Dark Super God

082, Backflow

"What does it mean after this?"

After hearing Saye's request, Gu Xing was not curious about the reason for the request at first, but was surprised by the information revealed in Saye's words.

The Antarctic continental glaciers have been penetrated by Dolores. Judging from the trace elements and magnetic field reactions revealed in the air, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans may have set off huge waves and hit the land. In addition, the sea level rise caused by the melting of glaciers, although it is not the end of all mankind, it is definitely the end of most of them.

After the flood and tsunami, only a small number of humans will survive on the earth, and there is no future at all.

But the meaning revealed in Saye's words...it seems that there is still a chance for this matter?

"You will understand later."

Saye looked at Gu Xing and smiled, "Can you agree to my request?"

After hearing Saye's words, Gu Xing frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Yes!"

"Thank you."

Saye smiled, no longer the signature bright smile, and a trace of sincerity came from the fluctuation of consciousness.

Then, Saye held his hands in front of him, lowered his head slightly, and slowly closed his eyes, as if praying devoutly. He said, "Gu Xing, I'm glad to meet you."

As the voice fell, the world stopped abruptly!

Air, flowing clouds, breeze, dust, sand, grass, sea water, geomagnetism, elements, molecules, atoms... and so on, all matter!

At this moment, in Saye's senses, everything was still.

The time of the earth stopped completely at this moment.

Gu Xing in front of Saye maintained a slightly surprised expression after hearing the words "I'm glad to meet you".

Looking at Gu Xing in front of him, Saye smiled, then turned and left, went down the rocky mountain top, and headed all the way to the South Pole.

His shuttle has never relied on everything about space, but on time.

The control of gravitational waves allows him to adjust the limitations of space at a point in time and go to any place he wants to go at the same time with the same flow of time.

He is the "time dimension" of this world. He controls the speed of time in this world. Every time time jumps, in his senses, the time in this world is still, but in the senses of others, he disappears suddenly like teleportation.

The so-called immortal body also comes from this. He dies at this moment, and he can come back to life in the next moment or at any time.

I don't remember when I mastered this ability. In short, he has had this ability since he became conscious, as if it were an instinct.

Relying on this ability, he was young and full of vigor and dreamed of saving the world, but as he grew older, he took another completely opposite path. It was not until later that he realized that it was not accidental to take this path, but it was his destined fate as the "time dimension" of this world!

An incomplete world will find a way to correct the world, so as the "time dimension" of this world, under the correction of the world, he experienced all those events that now look back, everything seems scattered, but it seems that there is a thread connecting everything.

The death of his parents, the separation of his friends, the death of his lover, the subversion of the world...

All of these eventually led him to this path.

"This world is just a cage. It is missing something, it cuts off miracles, it extinguishes hope. Death is not the end, but consciousness goes to other dimensions. The death of the body is just the end of the material level. As long as the consciousness is still there, it can be reborn again!"

This belief came to him after experiencing all kinds of things.

So, he spent his whole life fighting to break this "cage".

For this, he made himself autocratic and dictatorial!

For this, he was willing to bear a lifetime of infamy!

However, many years later, when he had heard and seen enough and found that all this was just the arrangement of the world, the absurdity, confusion, helplessness and shame tortured him.

He is just the fourth dimension of this world, the "time dimension". Born as a human being, he was just arranged to promote the correction progress of this world.

The death of his parents, the separation of his friends, and the death of his lover are all "helps" arranged by the world to stimulate him. When the world is getting closer to perfection, the "divinity" of the "time dimension" will gradually awaken and replace his "humanity". This is also the reason why he knows more and more.

The fourth dimension "time dimension" is special because this dimension has the only fluidity. Whether it is a low-dimensional product or a high-dimensional product, it needs the "time dimension" to promote change.

Just like a river, it constantly washes away all materials such as mud, nutrients, soil, etc., bringing changes to the environment.

A world without the "time dimension" is nothing but a static and dead world.

The "time dimension" of this world is broken and cannot border higher dimensions, making this world lack all kinds of products of material or consciousness brought by higher dimensions, and he was born for this.

When Zuo Kuang was infinitely close to breaking through the dimensional limit and touched the invisible suppression of the world, he finally slowly understood who he was, where he came from, and where he was going.

It's just... I'm really unwilling!

"I am also a living person! I have feelings too! I feel pain! I feel tired! I feel sad! Why do I have to go through all this?!"

He once cried out like this.

But, after crying out, what can he do?

He is Saye, and also the "time dimension". He has humanity and divinity, which make him complete.

Divinity allows him to spend his whole life to correct the world, but after correcting the world, the high-dimensional world will be opened up, and high-dimensional creatures will come. Humans will be enslaved and raised again, and his human side makes it impossible for him to do so.

But... divinity has gradually overwhelmed humanity, and his time is running out...

"Gu Xing, after this, please... kill me..."



The fiery red fireworks dyed the entire Antarctica red, and a lot of fog shrouded the red light, which was spectacular and strange.

The endless sea water was boiling and emitting a lot of bubbles, and a lot of steam was generated, either rising straight up and floating towards the sky; or spreading around, covering the entire Antarctica with fog.

And these spectacular and strange things are completely still, which adds a touch of weirdness to this scene.

On the still sea, Saye walked forward step by step, looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, his eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance.

Finally, when he reached the front of the scene, he stopped and smiled: "At least... my dream has come true."

Along with the words, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The world roared!

Then, an incredible scene appeared!

The fireworks that dyed the entire Antarctic red suddenly went out rapidly;

All the fog around the fireworks and in the atmosphere above them suddenly shrank back, turned into drops of water, and merged into the boiling sea water;

The boiling sea water temperature dropped sharply, quickly calmed down, and then condensed into ice, recovering into glaciers;

The glaciers flowed back from all directions, gradually condensed into the Antarctic continent, and the area became larger and larger;

The tsunamis that hit the land from the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans also flowed back together and shrank back to the Antarctic;

At the same time, the six major plates of the earth and various creatures living in the oceans, all followed their original life trajectories and continued to retreat.

The time of the entire earth is flowing backwards rapidly!

Soon, the time flowed backwards, and all the materials on the entire earth returned to more than ten minutes ago, as if the camera was played backwards.

From the Antarctic glacier, a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 280 meters flew up and flew out of the atmosphere. The flames around the huge fireball faded and it turned into a huge gray-white sphere. It flew into space and finally stopped.

When the huge sphere flew out of outer space and stopped, the time flow of the earth also slowly stopped.


Standing on the sea surface that had returned to its original water level, looking at the restored Antarctic glacier in front of him, Saye smiled with relief.

Suddenly, his eyes and expression gradually began to become indifferent...

Feeling the changes in himself, although he had been prepared for a long time, when this moment came, Saye still felt endless unwillingness in his heart!

In this endless unwillingness, he let out the final roar: "Gu Xing!!! Remember to kill me!!!!"

This three thousand years of dream will eventually wake up.

I'm sorry for failing this life, and finally failed to escape the cycle of fate.

The sixth volume is over

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