Dark Super God

054, Breakthrough

Pacific Ocean, on an isolated island.

In the ancient and dark palace, Gu Xing sat cross-legged in the center of the palace.

On the ground, in a dark pool, a thick black mist kept rolling and emerging, splitting into one after another thin black mist, and then being inhaled by Gu Xing through his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and tongue.

As the black mist continued to be inhaled, the information data about himself in Gu Xing's mind was also growing.



The brain suddenly roared.

Outside, Gu Xing's whole body was shocked!

However, Gu Xing did not stop the inhalation of the black mist through his seven orifices immediately, but continued to inhale until the black mist was completely inhaled!


A strange chuckle suddenly appeared, as if it was in his ear.

Gu Xing slowly opened his eyes and ignored the strange chuckle that suddenly appeared, because this was the side effect of swallowing the Dark Lord, and there would be hallucinations and auditory hallucinations in consciousness.

He first checked the physical data presented by the cell memory method and gene deduction method in his mind:

Cell activity shows: 7% brain, 100% body.

Number of gene mutations: 1/72. Insufficient evolutionary conditions.

Blood clan gene, characteristics: super strong self-healing.

The activity of his brain cells finally broke through the 80% mark!

This was the thirteenth day after he went to Kansas City and killed Satan and John.

Although he felt something was wrong at the time, he had no time to think about it because the human side dropped nuclear weapons, so he had to leave with Satan.

Over the sea outside the American continent, witnessing the scene after the nuclear weapons exploded, Gu Xing's feeling that something was wrong disappeared-if there was anything wrong, it would basically be eliminated by the nuclear weapons bombing.

So Gu Xing did not stay any longer.

Afterwards, he asked Saye to teleport him to the island where the black wizard group was hiding in the Pacific Ocean.

After resolving the potential crisis of Saye and John, Gu Xing began to work on improving himself.

After a year of digestion, he finally digested the negative effects of swallowing the "Dark Lord" and could swallow the "Dark Lord" again to improve his brain cell activity. This swallowing means that his brain cell activity is about to break through the 80% mark, and he can truly see the "causal network" in the world!

Not to mention the great increase in strength, but the perspective and angle of looking at the world will be different again!

Therefore, Gu Xing is full of expectations.

And the result is not disappointing. This time, the swallowing made his brain cell activity successfully break through the 80% mark!

"Is this the 'causal line'?"

After opening his eyes, Gu Xing immediately looked at the surrounding material space.

After the brain cell activity broke through the 80% mark, the world in his eyes changed again.

Lines of nothingness fell from the top of his head, concentrated on the top of his head, and sank into his top of the head.

At the same time, his senses could also perceive a trace of inexplicable connection with himself.

With a thought, Gu Xing extended along one of the thickest "causal lines", as if traveling through a wormhole in space and time! His consciousness flashed for a moment, and the next moment, he saw a picture from a bird's-eye view:

It was a familiar house.

In the kitchen, a middle-aged woman was cooking, and in the living room, a middle-aged man was sitting and watching TV.

These two people were none other than Gu Xing's parents!

They were talking, but Gu Xing couldn't hear or see clearly.

Gu Xing looked down silently for a while, and then he retreated with a thought!


Once again, his consciousness flashed as if traveling through a wormhole in space and time.

Gu Xing's consciousness returned to his body.

"It turns out that after seeing the 'causal line', you can follow the causal line to check, no wonder Zuo Kuang and Tianji Elder had no way to calculate it. It turned out to be like this"

Gu Xing was thoughtful and continued to study the causal line.

The patter of rain kept falling from the sky.

Kansas City, which has become a ruin and scorched earth, is still dead silent under the rain.

The mushroom cloud that painted the sky red has long dissipated, and the radiation that cannot be seen by the naked eye has spread to an unknown distance with this ruin as the center.

The time is too short, and the impact of nuclear radiation pollution is difficult to be presented intuitively for the time being.

But Kansas, a city where nuclear weapons were directly dropped, very intuitively shows the horror of nuclear weapons!

Originally, after the war, Kansas was only damaged in urban buildings and cracked on the surface, as if it had suffered a severe earthquake, but after the nuclear explosion, it directly turned into a scorched earth ruin, and all tones turned gray and black!

In the original center of the city, except for stones, the materials have basically been vaporized by the ultra-high temperature at the center of the nuclear explosion.

Except for the gray-black stones, the ground, and the broken ruins of buildings, there is nothing else.

All urban facilities such as streets, trees, lawns, vehicles, etc. have all turned into nothing!

If you have to describe it specifically, then only a word that often appears in science fiction movies and novels can truly express it: wasteland!

Whack, Whack, Whack!

The rain was getting heavier.

In the dead and silent wasteland, there was no sound except the sound of rain.

In the rainstorm, suddenly -


A small but tough golden vine suddenly broke out of the ground!

A coffin painted with ancient Egyptian colors and a golden mask on one end slowly descended from the sky silently.

Consciousness fluctuations came from the coffin, full of mystery, curse, and death: "Hiding in the divine power coffin can isolate the traces of your existence. Even if Zuo Kuang or Tianji is still alive, they can't find you."

Accompanied by the consciousness fluctuations, the coffin suddenly opened by itself, and it was empty and dark inside, like a bottomless pit.

On the tip of the golden vine that broke through the ground, a mouth suddenly cracked open, and laughed: "The plan went smoothly, and the remaining body of Satan belongs to me."

The consciousness fluctuations full of mystery, curse, and death came out again: "Now that you have successfully obtained Satan's golden tree body, our cooperation can begin. However, I hope you don't play the same conspiracy with me as when you cooperated with Satan. Believe me, my soul is definitely not something you can devour."

"Don't worry about this."

The cracked mouth on the golden vine smiled and said: "All I need is a strong life force, mysterious power Although it is equally powerful, it is too strange and unknown. I am where I am today because I know my limits and never try to take advantage of unknown things. "

"It's good that you know."

The consciousness wave full of mystery, curse, and death came again, "The arrival of the new era not only changes the world pattern, but also the path of advancement of life levels. You who become the new God, coupled with my mysterious cooperation, can avoid sinking and move towards a higher dimension."

"Happy cooperation."

The golden vine chuckled, then rose from the ground, bringing out the incomplete but still huge golden tree body, and drilled into the bottomless pit of the coffin.

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