The world of the pirate king is a place full of stories.

When Li Yaoxiang and Lu Fei are experiencing their own stories, different stories are happening all over the world.

These stories are happy, angry, sad and happy.

The next story starts when Luffy was one year old.

Somewhere in the North Sea, a child two years older than Luffy was born into a declining royal family. In order to let the past glory reappear, his father did not hesitate to transform his children's blood lineage, enhance their physique, and tried to cultivate them into an emotionless killing machine.

Unfortunately, this child, two years older than Luffy, is of good nature.

I can't get everyone's approval.

He was regarded as a failure by his father.

The whole childhood can be said to have been bullied by brothers and sisters.

What's more, in the whole family, the mother who loved the child the most was seriously ill and would soon die. In order to make his mother happy, he chose to go to the kitchen secretly and cooked some food for his mother.

How can a three-year-old cook food for the first time?

But no matter how bad it was, his mother ate all the food and showed a happy smile.

Also because of this smile, and then completely changed the child's life.

In order to see his mother's smile again, he put more attention on cooking.

And even fell in love with cooking.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last long.

For a long time, his father carefully arranged the training for him. His performance was a great disappointment to his father. In order to punish him and treat him as a negative teaching material, his father finally decided to put an iron headband on him and put him in prison.

This pass has been closed for half a year.

However, this experience did not put out his idea of becoming a chef.

Instead, he got a message in the book!

This message made him have a dream!

He's going to find all blue!

A sea of ingredients from all over the world!

So he decided to run away! Escape from this home that doesn't belong to him. With the help of his elder sister and father, he finally escaped from the prison.

Around the corner, he came to a passenger ship.

He worked as an intern chef on the passenger ship.

I'm eight years old.

On this day, two uninvited guests came to this passenger ship adrift in the East China Sea. The two guests appeared on the deck of the passenger ship through a transparent air door.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately caused a sensation among the people on board.

Devil fruit power!

It's the devil fruit power!

I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I seen pigs run?

It's certainly not their passenger ship that can offend the demons.

So the captain of the passenger ship came respectfully to them immediately after he got the news and said, "ha ha, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to the presence of the two adults? Let me know if you have anything! The villain will try his best to do it for the two adults! "

Wearing the mask of death, Li Yaoxiang said in a cold voice, "it's OK. You just keep doing your own business. We just want to stay here for a while."

"Oh! Good, good! Now the little man will tell you to prepare a room for the two adults! "

Li Yaoxiang did not refuse.

Led Luffy into the cabin with a crew member.

On the way, silly Lufei couldn't help asking, "big brother, didn't you mean to take me to find a new partner? My partner is here? "

"From now on, I will only take you with me."

"As for what kind of partner to look for and how to look for it, it's up to you to decide and choose."

Luffy frowned and fell into silence.

15 minutes later.

They took a rest in the room, and then came to the dining room of the passenger ship.

Sit down and start ordering.

It is no different from the guests on ordinary passenger ships.

The insider was relieved to see that Li Yaoxiang didn't really want to make trouble.

If you don't know, it's no different.

Gradually, we became less formal and restored the atmosphere of this journey.

But at this time, a loud noise came from a certain position in the restaurant. I saw a guest in luxurious clothes, a tableware on the table to sweep to the ground.

The tableware was broken and the pieces were all over the floor.

The guests in luxurious clothes, in front of the service staff, is a good burst of abuse.

Scold that service personnel head low, dare not raise.

"How does your passenger ship do business?"

"Who cooked the food?! How can you treat guests with this kind of food? "

Ben was watching the captain of Li Yaoxiang nearby. When he heard the news, he immediately came to the customer with a smile, apologized and winked at several crew members to shout out the scapegoat.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This guest, I don't know where our food dissatisfies you? "

"Oh, which way? What do you mean by that?! Look at it yourself! It's all on the floor, and it won't rot! It's so hard. How do you want me to eat it? Do you think I'm paying for stones? "

"I'm sorry, this dish was cooked by a trainee chef on our ship. Maybe it's lack of experience, so there are some mistakes... "

"Trainee chef?! How dare you let me eat the food cooked by the trainee chef? "

At this time, the so-called internship chef also came here. Of course, the visitors have golden hair and curled eyebrows. At the same time, he is also the hero of the story. Eight years old, two years older than Luffy.

In principle, the class of the kitchen is very strict.

It's impossible for a practical chef like Shanzhi to have the opportunity to cook this kind of food.

There's no way.

It's only occasionally that the chef and the second chef fail.

Can't you break the sign of this restaurant?

As soon as Shanzhi arrived, the captain immediately took his arm and came to the guest: "don't you apologize to the guest? What is it cooking? You are not allowed to touch the pot in the future! "

The guest looked down at the 8-year-old, short man, and said, "is this the food you cooked?"

"Is there a problem?"

"So hard, who are you going to cook it for?"

"The food itself should be hard."

Seeing that Yamaji was still hard mouthed, the anger of the guests immediately came up again.

The captain quickly covered Yamaji's mouth and forced him to bow down to apologize.

Just as the guest in luxurious clothes was going to teach Yamaji a lesson, a figure even shorter than Yamaji came here at this time

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