The next morning.

Neither soron nor Luffy was depressed or lazy because of guyna's death. On the contrary, they work harder than before!

Both sides know in their hearts that they are not working hard alone.

They're going to work with guyna.

It's a commitment between them and guyna.

In this way, the days went on for several days.

Nothing special happened these days. Luffy and Solon's life is still exercise, exercise and more exercise.

Until that day.

As soon as Solon came to the Kendo hall, he found an unexpected guest in the hall. His master gengshiro was receiving this guy.

He knows this guy.

This guy is the masked man who led the way here to learn kendo.

As soon as he saw the masked man, Solon felt tight inside.

Then he rushed out without saying a word.

Running in the Taoist Museum.

Until he ran to the courtyard of Daoguan's backyard and found that Luffy was saying goodbye to other students one by one, he stopped walking and asked Luffy breathlessly, "are you going to leave?"

Luffy's eyes were full of sadness.

But he nodded.

Solon rushed forward and grabbed Luffy's collar: "son of a bitch! Didn't you promise guyna to work together?! What's the matter with you leaving now? "

"Even if I leave, I won't leave training."


Hearing this, Solon calmed down and released Luffy's collar.

In the situation of Luffy's face, soron suddenly turns and leaves.

Across the courtyard, back to the dojo.

Regardless of the two people who are talking, gengshiro and Li Yaoxiang pass by them directly, then take away the four real knives hanging on the wall and return to Lufei.

He threw one of the real swords to Luffy's feet, bit the hilt of one of the real swords in his mouth, and said, "before you leave, let's have a final contest."

Luffy smiles brightly.

Pick up the real knife.

The two sides put on a good posture and rushed directly towards each other.

Then, the collision between knives sounded in the courtyard.

It's very dense.

Luffy's swordsmanship is not as fresh as it was when he first came here. Even if he had a fight with Sauron, he had his way back and forth.

Solon can't take Luffy as easily as before.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

It's been a long time.

You come and I go.

Unfortunately, Luffy's talent in kendo is not as good as Sauron's.

In the end, Solon caught the moment of his mistake, picked up the real knife in his hand and ended the contest. The two sides looked at each other breathlessly for a long time.

No one spoke.

I don't know how long it took.

Sauron retracts the knife into its sheath.

Then, without any reason, he said, "how can you be the strongest in the world if you are so weak?"

"I will be stronger, stronger than anyone else!"

"Well, don't you often say that you want me to join you and become your partner? The next time we meet, if you can beat me, I'll join you! "

Luffy's bilateral corners of the mouth rise rapidly.

But Solon immediately added: "don't be happy too soon! If I find out that you have broken your promise to guyna and me, I will kill you myself

Luffy was stunned.

But soon the smile returned.


"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

A moment later, Solon seemed to think of something and suddenly asked, "by the way, you've been inviting me to join you. What do you want to do when you grow up?"

If it was before, Luffy would not hesitate to answer: I want to be a Navy!

But after the Saab incident, Luffy hesitated.

He found that not all navies were as good as he thought.

He began to get confused.

I don't know what I want.

He only knows that he yearns for the sea and freedom.

Seeing the complicated look on Luffy's face, Sauron was ashamed for a while. He only felt that he was really on a big event this time. I knew that the boy was unreliable, and I didn't even know what I wanted to do, so I casually invited others to join.

What's more terrible is that I actually agreed to

Soon after, Li Yaoxiang and gengshiro finished their conversation and came to the backyard. He was about to take Lufei away.

Just as they were about to step out of the gate of the dojo, Solon ran after them and cried out: "Luffy! You idiot! Don't forget our agreement

Luffy's eyes were moist, and he readily agreed.


After leaving the Kendo hall, Li Yaoxiang took Lufei to a secret place. He called out the air gate and took Lufei back to gorbo mountain.

Luffy walked back into Dadan's house as if nothing had happened.

"I'm back --"! Why? Are you eating meat? Well, I'm hungry, too! "

In a flash, the people who were eating turned their heads and looked at Lufei in surprise.

Ace rushed over and beat Lufei to the ground with one punch: "bastard! You disappeared for so many days! Where did you go? "

Luffy was a little surprised.

Cover your cheek.

He understood why ace suddenly came and beat himself.

"I... i... big brother took me to become stronger..."

"Big brother?"

Ace knows something about Li Yaoxiang. During the time with Luffy, Luffy talked to him and Saab.

"Idiot! Even so, can you leave without any explanation?! Do you know how worried people are about you during this period of time? "

"I... I..."

Luffy didn't know what to answer.

At this time, ACE saw the real knife that Luffy held in his arms. Luffy's current strength is not enough to suppress Yinhe, so Li Yaoxiang has not given Yinhe to Luffy.

What Lu Fei had in his arms was only a real sword he had brought back from gengshiro Kendo hall.

Ace also picked up his weapon that looked like a faucet pipe, pointed to Luffy and said, "good! You said you're going to get stronger yourself, right? Is that your weapon? Take your weapon and fight with me outside! I'd like to see how strong you are, the missing man

A moment later.

A group of people came to the open space outside Dadan's house.

Calidadan and other mountain bandits were watching.

Ace is holding a tap.

Luffy is holding a real knife.

A big fight is imminent!

Ace, full of anger in his heart, took the lead in attacking. Before that, although Luffy was stronger than he was when he was 7 years old in the original book, Luffy still didn't beat ace once. After all, ace was three years older than Luffy and exercised three years more than Luffy.

At this time, ACE's strength is not weaker than soron's, even stronger!

However, this competition is not a pure sword competition.

Luffy doesn't use swordsmanship as he did against Sauron.

In this battle, Luffy gives full play to the advantages of swordsmanship and rubber man! Often when the real Dao is suppressed, he will abandon the real Dao decisively and make a few floor movements, plus rubber legs, rubber fists and so on, to crack ace's attack.

When the crisis is over, they will pick up the real sword and continue to fight.

Sometimes they will use their feet instead of their hands, and use their wrists to roll up the hilt to fight.

Ace is not only to avoid Luffy's attack, but also to guard against the attack when the rubber leg retracts. Ace was under a lot of pressure.

Finally, after hundreds of rounds, ACE's weapon was kicked by Luffy.

It's not impossible to keep fighting, but ace didn't.

He threw the steel pipe away and angrily scolded Luffy: "if you dare to leave without any explanation next time, I will never forgive you!"

Then he turned and left for the jungle.

It seems very angry, but in the absence of everyone's notice, the corner of his mouth is slightly up.

Because he knows that from this moment on, his brother, who is not easy to worry about, is no weaker than him

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