Frost moon village.

Lu Fei and Li Yaoxiang, one big and one small, walk on the muddy road of the village. Luffy looked around curiously. He couldn't help looking up and asked, "big brother, why did you bring me here? Can it be stronger here? "

"Well, don't you like my silver horn very much? I'll bring you here to learn kendo. As long as you study hard until you can suppress Yin ho with your own strength, I'll give you Yin ho. "


Li Yaoxiang nodded.

Luffy's eyes are bright and his whole body is full of energy!

A moment later.

One big and one small came to a Kendo hall.

Kendo Hall's owner Geng Si Lang, who seemed to be Li Yaoxiang, welcomed him very politely: "welcome, Mr. Li! Thank you for your donation to Shuangyue village. Last time I didn't have time to thank you, so you left. This time you should stay a little longer, so that I can be a landlord. "

"It's nothing. It's just a little effort. It's nothing..."

While they were making all kinds of polite remarks here, Luffy was foolishly sightseeing around, completely ignoring the meaning of the Taoist master Geng sirang's reply.

Walking, he soon met a group of fierce bear children.

The leader didn't speak yet. On the contrary, a few bear kids who looked like a valet took the lead in questioning Luffy: "Hey, who are you? Do you know whose territory this is? What are you doing here? "

"Me? My name is Luffy! It's here to be stronger! "

"Stronger? It's a newcomer to learn Kendo... Forget it, no matter what your purpose is, since you are a newcomer, let's introduce you first! Standing in front of you, this is Mr. gengshiro's strongest apprentice, Solon! Sauron can be defeated even by adults! He will be your boss in the future! Why don't you come and see me? "

Hearing that Solon was the strongest, Luffy was excited.

"You are the strongest here?"

Hearing this, Solon closed his eyes and looked cool. Holding two wooden swords, Solon finally opened his eyes and stared at Lufei fiercely.

Luffy said excitedly, "I'm going to challenge you!"

Then, without saying a word, he attacked directly.


In the courtyard of Kendo hall, there is a great battle between ghosts and gods!

"Ha ha ha ha! Your moves don't work for me! I'm a rubber man! Watch the move! Rubber - 32 watt fist

"Damn it! You son of a bitch! You cheat

It's hard to separate the two.

Luffy relied on his ability to fight bravely.

Solon, on the other hand, relied on his double swordsmanship to fight back.

The noise is getting louder and louder, which finally attracts the attention of two adults, Geng sirang and Li Yaoxiang. When they came to the scene, one of them picked up Sauron's and Luffy's collars and separated them.

"Let go! let go! We haven't finished yet! As long as I beat him, I will be the strongest here! "

"Son of a bitch! If you can use a real knife, you will not be my opponent

Although they have been mentioned in midair by gengshiro and Li Yaoxiang, they still have a tit for tat. The two adults did not answer them.

Li Yaoxiang: "this is the child. His name is Luffy. I'm going to leave him here to learn Kendo from you. I hope you can take care of him for a while. "

Gengshiro: "OK, of course, no problem."

In this way, Lufei stayed in gengshiro's Kendo hall and learned Kendo with Solon.


Time flies.

Luffy practices his Kendo day after day in the Kendo hall.

On this day, he competed with Sauron about the number of times he wielded a knife.

"1001100210031004..." Solon is very serious, and his movements are very orthodox, and he carries out his daily knife exercise.

One side of the road fly also methodically followed in the side of the sword.

Solon waved as many knives as he could.

Solon hung the boulder on his wrist, which made it more difficult to wield the sword. He also increased the boulder on his wrist, and he was not willing to lose to Solon at all.

The sun is in the sky.

Both of them were sweating.

The number of times of wielding a knife is finally about to reach the goal that Solon asked for. He waves the last knife and shouts: "3000!"

Luffy followed closely, waving an extra knife: "3001!"

Then he looked at Solon with a smile, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and breathed a sigh: "hoo, today is my win again."

"Idiot! What's a win? "

"I'll wave you more."

"3000 is the goal of my morning exercise! You idiot! Don't think you'll beat me if you wave more than me! "

Luffy was still smiling and didn't care what Solon was saying.

One looks like I won.

Then turn around and leave.

But as soon as he turned around, Solon's voice came from behind: "30013002!"

Luffy turns and looks at Solon with a confused face. Solon looks at him with a cheap smile



As a result, this morning exercise will continue forever.

I don't know how many times this happened during Luffy's stay in kendo hall. Neither of them is willing to admit defeat.

It wasn't until gengshiro's daughter guyna came to call them for dinner that the early morning struggle came to an end.

However, the struggle at the table began immediately.

"Another bowl!"

"Two bowls!"

"Three bowls!"

"I want four bowls!"



Guyna gave two people a punch, that's the end.

After breakfast, it's the daily challenge. Of course, this is not the project arranged by gengsilang. What's more, Solon and Luffy have added their own links.

"Solon! I will challenge you

"Idiot, I don't want to fight you! If you could use a real knife, I would have killed you. Guyna, I'm going to challenge you! "

"Oh? After fighting so many times, can't we learn a lesson? You are not my match at all

"Damn it! I'm better than yesterday! Today, I will be able to defeat you

Luffy saw Solon challenge guyna, he also followed the challenge: "guyna, I also want to challenge you!"

"Idiot! You can't even win me. Why challenge guyna? "

"I don't care, I'm going to challenge!"

"Since you two want to be beaten so much, I'll help you. You two go together. "

"Damn it! Guyna! You look down on me! To deal with you, I am enough alone! You don't need this idiot! "

Luffy roared and screamed.

A moment later, several people came to the courtyard.

Sauron and Luffy, of course, are not willing to fight two against one, so when one starts, the other will watch first. It's just that Guyana naken did what they wanted?

Guyna at the same time with Solon, but also take the initiative to attack Luffy.

Finally, they had to work together to deal with guyna

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