Dark Super God

036, Search

General universities all have libraries, but the number of books varies from school to school.

The libraries of ordinary universities may not have as many books as those of famous universities, but the library of Columbia University is a very famous university library in the United States, with a total collection of 8.7 million books! It also collects 6 million sets of microfilms, 26 million manuscripts, 600,000 rare books, 100,000 VCDs and DVDs, 200,000 official documents, and about 950 kinds of genealogies and family trees, which are divided into three categories: culture and history, science and engineering, and social sciences, and subdivided into 21 different libraries.

What Gu Xing wanted to find belonged to the content of culture and history, so Gu Xing went to the library of the archaeology college.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

"Where are the documents about school history?"

When he arrived at the library, Gu Xing did not look around aimlessly, but directly asked the librarian inside, a middle-aged white man wearing glasses and looking very gentle and gentlemanly.

After hearing this, the middle-aged white man thought for a while and replied: "In the third row of the library in the T area."

"Thank you."

Gu Xing nodded and thanked him, then walked towards the T area.

The library of Columbia University has a rich collection of books, and the library used to store these books is naturally very large. The classification of books is divided into alphabetical partitions to store different types of books.

Gu Xing walked towards the T area while habitually remembering the surrounding environment.

There are many people in the spacious library, and not everyone is interested in watching people jump off the building, especially the students of the archaeology department who are close to this library.

People who really love archaeology and history are more obsessed, easily immersed in their own world, and don't care much about the outside world.

Gu Xing walked along the way, and the students on both sides of the road were very focused on the books in their hands, standing or sitting, very quiet.

Gu Xing walked a distance, and after building a blueprint of the environment and surrounding layout of the library along the way in his mind, he suddenly stopped.

After looking around, Gu Xing's eyes were fixed on a multi-person desk not far away, and he walked over to a white girl wearing round lens frameless glasses, and whispered: "Excuse me, can you lend me your pen and a piece of paper?"

The white girl wearing round lens frameless glasses was originally writing, and Gu Xing's words made her hand stagnate, and then she raised her head and looked at Gu Xing blankly.

Seeing Gu Xing, who was about 1.8 meters tall, handsome, and had an excellent temperament, the white girl couldn't help but lower her head shyly, and handed the pen in her hand to Gu Xing from the table without saying a word. At the same time, she opened the back of the notebook, tore off a piece of paper and handed it to Gu Xing.

"Thank you."

Gu Xing took the paper and pen and sat down next to the white girl.

Then, after thinking for a while, Gu Xing began to draw on the paper.

The sound of "swish" of drawing sounded quickly, and a string of other styles of bracelets gradually appeared on the lined paper.

Sketching is the basic skill of painting. As long as the hand is steady enough and the observation is careful enough, you can quickly master it and draw the desired effect. The real difficulty of painting is imagination and grasp of color, which requires imagination and talent.

Gu Xing's control over his body had been sufficiently tempered when he was learning kung fu, not to mention the gradual stimulation of cell activity now, which allows him to control his body to a subtle level.

After a while, Gu Xing stopped writing. On the lined paper, the bracelet that attracted his attention in the world of consciousness appeared in black and white.

"Thank you."

After thanking him again, Gu Xing returned the pen to the white girl who was peeking at him, then picked up the lined paper, stood up, and walked towards the T area.

"It's here."

Gu Xing picked up the lined paper in his hand, looked at the bracelet drawn on the lined paper, and then looked at the big letter T hanging above his head. After finding the third row of bookshelves with his eyes, he walked over.

Standing in front of the bookshelf, he first glanced over and read all the names of the books that could be seen clearly in his field of vision, then quickly checked the books and documents that might be related to the school history in his mind, temporarily removed the irrelevant ones, and then began to check them one by one.

More than ten minutes later...

"Still nothing."

Putting a thick hardcover book back on the bookshelf, Gu Xing frowned slightly.

With his current brain cell activity, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a photographic memory. He can read the contents of a book roughly and remember it clearly with just a quick glance.

This is the thirteenth book he has checked that seems to be related to the history of Columbia University, and it is also the last book that Gu Xing has selected that is related to the history of Columbia University.

But he still did not find any clues.

Although these books record the history of Columbia University, they are all positive images and glory, all of which are the various achievements made by Columbia University and the various celebrity deeds that have appeared. There is nothing that Gu Xing wants to find.

"It seems that I can only read the books here one by one."

Gu Xing glanced at the books on this row of bookshelves and sighed slightly.

Originally, he wanted to use this method to see if he could quickly find what he wanted, but since it didn't work, he could only use the most primitive method.

Soon, Gu Xing began to look through the books on the bookshelf one by one.

Although it was just a row of books, there were one or two hundred books placed there. Although Gu Xing could roughly write down the contents at a glance, it would take time to flip through the books.

It took more than two hours to read through these two hundred books.

When Gu Xing finished flipping through the last book on the bookshelf, it was almost noon.

"Still not."

Gu Xing rubbed his sore temples.

The content of these two hundred books is still a bit large in information. After reading it so quickly, Gu Xing felt that his brain cells were slightly bulging.

The human brain is no better than a computer. If a computer receives too much information, it will cause fever. In severe cases, it may even directly burn out the motherboard. Although the activity of Gu Xing's brain cells is much higher than that of ordinary people, he has received the amount of information from one to two hundred books in two hours. , still feeling slightly uncomfortable.

And the most important thing is that there is still nothing he is looking for in the contents of these two hundred books!

What he was looking for was information related to the "evil spirit" that might exist in the history of Columbia University. However, although the content of this book did contain information about Columbia University's unfaithful side, it was still not what he expected. Looking for something.

"Forget it, since there is no such information, let's go see if there is any such information."

Gu Xing took the lined paper with the bracelet on it and walked out of the third row of bookshelves in the T area, preparing to go back to the librarian to ask about the location of the bookshelves where books on historical relics were placed.

Then, when he walked out of the third row of bookshelves in the T area, a female voice suddenly sounded from behind him:

"He's here!"

Gu Xing turned around and followed the sound.

He found out that it was the white girl wearing rimless glasses with round lenses who he borrowed the pen from just now.

At this time, the white girl was pointing at him and shouting to the other side: "Come here quickly!"

Shortly after she finished speaking, rapid footsteps came. Two young white men, a man and a woman, quickly sprang out from a row of bookshelves, panting but without stopping, and walked towards Gu Xing.

When the man and woman walked up to Gu Xing, the man gasped: "Hey, man, I heard Dinah said you drew the 'Dolores' bracelet? Where have you seen it? Please You must tell us! This is very important to us!”

"'Dolores' bracelet?"

Gu Xing was slightly startled when he heard the young man's words.

Immediately, he quickly understood what the other party was referring to. He raised his hand, held the lined paper in front of the young man, and asked with a look of interest on his face: "You mean, the name of this bracelet is ' Dolores'?"


The man nodded and asked again eagerly: "Where have you seen this bracelet?"

"I have never seen this bracelet, but I am very interested in it."

Gu Xing looked at the three people opposite him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "What do you know about this bracelet?"

As he spoke, Gu Xing's thoughts followed suit. Lines of consciousness radiated from his eyes and quickly invaded the consciousness of the three people opposite him.

Condor·Piercing the Clouds!

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