. At present, either the first-order form or the second-order form is futile.

Only third-order forms are possible.

{Third Order, Douluo, Zhu Zhuyun’s Power} Luo Yan uses Zhu Zhuyun’s power to increase his speed and burst damage.

{Third Order, Douluo, Dark Thousand Snow Power} The power of the

inky soul ring of the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin was confronting Tang Hao’s white and transparent soul ring, and with the opportunity of this stalemate, Luo Yan continuously exerted the power of Zhu Zhuyun and Dark Thousand Snow Snow.

Still holding the Ruyi Ring that symbolized Tang Yuehua’s power in his hand, he burst out at extreme speed and walked towards Tang Hao. The ruyi ring

in the rotating hand, although it cannot release the ultimate skill of the ruyi ring, but it is used to strike, and it still feels very good.

In just a moment, Luo Yan used Zhu Zhuyun’s power to show extremely fast speed and delivered many blows beside Tang Hao.

Not only that, Luo Yanhao carried out several air strikes around.

Recall, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin. The

Blue Silver Emperor A Yin, who was still playing against Tang Hao just now, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Tang Hao’s Haotian hammer smashed into the lake, and the powerful impact almost wiped out all the water in the lake.

{Third Order, Alarm}

Luo Yan was unimpressed, casually playing with the Ruyi ring in his hand, standing like a pine, facing Tang Hao sideways at forty-five degrees.

And Tang Hao showed a smile, raised the Hao Tianhammer, and pointed at Luo Yan: “Your attack is just that, it doesn’t hurt for me.” After

speaking, he opened the God Killing Realm, and the actual killing intent rushed towards Luo Yan. But it was blocked in the middle of the

road, and it was Tang Yuehua who opened her domain, just enough to restrain the killing intent of the God Killing Realm.

“Yuehua, when I defeat him, I can free you and… Well? Ahhhh

The clothes gradually cracked, and blood began to flow out.

“Heard of it, delayed?” Luo Yan said lightly, Ruyi Huan held his hand in front of him, looking disdainful.

The ability of Dark Thousand Snow can delay damage. The longer the delay, the more damage will be doubled, currently up to three times.

Coupled with the use of Zhu Zhuyun’s power, the scars hit are all explosive damage, which is stronger than ordinary attacks.

Such a superimposed injury was suddenly caused by Tang Hao’s defenselessness.

Tang Hao naturally couldn’t stand it, and the Haotian hammer in his hand fell off, just smashing on his foot, and the pain in his heart was ah!

In the blink of an eye, Tang Hao was already covered in blood.

Luo Yan said lightly: “Although you have obtained a part of that power, you are not that person after all, and you can’t exert your full strength.”

It’s as if unknown ferrous metal, if not used by Luo Yan, can’t exert its true power.


Luo Yan came extremely quickly, and the ruyi ring rotated in Luo Yan’s hand.

{Third order, alarm} {

Third order, countdown}

{ten, nine, eight, seven… }

The third-order power entered the last time, Luo Yan attacked fiercely, slashed at Tang Hao’s wrist in one round, and after being dodged, quickly side-wheeled, and then slashed towards Tang Hao’s head.

{Three, two… }

Tang Hao heard the sound of the machine, and knew that Luo Yan’s form was about to be unsustainable, so he decided to avoid it for the time being.

Jumping backwards, preparing Luo Yan to disarm the third-order form, and then come back to kill.

Before it fell, Luo Yan lifted the third-order form of the unknown black metal armor, but because the third-order form lasted too long, even the second-order form could not be used for the time being. If

Tang Hao came back to fight back at this time, the situation would be precarious.


Tang Hao’s action of retreating and dodging just fell into the previous arrangement.

I still remember that Luo Yan’s several attacks in that air strike just now were also delayed by using the power of Dark Qiancheng Xue.

Now it burst out and slashed at Tang Hao.

“You should be glad that if I enter a third-order state of loss of control, I don’t know what kind of things I will do myself.”

Luo Yan is right, if you enter a third-order state of loss of control, you will unlock stronger power, but with it, Luo Yan cannot control the direction of things.

This state of loss of control comes from the seal on Luo Yan’s body, and entering the third-order form is equivalent to forcibly taking power from the sealing area, and it will naturally be suppressed by the seal.

After a certain period of time, when Luo Yan can’t suppress the seal, it will enter out of control.

Tendency by forces.

Before the end of the countdown, Luo Yan broke away from the third-order form and did not enter a runaway state.

In the first-order form, Luo Yan condensed a bow with unknown black metal, aimed at Tang Hao, who was continuously hit by a delayed attack in the air, and pulled the bowstring.

The ink-black power converged, forming a pitch-black arrow.


An arrow shot out, cutting through the long sky.

At that time, Tang Hao had just finished withstanding the delayed attack in the air, and before he had time to breathe, the unknown black metal arrow was already close at hand.

Tang Hao, who took the route of pure strength, had the only means of defense that was to fight head-on!

Swinging the Haotian Hammer, casting the Haotian Nine Peerless, he met the unknown black metal arrow that flew in.


With a crisp sound, Tang Hao resisted the unknown black metal arrow.

After all, the current Luo Yan is an unknown first-order form of black metal armor, and the ratio of strength and third-order is simply a world apart.

However, the previous operation had also seriously injured Tang Hao, which was caused by Luo Yan’s use of unknown ferrous metals.

Even the unknown white metal energy in Tang Hao’s body could not help him repair it in a short time.

Looking at Tang Yuehua on the side, Tang Hao was very unwilling to leave, but there was also a trace of joy in his heart, and the fight just now gave Tang Hao confidence. I feel that as

long as I give him some time, I will have enough strength to defeat Luo Yan, and it will not be a problem to rescue Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin and Tang Yuehua at that time.

Looking at the departing Tang Hao, Luo Yan calmly lifted the unknown black metal armor.

Opening the Book of Devouring, the content about Tang Hao on it was blurred, this was due to the influence of unknown white metal.

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