(the third 10000 dollar reward for blue mirror protector

Sasuke was in a trance.

Then, as if hearing the biggest joke in the world, he couldn't help laughing: "your brother died? Ha ha, don't be kidding. How is that possible? How did your brother die? Naruto, are you kidding me

Naruto has some doubts in his heart.

Sasuke's response, he felt speechless strange.

How does it sound? I always feel that Sasuke seems to have known his brother for a long time?

Although there is something strange, Naruto can't think about so many complicated things. He just wanted to talk to Sasuke about the pain in his heart.

Now that Sasuke knows something about his brother.

That would be great.

Maybe Sasuke noticed some clues when he was getting along with himself before, or maybe there were other reasons. Anyway, as long as you save yourself the trouble of reinterpretation, no matter how much.

Naruto's voice was hoarse, and he cried: "no... no... it's true. My brother really died this time. He died to revive me. Sasuke, you teach me, what should I do?

Daisy died, I can revive daisy.

But my brother died, how can I revive him?

Do I really want to lose my brother forever? "

He said.

Naruto just wanted to jump into Sasuke's arms, hoping to get Sasuke's comfort and care. But I didn't expect that Sasuke suddenly staggered him and let him jump on the air.

Sasuke stepped back.

While shaking his head, he kept whispering, "impossible, impossible, your brother can't die.". The whole person looks like a lunatic who is about to lose control.

I heard about Li Yaoxiang's death.

Sasuke's expression is full of unacceptable and unbelievable.

It lasted for a while.

Sasuke suddenly yelled at Naruto: "impossible! How could your brother die! You're lying to me! You're lying to me -- "

It's over.

While Sasuke continued to murmur "impossible, impossible," he turned and left.

Never look at Naruto again.

Sasuke's change made Naruto look silly.

He just watched Sasuke leave in a daze, completely confused about what was going on. How did Sasuke suddenly become like this?

However, Naruto today can't think about so many things at all.

He only felt the pain and suffering in his heart.

Sasuke left.

But the pain and discomfort still can't be released

What should we do?

What can we do to reduce the pain?

At this time, Naruto's mind suddenly flashed all kinds of pictures.

There are pictures of being bullied and imprisoned as a child. There is a disgusting picture of ape flying day chop trying to kill him and wronging him. The picture of youzhicun tuanzang killing Chutian. Until the end, it is also hypocritical, tears pierced his chest. Mouth picture.

This scene reappeared in my mind.

Every flash.

Naruto's heart is cold.





As his thoughts become more and more indifferent, Naruto's blackening degree has been soaring! The colder it is, the faster the blackening will be! Up to 97%, it can stop!


Brain stimulation, but also let Naruto's pupil force soared!

If the former pupil force is only enough for Naruto to open the second stage of xuzoneng, then the present pupil force is completely enough for Naruto to open the third stage of xuzoneng!

It's you!

It's all you!

But for you, I would not have felt so much pain!

But for you, my brother would not have died!


Good -!

Since you like to bring me pain, since my pain can not be eliminated, from now on, let the whole world feel the pain together!

Naruto stands up slowly.

Physical strength is recovering bit by bit!

Just stand firm body, Naruto suddenly frown, he felt in the body has a familiar energy. In order to confirm his conjecture, Naruto shouts directly: "nine lamas, are you? Are you still in me? "

After the death of man, the chakra of the tailed beast will dissipate in the heaven and earth.

Only after a period of time will it come out again.

This knowledge Naruto knows.

Just now, in a state of panic and confusion, Naruto did not have time to feel his new life.

Now it's calming down.

He felt the abnormality in his body.

But his question is doomed to ask the wrong person, because Jiuwei is also not clear about the situation: "this... I don't know... According to reason, after you die, I will disappear for a long time. But when you are resurrected, I will wake up slowly. "

That's what happened.

Of course, it's Li Yaoxiang's masterpiece.

Because Li Yaoxiang knows that in the next plan, if there is no accident, Naruto will encounter a great disaster. He estimated that only with the kaleidoscope and the blood of the whirlpool clan, we should not be able to successfully survive this disaster.

In the current situation.

He's really out of the limelight.

Not suitable for reappearance, resurrect Naruto.

That's why Li Yaoxiang spent some blackening points to revive Naruto and seal the nine tails in Naruto's body again. Because Naruto at that time will definitely need the power of nine tails.

I can't think of a reason.

Naruto doesn't think about it anymore.

Thanks to his omnipotent brother.

At the thought of his brother, Naruto felt a dull pain again.

He put chakra into Xiao's ring.

Not long.

His projection appeared in Xiao's base.

Sensing the situation, changmen immediately said, "Naruto? What's wrong? Are you in a hurry to find me? Is there something wrong with you

Normally speaking, Naruto will not contact changmen until he catches the strength of the pillar. According to the day Naruto left the base, it began to calculate. Changmen felt that Naruto should not have finished the task so soon, so he asked.

As for

Why the news of changmen has become so backward.

He has no way to know why Daming of the five countries and wudaren village aim at Naruto. That's due to playing tricks behind the scenes. He told Bai Jue to report only the superficial situation and conceal the real situation.

Hearing changmen's question about himself, Naruto reminds him of the things he met not long ago. Then he sinks in his heart and says in a cold voice, "what's the problem? ha-ha. No, I'm very good here! Better than ever

Changmen: "then you come to me..."

Naruto: "didn't you tell me before that if you want to cause an all-out war among the five powers, you have two choices? I've changed my mind now. I don't want to be that troublesome. Just destroy one of the villages! "

The change of Naruto makes changmen a little unaccustomed.

But in order to realize the dream

Silent for a moment, he chose to ignore: "yes, I will cooperate with you here. Which village do you want to target? "

Naruto in the projection grins: "Muye!"

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