That's the first thing to say.

Has been in the mind nagging a non-stop voice, suddenly quiet down.

Far away, Li Yaoxiang, who is cooking food for customers, looks confused.

Isn't that right?

Shouldn't it?

What's going on? What went wrong?

According to his calculation, after a long time of layout, Naruto should be able to increase the degree of blackening in this attack. How could the system not react at all?

Li Yaoxiang had an idea. He immediately opened the system interface to see what was wrong.

Host: Li Yaoxiang

Target of blackening: Naruto

Target Soul: 4040

Blackening degree: 0%

Blackening value: 0

Shopping mall: a brief introduction


Li Yaoxiang felt like vomiting blood.

What's going on?!

How can Naruto's soul value change from 540 to 4040?! The higher the soul value, the stronger the will of the person, and the more difficult it is to blacken. Aren't you playing with me?!

It's 40 years old. How can I be black?!

What's going on?

What went wrong?

It's just a small blow. How can the will become so firm?

no way!

It can't go on like this.

It's going to take a lot of medicine.

And no matter what happened to Naruto's soul, and whether he could complete the 100% blackening task. The most urgent task is to get the first batch of blackening spots anyway, otherwise, there is no guarantee for one's life in this world.

"Boss! Boss

"Well? "Ha?"

"It's burnt. The food is burnt."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about something just now. I lost my mind. I'll cook another one for you."


The picture returns to Naruto.

During the period when Li Yaoxiang doubted his life, Naruto had already cleaned his whole body.

The tears are gone.

The clothes are clean.

The whole person becomes fresh and fresh.

They even started to clean the room on their own.

This scene made Li Yaoxiang's mouth twitch. But he can't manage so much. The horse is dead.

"Naruto, I'm glad to see that you can pick yourself up so soon. It's proof that you've really grown up. "

While sweeping the floor, Naruto responded in his mind: "well, brother. I will take good care of myself in the future, and I won't let you worry about me any more. "

With a young body.

I can also savor all kinds of things I got along with my brother.

This makes Naruto who is already 70 years old and 80 years old feel very happy.

What he didn't know was that Li Yaoxiang in the space of consciousness looked like a ghost. What's going on? How can Naruto, who has always been lively and mischievous, become so clever and sensible?

"Cough! Cough After coughing awkwardly, Li continued, "now that you've grown up, it's time to tell you something."


Naruto stops sweeping the floor.

I wonder to myself, what bad idea is this brother making?

Li Yaoxiang: "all along, you are very curious. Why do people treat you as a monster and don't want to be friends with you?"

Naruto's heart suddenly appears two expressions.

First of all, this: (⊙ 0 ⊙)

And this one: (≖‿ゝ≖✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧≖‿ゝ)

"PATA!" Let's hear it.

The broom fell to the ground.

Naruto in reality was stunned and could not even hold the broom. In his mind, he said anxiously: "brother... You... Do you know why? Tell me, will you tell me soon? "

Li Yaoxiang.

He nodded to himself.

I am very satisfied with Naruto's performance.

Li Yaoxiang: "that's because you are really a fox. There is a fox sealed in your body."

"No... impossible... How could I be a fox?"

"Brother, are you mistaken?"

Li Yaoxiang: "what's the matter? unconvinced? In that case, let go and I'll take you to a place. "

A moment later.

In the seal space of Jiuwei, there was a big bang.

So big claws, slapping on the cage.

Naruto was so scared that he sat down on the black pool.

Just like at the beginning, Li Yaoxiang didn't show his real body. He just communicated with Naruto in his mind: "how about it? Now I know why we all call you fox? "

"No... no..."

"How could that be?"

"How can I be a fox?"

Jiuwei: "boy, how did you come here?"

"I... i... I don't know, I suddenly appeared here..."

Jiuwei: "boy, don't you really want to make friends? Come here and help me tear off the seal in front of the cage! As long as you tear off this seal, I will be your friend! "


Li Yaoxiang also seduced: "go, tear."

Naruto: "no... no... brother, can I not tear it? Is he the fox that everyone talks about? If I tear it, will the fox come out of the cage and hurt everyone

Li Yaoxiang: "it's OK. Believe me, he can't come out and hurt everyone."

Naruto: "no, I don't want to..."

Li Yaoxiang: "tear it."

Naruto: "No."

"Tear it."


Li Yaoxiang_ 눈

Li Yaoxiang in the space of consciousness can't help taking a deep breath. I used to see Naruto, how to see how cute. How can I see Naruto now? I have an impulse to wake up the little boy in front of me.

What's going on?

How can things go wrong so often?

Naruto doesn't tear it, does he tear it by himself?

Naruto: "brother... Brother, can you let me think about it again? I dare not approach the big cage. When I get used to it, I'll come back, OK

Li Yaoxiang is holding his breath.

Forced to endure the heart of the grievance.

Finally spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, helpless way: "OK. I'll bring you back tomorrow. Naruto, remember, you've grown up. You have to face some things bravely, you know? "

Naruto: "well."

A moment later.

Naruto's vision returns to reality again.

I don't know if I feel tired because I haven't made any achievements in my plan of working hard for several years, or because I have been repeatedly hindered. In the next few years, Li Yaoxiang didn't talk to Naruto again.

Even the stores in reality closed early today.

Naruto wondered why his brother felt so urgent for him?

Can't we wait a few more days?

Think about it.

Naruto suddenly realized.

He then remembered that not only he but also his brother had no strength at this time. Moreover, he vaguely remembers that his brother in this period would soon be in trouble.

If you can't blacken yourself, you can't enhance your strength.

How did brother get through this crisis?

It seems that we can't pretend to be naive

We must blacken it properly, at least let my brother have the ability to protect himself in this world.

It's just... The ninth Lama is not a problem.

Nine lamas are still useful to him.

We can only start from other aspects.

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