A figure rushed out of the jungle.

The figure is sitting on a lion painted in ink. There are also two ink lions beside the lion. There are three ink lions in a row. The ink lion on which the figure is sitting takes the lead and rushes in the direction of Naruto.

you 're right!

It's Sakai!

The weak have their own ways. The weak doesn't mean he can't defeat the strong. If we want to defeat the strong, we must be more cautious.

As a weak person, sasai knows this very well.

He knows his own strength and the gap with Naruto.

Therefore, as a weak person, he can do it by waiting.

Waiting for the start of the four shadows conference.

Waiting for dawn's attack.

Waiting for a chance to kill Naruto.

Originally, when the war began, he was ready to sneak into the battlefield, looking for opportunities to get close to Naruto and kill Naruto. But when he found out that Sasuke had come, and found that Sasuke had the same idea as himself, he could not help but be pleased.

As long as Sasuke is willing to help, that's the best.

If you help Sasuke, maybe you don't have to do it yourself to force Li Yaoxiang out.

He's lurking again.

The whole process of Sasuke's fight with Naruto is observed one by one. However, the strength of the two is too strong, affecting the scope is too large, low strength of him, can only stay in the distance to observe.

And the situation in the future is indeed developing in a good way.

He saw two huge "monsters" fighting fiercely.

It's not like fraud.

That made him even more excited.

The fiercer the battle, the more likely it is to be successful.

It's a pity.

The picture of fighting, until the two monsters have disappeared, will never be seen again.

It's too far away.

Anxious, he immediately sat on the ink lion and rushed to the direction where the "monster" disappeared. He didn't dare to ride the blackbird. He was afraid to be found.


He came to the edge of the jungle.

I saw two people lying on the ground.

He stopped breathing and stayed in the jungle to watch the change.

But over time.

The distance was too far. Although he could not hear any sound, he could see that both of them were still moving. It made him feel angry and happy.

Happily, he noticed Naruto's eyes and saw Naruto's fatigue. Is this a failure of both sides?

Angry, Naruto has been lying so close, Sasuke did not choose to start!

Is that true?

With the relationship between them, is Sasuke really hard hearted?

But it doesn't matter.

It's best if you lose both.

Since you can't do it, I'll do it again!

Unlike Sasuke, Sasuke and Naruto have no feelings. As long as there is a chance, he will start without hesitation. Even if Li Yaoxiang can't be forced to come out, it will take revenge for playing with him!

After having a decision in mind.

Sakai immediately summoned two more ink lions.

We rushed out together!

So far away, there are ruins around. Hiding is impossible. So sasai simply rushed over without hiding his hostility.

Even Naruto after the war, he has to look forward and backward, and dare not deal with it.

Then he won't get even.

Go back and find a daughter-in-law to have a baby.

And sasai rushed over with Xiao Sha's intention.

Sasuke and Naruto, of course, can not be aware of the movement in the distance.

Sasuke took a look at the distance. When he saw that the person coming was Sakai, he immediately knew what he thought. He wanted to kill Naruto and force Li Yaoxiang out, just like himself.

It was a surprise to see Sasuke.

Anxious, his first thought was to get up and stop Sakai.

But then he found out that his body was too tired.

Even getting up can't be done quickly.

He knew that sasai would not be soft handed.

I know Naruto is blind now.

The situation is very dangerous.

Sasuke quickly turned to look at Naruto and said in a hurry: "Naruto. Quick... "

Unfortunately, it's too late. The distance between the jungle and where they lie is neither too far nor too close. Can Ninja's speed, under the full sprint, is how fast?

Zoe well riding ink lion, in the electric light flint, has come to two people not far away.

But the Naruto in Sasuke's eyes is still lying there, not getting up.

But it's fast.

Sasuke found that his worries were superfluous

Because Naruto instantly called out chakra coat, and entered the immortal mode.

Chakra's coat condenses into claws. As soon as it stretches and becomes bigger, it slaps the three ink lions together with Sakai. Sasai, unable to take precautions, formed a straight line and flew backwards.

Three ink lions were scattered.

It turned into ink in the air.

He spilled it all over sasai.

Sasai's body hit the ground, rolled several times, and dragged the ground for a long distance, which stopped his body.

One move.

With just one move, sasai has been defeated.

Sasuke looked at the scene with some surprise.

He knew that he cared.

He remembered that he had no physical strength. It was himself, not Naruto.

How can Naruto know the direction of Sakai so accurately and hit him?

What Sasuke doesn't know is that Naruto, as a Nine Tailed man, is becoming more and more proficient in using Nine Tailed chakras as he grows older. What he is good at is to sense good and evil.

With nine tails.

Even if he is blind, it can't affect Naruto's position to capture the enemy.

Naruto can't see Sasuke's surprised eyes.

He sighed helplessly.

Thinking that "someone is going to kill himself, I don't know who it is this time", he stood up slowly with his hands on the ground, and was about to go forward to give the enemy a good time.

Naruto can keep hands on Sasuke.

But that doesn't mean Naruto will keep hands on others.

You want to kill yourself.

That is to have the consciousness of being killed.

I killed him.

Sasai, who fell on the ground, was badly injured and couldn't move for a short time. He can only red eyes, staring at Naruto walking towards him.

Clench your teeth and think: is it over

Just as Naruto was about to arrive in front of Sakai, Sasuke reluctantly stood up and yelled to Naruto, "don't kill him..."

Naruto's ears move.

The pace of progress stopped.

Slightly side, waiting for Sasuke to say.

Sasuke: "like me, he has been working for your brother all these years. The reason why you were assassinated is probably to force your brother to show up.

Let him go.

He's alive. Maybe he can give us more clues to find your brother. "

That's the first thing to say.

Naruto and Sakai are both very surprised.

Sasai did not expect that Sasuke had told Naruto all about Li Yaoxiang.

Naruto did not expect that it was not just Sasuke who worked for his brother. Doesn't that mean that Sasuke's words are more reliable?

In my heart, I have been trying to defend my brother.

Constantly thinking about how to overturn Sasuke's conjecture has not become a joke?

[blackening degree: 99%...]

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