Dark Super God

036, Natural Selection

Although it has been more than ten years, when Liang Tianze held the glove called "magic hand" by the Blood Eagle Sect again, he still couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

His appearance is not as small as he looks on the surface, and he knows that there are people in this world who look younger and are actually older.

To the outside world, he is now in his thirties, a young and promising associate professor of bioenergetics at the University of Hong Kong, and a gold medal diamond bachelor. But the specific real situation is only known to him.

After changing out of his research clothes, putting on a suit, and putting on the magic hand, Liang Tianze went straight out of the research building of the Department of Biology and went out of the school.

The teachers and students he met along the way greeted him enthusiastically, and he also smiled and nodded.

It was not until he arrived at the school parking lot and got on his silver Aston Martin that the smile on Liang Tianze's face completely disappeared and returned to indifference.

The performance was over, this was the real him.


Starting the car, Liang Tianze drove all the way from the University of Hong Kong along Pokfulam Road, passed Bonham Road, turned to Park Road, then turned to Robinson Road, and finally went up Mackay Gap Road and returned to his single-family villa in Mid-Levels.

The most famous villa area in Hong Kong should be Repulse Bay, but he doesn't like it there because it is close to the sea, too noisy, and it will affect his work.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof!"


The car stopped in front of the villa, and the electronic door slowly slid open, accompanied by the barking of dogs.

Liang Tianze drove into the parking lot of the villa after the door was fully opened.

He was the only one living in the whole villa, and he didn't hire any other servants except a few dogs. The reason certainly couldn't be that he couldn't afford it. Although he didn't have much money, it was a number that ordinary people could not reach in their lifetime, but money was actually meaningless to him, or to people like him who lived a little longer, money was meaningless.

More often, people like him pursued more meaningful things, which ordinary people could not understand.

Hiring a servant would affect his pursuit.

After driving into the parking lot, Liang Tianze got out of the car and went to the elevator in the underground parking lot, and took the elevator upstairs.

The villa is very luxurious, with European-style architecture, decoration and furniture, and a garden with a small fountain in the middle of the garden. In addition, there is a swimming pool on the other side, and even a swimming pool upstairs, which is specially used for parties, but he has never used it once.


The elevator door opened, Liang Tianze came out of the elevator, took off his tie and threw it casually on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, and walked down the stairs from the second floor to the first floor.

When he came to the bottom of the stairs, he gently pressed a certain position on a wall.


The position he pressed sank, and at the same time, the corner of the wall next to it "squeaked", the floor shrank, and stairs leading down appeared one by one.

Liang Tianze's expression was indifferent, without any change, and he had long been accustomed to it. He let go of his hand and walked down the stairs.

After a moment, with a "click", the dents on the floor and the wall returned to their original state, as if there was nothing wrong.



Going down the stairs, there is a smooth passage, with silver metal plates on the top, bottom, left and right, and white lights all the way.

The faint sound of collision came faintly, Liang Tianze's expression did not change, he kept moving forward, using the combination lock to open one metal door after another, and the collision became louder with each opening.

After opening seven metal doors in succession, the collision sound has become deafening.

"Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!"

One after another, continuous collision.

Behind the seventh metal door is a spacious laboratory with various sophisticated instruments, and in a corner of the laboratory, there is a square iron cage, in which is a woman with pustules all over her body, except for the human form, she has completely lost her human appearance - the reason why it can be judged as a woman is that the other party has long hair, but now this long hair has become dirty and like dead grass.

It was the woman in the iron cage who was constantly swinging the cage with her body, making a crashing sound. However, because there were two iron ropes on the side of the cage close to the wall connecting the two iron buckles behind the wall, no matter how the woman swung the cage, her position and the cage did not change much, and she could only wander around that corner.

When the metal door of the laboratory opened, the woman in the iron cage heard the sound and subconsciously turned to this side. Her eyes were no longer visible, and now her eyes were just a group of scars that had solidified after the pustules broke open. Facing this side was just a subconscious behavior.

"Please, let me go... Please, let me go... Woo woo woo..."

A hoarse voice came out of the woman's mouth, and she started crying.

But because there were only pus scars on her eyes and her voice was hoarse, she couldn't shed tears, and even her crying sounded terrible.

Liang Tianze put on the isolation suit over his clothes with an indifferent look, then walked to the iron cage, squatted down and looked at the woman in the iron cage, and said: "Didn't you say you loved me? Why did you beg for mercy when I asked you to cooperate with me to do some experiments? Is this your love?"

As the youngest associate professor at the University of Hong Kong, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, there are many women who actively pursue Liang Tianze.

As for the school's suitors, he, who plays the role of a young associate professor, politely and gentlemanly rejected them, maintaining his image in people's eyes.

As for the suitors outside the school circle, he would regularly choose one with a simple social background and interpersonal relationship and bring it back - such as the woman in the iron cage.

"Please let me go!"

The woman in the iron cage cried and begged. Although there were no tears and her crying sounded incoherent, her violent shaking body fully showed her emotions.

"Are you sure?"

Liang Tianze's expression was indifferent and unchanged. "You look ten times uglier now than before you went blind. Are you sure you want me to let you go?"

His tone seemed to always be only a statement, without any questions.

The woman in the iron cage was shocked when she heard his words, and then her body trembled more violently. After crying hoarsely for a long time, she said hatefully: "Kill me!"


Liang Tianze stood up and came to the wall next to the iron cage. He stretched out his hand and pressed on the wall. A piece of the wall slid open with a "whoosh", revealing a small square space.

In this small space, there was a row of vertical syringes, and there was light blue liquid in the syringes.

Liang Tianze took a syringe and squatted down again. He reached in through the gap of the iron cage, grabbed the woman's hand in the iron cage and pulled it out, then injected the light blue liquid in the syringe into the blood vessels of the woman's arm.

The woman had the intention to struggle, but she had been tortured here for so long that she had no strength to struggle, and she knew that it was useless to struggle, so she just let it go.

Not long after the liquid in the syringe was injected, the woman in the iron cage shook her head unconsciously, and finally fell into the iron cage.

After Liang Tianze finished the injection, he stood up and looked at the watch on his left wrist, counting the time.

After the woman fell, Liang Tianze opened the iron cage, dragged her out, and then picked her up and put her on a fixed chair in the laboratory isolation room.

After fixing the woman's body, he turned on all the precision equipment in the isolation room.

As the lights of the equipment in the laboratory were all on, Liang Tianze came out of the isolation room and began to operate the equipment.

Several things that looked like antennas slowly moved in front of the woman on the chair, and then Liang Tianze pressed a red button.


A circle of air ripples spread from those instruments.

Liang Tianze stared at the situation in the isolation room.

The unconscious woman on the fixed chair, as those instruments blocked the ripples, some of the pustules on her body that had not yet broken began to slowly swell, and soon, many pustules swelled to the size of balloons.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

One by one, the pustules burst, and pus and blood splashed.

The woman on the fixed chair seemed to be awakened by the pain. When she saw herself tied to the fixed chair again, facing those instruments, and this time more than before, she struggled violently and screamed.

Liang Tianze outside the isolation room was unmoved.

Soon, as the instruments in the isolation room continued to work, the woman's whole body began to swell like the pustules on her body.

Hands, feet, body, head, one after another, expanded and grew like a balloon, getting bigger and bigger.



The woman exploded, and a piece of her internal organs smashed directly on the transparent glass outside the isolation room.

Liang Tianze frowned and looked inside, where there was a mess of blood and flesh everywhere.

He picked up a pen and a recording board, and wrote quickly while looking inside seriously.

When the pen in his hand stopped, Liang Tianze said thoughtfully: "The same experiment, the experimental results of women and men seem to have subtle differences."


Half an hour later.


With a sound, the floor under the stairs shrank and slid open, revealing a staircase leading down.

Liang Tianze, who took off his isolation suit, walked out.

After closing the entrance to the stairs, Liang Tianze took a shower, then sat down in the hall in his bathrobe, took out a glass of red wine from the refrigerator, and sat down on the sofa, turned on the TV with a large LCD screen with the remote control, and began to change channels aimlessly.

Apart from the experiment, his living habits are actually no different from those of ordinary people.

Suddenly, his hand stopped moving and he switched the TV to a channel he had switched to before.

"...According to our reporter's visit this morning, a car accident caused by a large truck occurred in Sham Shui Po earlier. However, what is surprising is that the person who was hit actually blocked the moving large truck with both hands! According to the onlookers at the time, the person who blocked the truck turned like the Hulk, and it is suspected that "The Incredible Hulk 2" was filmed in Hong Kong! However, some people also broke the news that directors Johnnie To and Wai Ka-Fai were filming "Big Boss 2". What is the real situation? Our station is currently contacting the two directors, but there is no result for the time being. Next, please ask what the people took at the time! "

This is an entertainment channel. The female host in it is standing on the busy street in Sham Shui Po and talking.

After the female host finished speaking, the picture turned and became a shaking mobile phone shooting picture.

In the picture, a two-meter-tall, muscular figure kept scanning the surroundings, as if looking for something.

Seeing this, Liang Tianze suddenly showed great interest on his face, and his eyes were slightly excited: "Interesting, physical strangeness... Such a body... should be able to withstand my experiment! Interesting... Hehe... Interesting..."

At the same time, in a village house in the New Territories.

"You are going to find Liang Tianze?!"

The strange young man who was brought here by Gu Xing and Zhan Fuping suddenly changed his expression when he accidentally heard the name in their conversation.

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