Dark Super God

001, Gu Xing

Since he could remember, Gu Xing had a feeling that something was pulling him and he was constantly searching. Google Search Reading When he was young and ignorant, he got lost many times following this feeling, and his parents had to look for him for a long time. When he grew up and became sensible, Gu Xing no longer got lost, but this feeling that he was looking for something in the dark became more and more serious as he grew up, even to the point of affecting his sleep. His parents asked Gu Xing what he was looking for, but Gu Xing couldn't tell them.

For this reason, Gu Xing's parents took him to see various Chinese and Western doctors, and also went to major famous temples, ancient temples, churches, Taoist temples and other places to pray to gods and Buddhas; scientific, superstitious; Eastern, Western; tried everything, but it still didn't work.

Finally, in the year after the high school entrance examination, this increasingly strong feeling developed to the point where Gu Xing couldn't sleep all night! Gu Xing, who was almost driven crazy, sold all the New Year's money he had saved over the years and all the things he could sell, and then embarked on a "searching" journey without telling his parents - although he himself didn't know what he was looking for.


And he left without any news for two years.

In these two years, Gu Xing passed by many busy cities and also walked through uninhabited mountains and wilderness; he was robbed by bad guys and rescued by good people; from the beginning of his extravagant life to the later starvation, he saw a lot and grew up a lot, but still found nothing. The increasingly strong feeling tortured him to the point of being unrecognizable. A man under seventeen years old was unkempt like a wandering beggar. Until this day, Gu Xing followed his feeling and came to a deserted village that had been moved away more than ten years ago because of "haunting".

From the moment he stepped into this deserted village, Gu Xing felt a sense of inner peace, and then he was overwhelmed by a large amount of information pouring into his mind...


In early summer, the sky was cloudless and the sun was shining.

On a provincial road in the south, there was no one, and there were few vehicles, and only occasionally could you see a car passing by.

Nowadays, more and more expressways are opened. Compared with the long and winding provincial roads, most people choose to take the expressways. If it is not necessary, few vehicles will take the provincial roads.

It is precisely because of this mentality that Xia Lin happily drives her BMW 5 Series on the provincial road, enjoying the feeling of driving freely.

The air conditioner is on in the car, and the song "Worth_it" sung by Fifth_Harmony and Kid_Ink is playing. Following the rhythm, Xia Lin shakes her head while talking on the phone with her best friend Xu Jiayi.

She is a more emotional person. She can be very happy or sad alone.

"Where are you?" Xu Jiayi asked on the phone, "I have booked a seat at SKY, and I will rock it tonight!"

Xia Lin shook her head to the rhythm of the music and replied with a smile: "I am coming, don't rush! I know you lack fatherly love and miss your dad."

"It's not easy. You, a rural woman, are finally going to the city!" Xu Jiayi laughed on the phone.

Xia Lin: “Haha.”

Since the tattoo on her arm was discovered a year ago, Xia Lin was “exiled” by her father, the judge, to the “countryside”—Sihe County, a county dozens of kilometers away from the provincial capital, where she worked as a kindergarten teacher in a local kindergarten and used all kinds of naughty children to temper her temper. She was not allowed to return until a few days ago.

During the year in Sihe County, Xu Jiayi and a group of close friends often ridiculed her for this matter, and Xia Lin always responded with “Haha”.

“No more talking, just focus on driving, call me when you get there, I have to accompany my dear~” At the end, Xu Jiayi’s voice deliberately became pretentious.

“Ugh~” Xia Lin pretended to vomit and cursed: “Get lost, bitch!”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Lin was about to put down her phone when it suddenly rang.

Xia Lin unlocked the screen and saw that it was a photo sent by Xu Jiayi on WeChat of her holding a bouquet of roses and kissing with her eyes closed. Xia Lin rolled her eyes and threw the phone to the passenger seat. But just as she was about to throw her phone away, suddenly! A person suddenly jumped out of the forest beside the provincial road!

Xia Lin was startled and subconsciously braked!


The sharp sound of friction between the tires pierced the eardrums of Xia Lin, who had not closed the window, but fortunately she finally braked the car.

Xia Lin saw that the person who suddenly jumped out was one or two meters away from her car, and she did not hit him.


Xia Lin breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, she saw the person who jumped out stiffly and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Hey hey!

Xia Lin glanced around and confirmed that there were no other people ambushing around. After excluding the possibility of "highway robbery", she rolled down the window and leaned out and shouted: "Hey, I didn't hit you, what are you pretending to be, are you trying to scam me?!"

At this time, Xia Lin also saw the person who fell in front of her car.

This was a homeless man who was dirty and had messy hair.

The other party did not move at all in response to Xia Lin's words, which made Xia Lin roll her eyes in anger: "That's enough. There are no audiences around. I should cooperate with your performance, but I turned a blind eye. Do you believe it?"

There was still no response.

Xia Lin honked the horn a few times and said a few more words. After the other party did not respond, Xia Lin gritted her teeth and said: "You forced me to do this!"

Xia Lin took her bag from the co-pilot, took out a can of anti-wolf spray and a stun gun from it, opened the door and got out of the car with the anti-wolf spray in her left hand and the stun gun in her right hand, and walked towards the scammer in front.

"If you don't get up, I will help you get rid of your Internet addiction!"

Xia Lin threatened, and at the same time pressed the electric baton, and crackling current flashed from the end of the electric baton.

The "homeless man" on the ground still did not move.

Xia Lin frowned and looked at the other person carefully. He found that he looked like a homeless man at first glance, but he was just a teenager in his appearance. Apart from the dirty clothes and appearance, he was actually quite handsome.

At this time, the other person was closing his eyes and frowning - well, people do tend to judge people by appearance. After seeing that the other person was not that kind of wretched appearance, Xia Lin's anger subsided a little.

Once the mentality changed, the way of handling naturally changed.

After seeing that the other person closed his eyes and frowned, and could not wake up no matter how she called, Xia Lin looked up at the still hot sun in the sky, thinking that the other person might have fainted from heatstroke, so she finally decided to call the police.

While waiting for the police to arrive, Xia Lin took water from the car to feed the other person and shield him from the sun. She did not dare to move him without permission - she could not move him, so she could only stop the car and wait.

About ten or twenty minutes later, the police and medical staff came and took the "homeless" boy away. Xia Lin followed the police to make a statement - after all, from the perspective of the police, before the "homeless" boy woke up, it was not ruled out that Xia Lin might have knocked him unconscious - although the "homeless" boy did not show any external injuries.

Soon, the police learned the information of the "homeless" boy from the things on him.

The "homeless" boy's name is Gu Xing, a missing boy in Guizhou Province two years ago.


The sticky darkness, like mud, is boundless;

Sometimes it stirs up stormy waves, sometimes it is as calm as dead water;

Occasionally it turns into a terrifying monster that is difficult to describe, biting each other;

Most of the time it is lonely and motionless, and has never changed since ancient times.

Images keep emerging in my mind, from clear to gradually blurred.

When the images stopped appearing, Gu Xing slowly regained consciousness and began to wake up.

After waking up, the first thing Gu Xing heard was a soft sob next to him, which was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. It wasn't until he opened his eyes and saw the middle-aged woman lying next to him that Gu Xing realized that it was his mother.

After seeing that it was his mother who was sobbing, Gu Xing looked around and found that he was lying on a bed in a ward. But it was not a single ward, but a ward for six people, and four of the other five beds were occupied.

"Your son is awake."

The patient in the bed next to him reminded him.

Gu Xing's sobbing mother suddenly raised her head and looked at Gu Xing. When she saw that Gu Xing was really awake, she suddenly showed surprise on her face: "Xiao Xing, you are awake!"

"Mom, I have worried you for the past two years."

Gu Xing nodded and smiled reluctantly.

He had a clear memory of "looking for" everywhere in the past two years, and naturally knew how worried his parents at home would be by such irresponsible behavior.

"It's good to be back! It's good to be back!"

Gu Xing's mother wiped the tears from her eyes, without any blame in her words.

Afterwards, Gu Xing's mother called Gu Xing's father. A moment later, Gu Xing's father, the police, Xia Lin and Xia Lin's father rushed to the hospital together.

"Do you remember how you fainted? Is it related to her?"

The police pointed at Xia Lin and asked Gu Xing.

Gu Xing looked at Xia Lin.

At this time, Xia Lin had a stern face. She encountered such a thing as soon as she came back. The activities she had arranged with her bestie in the past few days were obviously ruined. Moreover, she was doing good deeds, but she was forced to stay at home for the past few days. She was so angry!

"It has nothing to do with this sister. On the contrary, I suddenly fainted in the middle of the road. If it weren't for this sister who saved me, I would most likely be run over by passing vehicles. Thank you."

Gu Xing thanked Xia Lin.

He was telling the truth. At that time, he had to digest the information that poured into his mind at a critical moment. If it weren't for Xia Lin, his situation would probably be really dangerous, so his thanks were also sincere.

Xia Lin did not respond to Gu Xing, but looked at a serious middle-aged man beside her and said unhappily: "Now you believe it, right?"

After that, she walked out of the ward.

The serious middle-aged man nodded to the police and followed him out of the ward. The police were very humble to the middle-aged man, and they smiled and said goodbye to him when he left. When Gu Xing said that the coma had nothing to do with Xia Lin, the police seemed relieved, which made Gu Xing guess that the identity of the middle-aged man was not simple.

Soon, after the middle-aged man left, the police also left quickly. Gu Xing's parents called a doctor to do various routine examinations on Gu Xing, and then Gu Xing left his parents and the crowd on the pretext of going to the toilet.

After sitting down on the toilet in the toilet cubicle, he exhaled deeply and began to study the information that flooded into his mind.

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