Dark Super God

004, Second Coming

People walked out of the passage of the airport pick-up gate one after another, hurried and lively. Google search reading

Many people waiting at the airport pick-up gate were excited, relaxed, nervous, or calm, looking at the airport passage, looking for the person they were waiting for.

Gu Xing was mixed in the crowd, looking a little bored.

In his opinion, since he had paid off the favor owed to Xia Lin, it would be a happy result for everyone not to bother each other in the future.

But Yang Qianyi actually told Xia Lin's family that it was his help that saved Xia Ping. Now that the activity of brain cells has increased a lot again, Gu Xing quickly analyzed Yang Qianyi's psychology.

Probably combined with his experience six months ago, he thought he wanted to pick up Xia Lin, so he told the other party about this matter and wanted to establish a good image for himself.

But this actually caused Gu Xing trouble.

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However, it was not easy for him to say anything at this point. After all, it was just a small matter. After entertaining Xia Lin this time, there should be no intersection between the two sides, because he had made a decision for the future.

He is going to study in the United States!

This is a decision he made after careful consideration.

There are many reasons, but there are only two main ones.

The first point is that he wants to learn advanced knowledge. Both "On the Role of Consciousness" and "The Evolution of Life" involve a lot of professional knowledge, which he cannot understand with his current knowledge reserves.

And the United States is currently the country with the most advanced knowledge in all aspects.

The second point is that he needs to do some human experiments to try whether he can develop similar strange abilities with technology, just like the biochemical left arm developed by Alonso, the second prisoner of Prisoners.

However, this kind of experiment requires some materials. After the incident in Jincheng, it can be clearly foreseen that there will be a round of suppression of strangeness in China. Although Yang Qianyi’s big move is unknown, he is doing some human experiments at this time, and he may run into the gun.

It’s not that he is afraid, but it saves trouble.

Based on these two reasons, Gu Xing wants to study in the United States.

Of course, not now.

He is in a weak period now. If he is discovered by the two strange forces of Prisoners and Holy Spirit when he goes abroad, it is tantamount to seeking death.

He planned to take care of his body in the two or three years of high school, practice the four martial arts he learned from Hong Kong, and study the two "weaponsless" items, the magic hand gloves and the four-sided small tripod.

"First, take care of your body and recover, and then practice to increase the activity of your body cells as much as possible."

Although the Nine Heavens and Eight Gates are powerful and can provide Gu Xing with great combat power, the damage is also great.

After calculating the ratio, the number of cell deaths caused by his opening of the seven gates in the battle of Jincheng almost reduced his life by two or three years.

Although it is not visible now, Gu Xing can feel that in the next two or three years, he will age faster than his peers around him, and it is even possible to die early.

This made him feel a little sense of crisis.

The average person can live to seventy or eighty years old, and it is possible to live to ninety or even a hundred years old with a healthy body.

Two or three years of life may not seem to have much impact, but this is just the physical damage caused by activating the seven gates once. In the future, he may encounter a situation similar to Jincheng, and then he will definitely have to use that kind of force again, so in the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never use that level of force again.

Practicing can naturally increase cell activity. This is not to stimulate the body's potential by forcing it to grow, but to exercise step by step.

If the body's cell activity can be developed to the ratio of seven doors opening by practicing, then the normal state will be that level of force. Who else in the world can threaten him except nuclear weapons?

Therefore, Gu Xing now sets a tentative goal for himself, which is to focus on conditioning the body and practicing, supplemented by studying two "non-weapons", and then systematically learn knowledge and supplement his knowledge. When everything is ready, he will go to the United States to study.

While thinking about these future things, Gu Xing glanced at the passage of the airport from time to time.

There were fewer and fewer people coming out of the passage, but he still didn't see Xia Lin.

This made Gu Xing frown slightly.

After thinking about it, Gu Xing took out his mobile phone and called Xia Lin.


The call was connected, but no one answered.

Gu Xing frowned.

What's going on?

While he continued to make a call, he continued to look at the passage of the airport.

Fewer and fewer people came out, fewer and fewer... When no one was seen, Xia Lin still didn't come out.

And the phone was still connected but not answered.

Gu Xing frowned and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Logically, she should have come out earlier, why didn't she see anyone until now? And she didn't answer the phone.

He thought about it and prepared to ask the airport staff.

But at this moment-


The phone that had been unanswered was connected!

Gu Xing was startled and immediately said: "Hello? Xia Lin?"

"Uh... I'm an airport patrol officer. This is the phone I picked up in the passage. Is it your friend's?"

A rough middle-aged male voice came from the other end of the phone.

This made Gu Xing more aware of something wrong.

Xia Lin's phone fell in the passage, proving that Xia Lin did get off the plane and walked into the passage.

But Xia Lin didn't come out, and she couldn't be found. This obviously happened!

Gu Xing immediately went to the airport police and informed them of the incident.

The airport police also took it very seriously and immediately asked the airport ground staff to notify the patrolman who picked up the phone. After learning the location of the phone, they checked the surveillance video together.

"Excuse me, is your friend this girl?"

In the monitoring room, the staff adjusted the surveillance of the location where the patrolman picked up the phone, and asked after retreating to see Xia Lin's figure.

Accompanied by the airport police, Gu Xing came here and checked the surveillance video.

"Yes, it's her!"

Gu Xing looked at Xia Lin on the screen and replied.

After getting his confirmation, the airport police said to the staff in the monitoring room: "Replay!"

The staff in the monitoring room immediately replayed it, stopped when Xia Lin walked here while talking on the phone, and then played it normally.

Looking at the surveillance video, Xia Lin was talking on the phone and walking to the outside of the airport arrival channel normally, and then suddenly her phone fell to the ground, and then she left in one direction without picking up any phone. Everyone watching the surveillance video was confused.

What is going on?

Why did she leave without a good phone?

This strange behavior made Gu Xing frown.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xing raised his hand and pointed in the direction where Xia Lin left and asked, "Where does that direction lead to?"

The staff in the monitoring room looked confused.

He worked in the monitoring room and was not familiar with it.

It was the patrolman who picked up the phone before, a middle-aged fat uncle, who replied, "That is the passage to take a taxi."

Gu Xing frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Please check the surveillance video of the taxi side."

There were airport police on the scene, and the staff member did not hesitate to call the surveillance video outside the taxi entrance.

After combining the time when Xia Lin left in the passage and locking the video to a certain time period, Gu Xing and others soon saw Xia Lin coming out and leaving after taking a taxi.

Gu Xing silently memorized the license plate number of the taxi that Xia Lin took, then thought for a moment and said to the airport police: "I want to go to the passage to take a look."

The airport police looked at the fat middle-aged uncle on patrol, and the fat middle-aged uncle nodded.

"Let's go."

After getting consent, the airport police took the fat middle-aged uncle and Gu Xing to the passage where Xia Lin left.

At this time, the next flight from here has not arrived yet, and this place is empty, with nothing - this is of course for ordinary people.

For Gu Xing, whose brain cell activity has reached 9% now, this place is full of information left by many passengers coming and going.

Gu Xing asked for Xia Lin's dropped mobile phone, and from the information on it, he searched for the same information as Xia Lin, and then remembered the information and walked directly along the passage where Xia Lin left to the taxi stand.


The airport police and the fat middle-aged uncle wanted to come with Gu Xing, but they still had to go to work, so they had no choice but to stay where they were.

After Gu Xing walked out of the taxi stand, he saw a line of taxis waiting to pick up passengers and a line of people waiting to take a taxi.

After taking a look, he took out his phone and called Yang Qianyi.

Soon, the call was connected.


Yang Qianyi's puzzled voice came from the phone.

"Do me a favor."

Gu Xing said.

"What favor?"

Yang Qianyi asked.

"Help me find the location of a taxi. The license plate is..."

Gu Xing said, and at the same time reported the license plate number of the taxi that he had just written down in the monitoring room.

Taxis now have positioning systems that can record the daily itinerary routes, etc.

Yang Qianyi listened carefully and replied: "Wait a moment."

There was a silence...

"Okay, I'll send you the route map."

Yang Qianyi's voice sounded again on the phone.

"Thank you."

Gu Xing thanked him and hung up the phone.

The moment after hanging up the phone, he received a picture.

Clicking on the picture, it was a taxi positioning itinerary map.

At this time, the taxi had already left Qianyang and was heading towards Muxi District. The end of this journey was Lingguan Village, which was dozens of kilometers away from Muxi!

Gu Xing's pupils shrank slightly and his brows furrowed.

What's going on?

Why did Xia Lin go to Lingguan Village?

The last time he went to Lingguan Village, he encountered a strange phenomenon.

At that time, he didn't know the strange world, so he didn't go to Lingguan Village rashly.

After learning about the strange world and understanding that Lingguan Village belonged to mysterious phenomena, he had no time to go to Lingguan Village again because of Qian Kun, He Yi and others, as well as Xia Lin's affairs.

Unexpectedly, Xia Lin went straight to Lingguan Village as soon as she arrived!

"What's going on..."

Gu Xing frowned, thought about it, and then he stopped a taxi and went to the direction of Muxi Lingguan Village.

Although his body is in a weak state now, the activity of his brain cells has increased a lot, and he can see many things that he couldn't see before. In addition, Zuo Kuang's memory also contains relevant information about this "ghost village". As long as he looks up some information about it in the car, this trip shouldn't be dangerous.

Although he didn't understand why Xia Lin wanted to go to Lingguan Village, he had to bring Xia Lin back, because Xia Lin came to Qianyang to play because she knew he was helping her. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his parents.

After negotiating the price with the taxi, the taxi set off quickly.

Gu Xing sat in the taxi and looked through the relevant information about Zuo Kuang.

Two hours later.

The taxi drove to the foot of the mountain where Lingguan Village was located.

"We're here."

After arriving at the place, the taxi stopped and the taxi driver said in a low voice.

For some reason today, there was a heavy fog in the mountains near Lingguan Village. The taxi driver drove in with the lights on all the way.

"Thank you, master."

Gu Xing took out the fare he had agreed on before and handed it to the driver, saying thank you.

But the driver did not take it, but said in a low voice: "You can't use this money."

Gu Xing looked at the brand new hundred-yuan bill in his hand, and doubts emerged between his eyebrows.

The driver in the front seat searched in his pocket, then took out a bill and handed it to Gu Xing, and said in a hoarse voice: "This money can be used."

Gu Xing looked at the money handed over by the driver, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

Because it was a ghost money...

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