"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Great! Great

"Then I want to practice! I'm going to practice hard! "

"I can prove to you that I will not let the fox hurt you!"

Although it's just communicating in the mind.

But after hearing Li Yaoxiang say that there is a solution, Naruto can't help jumping happily in reality.

However, before he was happy for a long time, he was stunned there, because: "but... But... How to cultivate?"

"Naruto, open your mind, I'll take you to a place."

On hearing Li Yaoxiang say "let go of your mind", Naruto was shocked for no reason: "you... You... Are you going to take me to see that big fox again? I... i... can I not see him? Fire shadow grandfather said, don't go to see that big fox again. "

Naruto didn't forget what he was told in the meeting room.

Moreover, the villagers are so afraid of Jiuwei, which also leads to the feeling that even he is scared when facing Jiuwei.

However, this feeling of fear was soon dispelled by Li Yaoxiang.

Because compared with other people, Li Yaoxiang is undoubtedly more trustworthy to Naruto.

"Naruto, do you believe me?"

Hearing this, Naruto responded and responded with a "um" without hesitation!

No matter who says something, as long as the master of the voice insists on letting him do something, he will do it without hesitation! Because "the master of the voice" is his only relative in the world.

Naruto immediately relaxed his mind and let Li Yaoxiang take him to another place.


A moment later.

In the space of consciousness.

Li Yaoxiang opened the door without permission.

Come to Naruto's room.

At this time, Naruto in the space of consciousness, still lying there.

Breathing is very smooth.

This is also the normal state of everyone in the space of consciousness. If there is no special reason, it will never wake up. The reason why Li Yaoxiang chose to bring Naruto here for a meeting this time is that it is related to his third step plan of blackening Naruto. Let's not talk about it now.

That's it.

Li Yaoxiang walks up to xiaonaruto.

Poked him in the face.

I didn't wake up

Poke again!

I didn't wake up

Poke again!

Some impatient Li Yaoxiang, pull out his beard this time!

"Ah, ah, ah!" Naruto in the space of consciousness, covering his beard, the whole person jumped up, "who?! Who is it? Which bastard pulled my beard

Look left, look right!

Finally, he focused on a handsome big brother. He ignored the environment and the reason why he was here. He walked to the handsome big brother angrily and pointed at him, saying, "you! You pulled my beard, right? "

Li Yaoxiang ignored Naruto's abuse.

For a few years.

Took care of Naruto for several years.

This is also Li Yaoxiang's first close contact with Naruto.

Squat down.

Smile gently at Naruto: "what's the matter? Don't you even recognize me? "

I heard the sound.

Naruto was very angry because of the pain on his face.

Blindfolded on the spot!

Then, he looked at Li Yaoxiang inconceivably and pointed to him: "is... Is... Is... Is... Is it you?"

Li Yaoxiang's voice, Naruto even if dead can not forget!

But he can't believe that he and the "master of the voice" will meet one day!

It's not that he didn't think that it would be great if "the owner of the voice" was more than just a voice.

But this idea just flashed away, and he didn't dare to think about it any more.

Because he was afraid that the more he hoped, the more disappointed he would be.

Because of this, when Naruto saw Li Yaoxiang's real face and made a voice that he could not be more familiar with, he still wanted to confirm it again and again. He was afraid of everything in front of him. It was just a dream he had imagined.

And the dream will soon be over and broken.

Li Yaoxiang dialed Naruto's messy yellow hair and nodded.

Then Naruto's tears came out.

The whole crowd!

Hold Li Yaoxiang tightly!

I'm afraid that Li Yaoxiang will disappear suddenly.

Li Yaoxiang also shed a tear because of Naruto's action.

Seriously, I have been in the world of fire shadow for many years.

I've been trembling for years.

This is also the first time that Li Yaoxiang has truly felt that he has relatives waiting for him to "go home.".

Naruto is his only relative in the world of fire shadow.

The feelings of both sides are so sincere.

After wiping the tears and cleaning up his mood, Li Yaoxiang just broke Naruto's hands tightly around his neck: "OK, OK. It's not that we won't see each other again. "

Li Yaoxiang's tears are gone.

The mood also calmed down.

But Naruto was still in tears.

Holding Li Yaoxiang's clothes, he would not let go.

"You... You... Are you real?"

"You really, really?"

Li Yaoxiang put his hands on Naruto's cheek and wiped the tears on Naruto's face with his thumb: "idiot, what a big man. Still crying? Of course I am! Don't worry, we'll have a lot of opportunities to meet in the future. "

Naruto snorted a few times and said with a crying voice, "why do you call me a fool again? Can you stop calling me a fool? "

Li Yaoxiang chuckled: "as long as you are not stupid, I will not call you stupid in the future."

"Well, don't cry."

"Wipe away your tears quickly. I brought you in this time to teach you how to be strong."

I thought that as long as Naruto hears the word "becoming stronger", he will stop. But I don't want to. Compared with becoming stronger, making friends and playing with others, Naruto cares more about Li Yaoxiang, the "master of the voice" who has been with him since he was sensible.

Naruto looked forward: "what's your name? What should I call you? "

Li Yaoxiang was also confused by Naruto's question.

He didn't really think about it.

But he quickly said, "you can call me brother."

Naruto looks very happy.

Stammered: "I... I really... I can really call you brother?"

Li Yaoxiang nodded.

After getting Li Yaoxiang's affirmative reply, Naruto immediately turned around, jumped and danced in the same place, cheering.



"I have a brother, too!"

"I'm not an orphan! I'm not alone! I have a brother! I have a brother! "

Jump, jump.

Naruto took Li Yaoxiang's hands again and continued to jump until finally, he simply held Li Yaoxiang tightly in his arms again and muttered, "brother, don't leave me alone in the future, OK?"

Three year old Naruto

This is the Naruto that Li Yaoxiang has taken care of for three years since he was a baby.

Li Yaoxiang did not answer and did not refuse.

But his right hand naturally patted Naruto on the back, as if telling Naruto, don't worry, my brother won't leave you

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