A heavy gate several meters high.

"Boom and boom.".

He was pushed away by Miyan.

When Naruto comes back from his mind, Miyan has already stood in the distance and watched him for a long time. Naruto goes into the gate. Look around.

The scene here is not much different from that outside.

However, there are two more people in the door.

A man and a woman.

The man sat on a high chair, skinny and seemingly weak.

The woman stood beside the man, seemingly guarding him.

What surprised Naruto most was that the so-called leader of Xiao, the puppet of "Miyan", was standing behind the skinny guy.

A pair of skinny guy, horse head for look.

The man and woman Naruto saw were, of course, the body of changmen and Xiaonan.

The reason why changmen brought Naruto here today is that after Naruto passed the three thresholds set in his heart, changmen had the intention to confess everything to Naruto.

After all, Naruto has to rely on himself to revive Hatta. In addition to the lobbying just now, changmen is not afraid that Naruto will not agree to his request.

Naruto hesitated and said to the long door on which Kao sat: "are you..."

Changmen said with a smile, "as you can see, this is who I am. OK? Do you think it's funny? The body has become like this, but also in vain to want world peace. "

Naruto just wanted to say something.

But changmen interrupted: "maybe you will feel very confused, even ridiculous, why do I have to manage so much, why do I have to persist

I can only say

You also belong to the whirlpool group. Compared with me, you are too happy. You will never feel the cruelty of war, nor will you ever realize how precious "peace" is

You've never been through a war. You don't care. I don't blame you.

But I'm not like you.

When the kingdom of vortexes was destroyed and the vortexes were destroyed, I was just a child at that time.

I watched as one clan member after another was killed in front of me.

I watched as my parents sacrificed themselves to save me. Until the end, I couldn't escape to Yuyin village, but I met the war again... "

That's all.

Changmen looked at Xiaonan and Miyan, and continued: "I have no relatives and friends, and I have met them here. We, who are also victims of war, can only survive by picking up garbage or stealing

Recalling the past

I still can't imagine how our three children survived in that vicious environment! We've had enough of these days!

Do not hope that our descendants, will suffer the same experience!

So at that time, we made an oath!

We must create a paradise of peace and a place not affected by war!

Cough! Cough! Cough

The more changmen said, the more excited he was.

Speaking of excitement, I coughed a few times.

Xiaonan hurriedly wanted to help changmen, but changmen waved her hand and refused her kindness.

Changmen will continue to speak!


Changmen began to talk about their changes.

Miyan's death made him realize that in this corrupt world, it is impossible to realize their dream! If they want to realize their dream, the only thing they can do is to completely change the rotten world!


Changmen was so excited that his face was flushed. He said to Naruto in a trembling voice: "so, do you understand my feelings now? Do you understand why I'm holding on? "

The story of changmen.

It's moving though.

It's great, too.

But Naruto couldn't listen.

Now he just wants to revive the young farmland. As long as it's not about Chutian, Naruto can't concentrate on it.

Naruto truthfully replied, "I'm sorry, since you have known the purpose of my coming here, you should know how important Hata is to me.

I'm not in the mood to take care of other things except the resurrection of hatada... "

The atmosphere became awkward.

Xiao Nan just wants to scold Naruto.

But he was stopped by the long door and said, "it's ok... I take it for granted. I shouldn't force you to agree with our ideas. Since you only care about how to revive hatada, let's talk about it. "


When Naruto heard this key sentence, he was full of spirit, afraid of missing any sentence of changmen.

Changmen calmed down and said, "I really have the ability to help you revive her, but... Before I revive her, you must help me fulfill my wish for world peace."

As soon as Naruto's body was shocked, his face became extremely dignified.

The requirement of changmen is not high!

It's not easy to talk about world peace?

What's more, who can guarantee that changmen will come back to life?

Naruto has to take these factors into consideration.

I thought about it for a long time.

Naruto suddenly found a loophole in changmen's language. Naruto looked bad and asked, "how can I believe what you say? Since you say you can raise the dead. Then why don't you bring Miyan back to life? "

It seems that Naruto had expected this question.

Changmen didn't even think about it, and directly replied, "do you really think that I don't need to pay for resurrecting a person? Overuse of my eyes will only make me weaker.

Resurrect him, and I will die.

And lost my power.

We will never realize our dream.

Similarly, you can see my physical condition now.

I will die for you.

So, if you want me to help you, you must help me realize the dream of world peace before I die. "

Now Naruto is really in trouble.

All kinds of past experiences, the ape flying day kill that hypocritical guy, bring Naruto's shadow, drive today's Naruto, have to carefully consider everything.

Here, there are still a lot of tricks that can't be sorted out.

For example, how to ensure that changmen will not break its promise.

For example, how can changmen confirm whether the world will be in chaos again after his death? If changmenlian didn't think of this, does it mean that he didn't want to keep his promise at all?


No matter how complicated the problem is.

In front of Naruto, there is still only one choice.

That is to agree with changmen's request!

After all, whether changmen abides by or breaks his promise, he has no choice, right? He must come back to life! Even if there is only one in ten thousand possibility, he will not miss any chance to revive the hatchlings!

Think of it here.

Naruto Ku Ran is cheerful.

The brows stretch.

”I can promise you, but how can you guarantee that you will help me revive daisy after the event“

PS: it's almost the last big story! The fire shadow chapter will probably end in 40000-500000 words. If you write a complete story of Huoying in 500000 words, you will know that I don't have much water!

In the next world, you don't know how many people will be lost, and you don't know which world you want to see.


For the sake of my lack of water, at least give me a full order in the fire shadow chapter ~ ~ otherwise, my grades are too poor, and I don't know whether this book can last to the world you want to see.)

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