The appearance of big snake pill didn't bring much influence. Ape flying day chop is still not the intention to terminate the test of tolerance, just redouble vigilance.

And after the big snake pill left the forest of death.

Hatta, Sasuke, and Sakai passed the second test smoothly.

With the people passing through the customs, they successively arrived at the central tower of the death forest.

The third evaluation of the battle, also officially began.

Have to say.

In this life, with the emergence of the butterfly effect of Li Yaoxiang, there is no small change in the whole assessment.

First of all, the most attractive is, of course, Sakura chunye.

In the original work, up to this point in time, Kakashi, the tutor, had taught Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura haruno, stepping on water and climbing trees, but he had not taught any special ninja or physical skills.

I don't know if it's because I've been told by four old Woody leaves. I'm really a novice tutor, and I don't know how to teach.

Naruto in his life did not graduate from Muye, and Li Yaoxiang did not have the chance to explore through the crystal ball.

But whether or not Kakashi is entrusted.

But it is an indisputable fact that he wasted the talent of chunye Sakura.

But this life's chunye cherry, then greatly different!

She took the place of hatada and joined the eighth class of kyushukaya and Younv zhinai.

Xirihong became her mentor.

In addition to teaching her a lot of magic, even medical Ninjutsu was also taught to her.

This also leads to the fact that Yamanaka Inoue, who should have been on a par with chunye Sakura, will lose to chunye Sakura in his life.

The only constant is that.

Sakura chunye's favorite object is still Sasuke.

She didn't get in touch with Sasuke, but Sasuke was just like the original book, and didn't pay any attention to her.

Secondly, the battle between lillock and I love Luo.

Different from the original work, I love Luo was not beaten by lillock who opened four doors. The influence of Naruto is not only the change of character.

There are also many changes in strength.

A few years ago, Naruto almost cracked his absolute defense with speed. Seeing Naruto as a competitor, how can he not strengthen his own weakness?

This leads to Li Locke's complete loss in his life.

However, because of the change of character of I love Luo, Li Locke did not leave as badly as the original. Just can't play handsome success in front of chunyeying, make him depressed for a moment.

Then there is the battle between Hatta and hiningci.

No accident.

Hatada, who was greatly influenced by Naruto, won the victory.

Because of her outstanding performance in her life, she didn't look down upon her as the eldest daughter of the family, but her resentment was still buried in her heart.

That's it.

The third assessment of the preliminary election, officially ended.

The official selection will start in a month.


After the end of the third test, Naruto has been suppressing the impulse to recognize hatada and Sasuke.

I had to endure it for several days.

On the morning of the third day, ape feirizhan sent a secret department to summon Naruto to huoyinglou.

Naruto has nothing to do with leisure.

There was no rejection.

To Naruto's surprise, as soon as he stepped into the fire shadow room, he saw a scene that made him very happy! Sasuke and hatada are also in the fire room!

As soon as he saw the arrival of Naruto, ape feirizha gave Hatta and Sasuke a ha ha and said, "ha ha, ha ha, the acquaintance you want to meet is coming."

Different from the fake expression of ape Flying Sun chop.

Sasuke looked at the guy in front of him with a mask full of provocation.

The young farmland then Leng for a while, then quickly then restored the indifferent look.

At the same time, ape feirizha stood up from his seat, walked to Naruto, took Naruto's shoulder, went to Hatta and Sasuke, and said, "how? I'll introduce you? Or do you know for yourself? "

Naruto didn't answer what the old man was saying.

When he saw hatada and Sasuke, he was really excited.

What's depressing is not depressing.

It doesn't matter!

I haven't seen you for a long time. I can't help it now!

Naruto's hand slowly extended to the mask.

Then, take off again!

Da! Da!

Surprise or not?

Are you surprised?

Hey, hey, hey!

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and then recovered his eager expression: "it's you, no wonder your strength is so strong. Well, Naruto, you haven't lost your exercise in recent years, have you?

I can tell you that if you don't become that big fox, you may not be my opponent

Sasuke is still Sasuke.

Never admit defeat as always.

See yourself as an opponent and want to beat yourself.

I didn't see the overjoyed expression in my imagination, but Naruto responded quickly: "of course not!

There will be a chance for you to see it in the future


Naruto turns his eyes to Hata.

But when Naruto saw the expressionless face of hatada, his face collapsed and his mood fell to the bottom. But he still squeezed out two words: "hatada..."

"Well, just come back." Daisy nodded, then toward the side of the ape flying day chop said, "fire shadow grandfather, if nothing important, then I'll leave first."

"Well, go ahead." On the surface, ape Flying Sun chop is calm, but in fact, it is observing every move of hatching field.

Hatta just passed Naruto.

It's Sasuke's turn to put his hands in his trouser pockets and cross Naruto coldly.

When passing by, he still said defiantly, "I hope you won't let me down."


It's the fire shadow room.

There was only one embarrassing scene left.

Ape Flying Sun chop is still on Naruto's shoulder, Naruto is stunned there, a blank in his mind.

Ape feiri patted Naruto on the shoulder: "ha ha ha, it's OK, Naruto. Maybe I haven't seen you for a long time. It should be better if we get along with each other for a while. "

Naruto's mind is buzzing.

I didn't listen to the words of the flying ape.

He just turned around.

Take a step.

Give it a pause.

Take a step.

Give it a pause.

Left the fire shadow building.



A hot spring shop not far from huoyinglou.

Outside the fence of the women's bathhouse, there is a guy with white hair and a bundle of big scrolls on his back! This person is one of Muye Sanren, who has just returned to China!

And the dull Naruto, just after leaving the Huoying building, passed here.

But different from the original, Naruto can't see anyone in his mind at the moment.

He didn't find the existence of Zilai at all.

In this way, he went over Zilai.

Zilaiye, who originally focused on "selecting materials", frowned and the remaining light at the end of his eyes swept to the passing Naruto.

He stopped taking materials.

A flash appeared in front of Naruto, hands akimbo, grinning: "ha ha ha! Smelly boy, do you know that you are in my way! "

Naruto ignored him.

He moved a little towards the side and crossed Zilai again.

It's a bit awkward from here.

But I still don't give up.

Another flash appeared in front of Naruto: "Hello! Smelly boy, do you know who I am? "

Naruto's eyes are empty. He looks up at the guy in front of him.

No words.

He was also stunned, but he quickly put on his sign posture: "I'm the toad spirit of miaomushan, Taoist Xiansu, and I'm also called toad fairy!"

Naruto's eyelids are half open: "what's the matter? If it's OK, can you get out of my way? "


I don't talk to him.

Naruto passed him again.

Finally, he rushed to Naruto's side, followed Naruto's steps, and said, "Hello, smelly boy. Are you called Naruto?

I'm your father's teacher.

Even if you call me Shigong, don't you know? "

Naruto's mood, which has a trace of moving, stopped, coldly looked at Zilai also: "what qualifications do you have for me to call you like this?"

Since then, he was also asked by Naruto for a while.

Then, he just looked at Naruto's back.

A moment later.

In the fire shadow room.

He also pressed his hands on the table and made a loud "pa" sound: "old man! What's going on?! Why are Watergate kids like that? "

The ape flew and sighed.

Then he put on a look of pity for the world.

Tell the story of Naruto.

And the fact that Naruto has been away from Muye for several years.

"Damn it Since also face, again close to ape flying day cut a few minutes, "how can you treat Naruto like this?! Don't you think he's a Watergate kid? "

"Well, our original intention is also for Naruto. I didn't expect that Naruto misunderstood us too much. For the sake of the safety of the village, we have no choice but to make such a choice. " Ape flying day cut a pair of he is also very reluctant expression.

Zilai also said: "what about now?! Unexpectedly, for the sake of Muye, he came back specially to inform. That means he still has feelings for Muye. Why did he have that expression when he came out of Huoying building just now? "


Ape feirizha and Zilai also explained the relationship among hatada, Sasuke and Naruto.

The ape flies day to chop: "perhaps is the performance of the young farmland, let him for a while reaction not come over.". It's OK. It's about children. Just get along for a while. "

He was too angry to speak.

The main purpose of his return this time is to find the son of the prophecy that the great toad fairy said! It's alright now! What else can we do if the son of prophecy is made like this by these old guys?!

If it wasn't for this old man and his own teacher, he would really like to swear!

Knowing that it didn't help, he could only snort in the end.

Get out of the fire room.


Time is in a hurry.

Time flies.

One... Month... After

In this month, there are no less pretending to annoy Naruto, but Naruto sent him to eat the door shut. As for Naruto, he still kept a simple life.

Apart from sometimes exchanging information with arrow and others in the evening, he would stay at home most of the time. As I said before, I just don't want people in shayin village to find out.

And because of that.

Even Naruto in this period of time, no matter how to look for the young field.

But he put up with it.

Keep telling yourself in your heart.

As long as this matter is over, we must ask hatada to understand!

Ask her why she's doing this to herself!

He didn't believe Hatta would forget himself!

In this way, the time came to the day of the trials. Today's conference hall is full of people. Compared with the ape Flying Sun chop, when he announced the identity of Naruto, it was more lively.

Many celebrities have come to the scene.

The trials also officially began.

At the beginning, they were all boring fights.

It's not a complete crush.

It's just that there's no glamour.

The celebrities didn't pay much attention.

After all, the main purpose of their visit this time is just to see who has the biggest fist among the next generation of military and military forces.

without doubt.

They only focus on the fight between the strongest.

That is to say, yuzhibo Sasuke, who represents Muye, and I love Luo, who represents shayin village.

As for Naruto, whose identity is not clear, they won't pay much attention to those who crush their opponents. Anyway, it's just a test of tolerance. No matter how good Naruto is, it's just tolerance.

Muye is the organizer.

Of course, it won't keep these celebrities waiting too long.

They soon arranged the beginning of the battle.


The competition field also finally stopped, both hands cross shoulder's I love Luo.

And Sasuke with his hands in his pants.

Both sides are very confident in their own strength.

He looked directly at the other side without concealing his fighting spirit.

They are not talkative.

As soon as the referee announced the start, the two men immediately shot!

I love using sand to attack and defend as always.

Sasuke has been swimming the entire stadium.

I've watched Li Luoke's match. Of course, I also know that long distance attack or common Ninja can't do anything for me.

Therefore, he simply did the same to lillock and made a close attack!

However, his speed is faster than that of lillock who opened the four doors!

Seeing that every attack was about to attack me, Sasuke, while fighting, also ridiculed: "is this the strongest of the new generation in shayin village?


If you don't have a better way.

I'm sorry.

I'm not interested in pestering you any more.

I have to keep my strength against him. "

I love Luo is still so cold, his eyes continue to follow Sasuke's figure. At the same time, he joked: "you are far worse than 'he'. You are not the strongest of the new generation of Muye, and I have no interest in you. "

Sasuke is in shape.

He stopped.

"Do you know him?" Sasuke said.

"I heard him mention you. He said you're strong, too. It seems that he didn't come back for a long time and overestimated your strength. " I love Rodolfo.

Sasuke's face is frozen!

Left hand buzzing! Right hand thunders!

This scene made everyone present craned their necks for fear of missing their eyes.

I love Luo see this, also can't help the pupil shrink, but he soon restored the natural look: "I take back just that sentence. Your strength is very good. "

Sasuke grinned: "but I still think that your strength... Is not good?"

I love Luo's mouth: "stop it. Today is not the time. I'll fight you again when I have a chance."


The whole meeting was in a trance.

The whole audience fell asleep.

Muye collapse plan, officially opened!

PS: it's 12 o'clock tonight, and it's finally on the shelves ~ ~ ~ please support us a lot.)

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