Time is in a hurry.

Time flies.

In a twinkling of an eye, ten... Days have passed

Ten days have passed since the day when Naruto began to practice immortality.

And the time came ten days later.

The land of wind.

On a beach near the sea.

The beach should have been calm, but now there are dozens of sand bear, are wearing heavy armor, strong, holding a hammer soldiers, in the war.

By right.

For example, in shayin village, the only way to cultivate is to seek perfection and not quantity. Their ninjas should not be afraid of any talents even if they are defeated in fighting alone.

However, these carefully selected elites are helpless in the face of this group of armored soldiers.

Even some people showed a look of fear!

"Damn, what are they?! How can you not die

"I love you?! Haven't I come yet? We're going to lose the line of defense! "

you 're right.

That's the problem.

It's not that they don't defeat these Armored Warriors.

But these armored soldiers can't be killed at all!

No matter they attack the key points or pierce the heart, these armored soldiers will continue to attack Shanren without pausing.

What makes them feel helpless most is that the physical strength of these armored soldiers seems to be exhausted.

From the very beginning of the battle, up to now, both strength and speed are still at their peak. The strength of each attack is still as strong as it was at the beginning.

They're not so much biological.

They are more like puppets manipulated by others.

It's a pity.

It's not their turn to think about the truth.

Because they have to stick to this line until the rescue comes.

Otherwise, once the enemy attacked here, straight into the country of wind.

For the people of the wind country, the consequences are unimaginable!

And just when these sand bears were about to be unstoppable, an orange and translucent chakra suddenly appeared on the battlefield and joined the war!

This translucent orange chakra, or condensed into claws, or into several tails, will be in danger of sand tolerance, to one by one rescued!

The armored soldiers were shot to the sea by this sudden energy.

With a "poop" sound, he fell into the sea.

The only remaining armored soldiers seemed to be aware of their defeat and began to retreat to the sea.

Confused sand tolerance, have to look at the source of this energy.

When you see someone coming, you look dazed and happy!

"Naruto, you're back!"

"Ha ha ha! Naruto, you're back! That would be great! "

you 're right!

It is Naruto who left miaomushan to help them out of danger! Although he was very stubborn in persuading Naruto to stay, he failed in the end.

And the Naruto after leaving miaomu mountain.

Because in his cognition, shayin village is the most familiar.

So the first place he thought of was shayin village.

I'm going to ask Ai Luo and others here to see if their villages have heard of the way to resurrect people.

As soon as they arrived, they just sensed that there was a fight at the border of Windland.

So Naruto went to see what happened.

As a result, he found out the situation here and did not hesitate to help them. No matter who was right or wrong, he played first.

And the reaction of sand endure, let Naruto slightly a Leng, immediately reveal the expression of a wry smile.

I didn't expect

I didn't expect

Compared with his own village, Muye

They would even show more welcome to themselves.

Naruto can clearly feel that this group of sand tolerance, which has not been seen for many days, is really welcoming themselves, rather than disguised.

One by one, they come forward to Naruto like elders, or pat him on the shoulder, or say hello.

"Ha ha ha! I've grown up a lot! Thanks to you this time! "

"I have come here. Don't leave so soon this time. Let's treat you well!"

Different from the original.

Life in shayin village has been much better for Naruto's sake. After all, with Naruto's help, they were able to reach an agreement with Muye village so smoothly.

After that, they don't have to worry about resources.

And all this is due to Naruto.

So most people in shayin village are very grateful to Naruto.

So after seeing Naruto, there is such a sincere picture.

A moment later.

Nor wait for Naruto to respond one by one.

I love Luo also arrived at the scene at this time.

He was also very happy to see Naruto appear. But the business is important, he just nodded with Naruto, and immediately ordered: "fire the flare."

A few of them nodded their heads.


These sand endure then from the scroll, took out a heavy machine similar to a cylinder, toward the dark sky, issued a few flares.

When the flare came to this sea area, a huge steamship suddenly came into people's eyes!

It doesn't matter.

What's more frightening is that the steamship did not hesitate to fire dozens of shells at them on the beach! Seeing this, I love Luo and scold him secretly, "Damn it!".

Immediately, a large sand wall was used to block the attack.

Kan Jiulang uses chuck cable to see a group of sand tolerance rolled to a safe position.


It's a roar.

The shells blasted the sand wall and the dust was rolling.

you 're right!

This huge steamboat is just from the theater version of "illusory ruins"! The owner of the steamship is Hyde. He specially lures the child, uses the special method, extracts the child's vitality.

Those undead armored soldiers were made at the expense of those cheated children!

And he came here, is to look for greal's stone, hope to rely on greal's stone to complete his hegemony!

Of course, without the butterfly effect of Li Yaoxiang.

Maybe they will follow the normal development until the end.

But how can there be so many ifs in the world?

And just as Hyde, a heartless fellow, stood in the control room, appreciating the power of the cannonball with satisfaction, his expression froze there in vain!

I rubbed my eyes.

He saw something unbelievable!

When the dust is gone

On the beach

How can there be such a huge fox on the beach?!

What's more, this giant fox has a big mouth and a powerful energy in it. It seems that it is going to launch into his baby steam boat!


Am I wrong?

Hyde's thoughts, until the last moment, are still in their own presbyopia.

And in his field of vision, he watched the energy mass coming towards him.

In Hyde's field of vision, the tail jade is getting bigger and bigger.

Until it covers his entire view.

That's the end of his thought.

People on the beach only heard a deafening explosion, and then enjoyed a dazzling light, until finally, the light gradually turned into a mushroom cloud.

The crowd came back from the shock and cheered.

I love Luo Ze said to the Naruto who changed back to human form with a smile: "go! Go back to the village first! "

That's it.

Naruto followed a group of people and went back to shayin village under the support of the stars

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