That's what I said. One minute, but Chloe didn't intend to comply.

His figure flashed, and when his figure appeared in the same place again, the direction of Keya's father had already sent a hysterical cry: "madam! Madam --! "

See can elegant mother's neck place suddenly blood dripping, the face dew can't believe of color, cover a neck, the body slowly falls down.

Keya's father was in a panic and cried bitterly.

Uthorp was stunned by the scene.

Keya's mother treated him very well. She didn't expect that she was still talking and laughing at the same table just now. She was a real person and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Uthorp's eyes were instantly moist and red. He stares at Chloe and roars, "what do you want?! What the hell are you doing

Chloe frowned slightly.

"Am I not clear enough? Didn't you tell me where you got my message? " Chloe's attitude was chilling.

Killing Keya's mother seemed a trivial matter to him.

However, what he said next was the most despairing and frightening thing for uthorp!

"Well, the guy who told you the news should still be on the island, right? As long as you kill all the people on the island, you don't have to worry that my identity will be revealed again. "

"Well, it's not right. Now that they know who I am, maybe there is more than one person who knows. Before we kill him, we need to cross examine. If the situation is too bad, we'll have to find a substitute and change our identity

Speaking at the same time, Keya has run to his father, also holding the body of his mother crying.

Uthorp drew out his catapult, rushed up, stood in front of Keya and his father, and roared, "if you want to move them, step on my body first!"



It's back to Luffy.

Time also goes back soon after ushop left.

After Wusuopu left, Lufei looked at Li Yaoxiang stupidly, and they stared at him with big eyes: "big brother, what should I do now?"

Li Yaoxiang looked at Lu Fei coldly and did not answer.

Seeing this, Lufei remembered that Li Yaoxiang had said that he would not help himself. He needed to solve it by himself.

Luffy scratched his head in chagrin.

too bad.

What should we do now?

He's not good at brain work.

Uthorp said he would go, so that he didn't know what to do now. Confused, he finally decided to get usop back and work together.

And then they kept asking for directions, asking for usop's trace.

Finally, I learned from a villager that if I really can't find usop, I can try to go to the rich family in the village, and maybe I can find usop there.

So Luffy followed the guide and went to Keya's house.

Soon, with the distance between them, the distance between them is getting closer and closer, Luffy feels more and more wrong.

He smelled blood in the air.

I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Lu Fei frowned and ran to Ke Ya's house faster.

As soon as he approached, he heard a howl of pain coming from the room: "father!"

But at this time, he was already scarred and bloody in confrontation with Chloe. Chloe said with a playful look: "it seems that if you want to move them, you don't have to step on your body first, do you? Don't worry, you ruined my plan. I won't let you die so easily. Next, it's your turn to care about the eldest lady, isn't it

Keya is still crying with her parents' bodies.

Uthorp was too hard to speak, even a little dizzy to see things. Now he just relies on willpower to support it.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Luffy kicks through the wall and rushes in to see the above picture.

See the bodies on the ground.

See the head full of blood, also don't want to flinch of usop.

"It's him! He is the big pirate Uthorp roared at Chloe.

Luffy turned his head, stared at Chloe, gritted his teeth and said, "you did everything here?"

"Are you the one who told this idiot about me? Where did you get my news? Who knows but you? "

Neither of them answered the question.

At this time, Chloe noticed Li Yaoxiang, who was walking slowly towards here in the distance. He couldn't help feeling tight.

Know his news, still dare to come to the door, is not an idiot, is to own strength has extremely self-confidence.

He looked at Luffy.

Take another look at Li Yaoxiang in the distance.

The former is like an idiot, he is not afraid.

But no matter how the latter looks, it doesn't look like an idiot

Chloe raised his mouth and pushed his glasses with his pillow: "unfortunately, there's no way to kill the village..."

As soon as his eyes were swept and his body moved, he immediately flew to uthorp! Before his opponent, Li Yaoxiang, arrives, he will kill the guy who sabotages his plan, and then escape as soon as possible,

Seeing this, Lu Fei was furious: "dare you --"

Luffy unlocked the switch of the suitcase and ran in the same direction as uthorp.

Uthorp himself couldn't react at all.

In his eyes, he only saw clo and Luffy disappear at the same time, and heard Luffy's "dare you". And in the moment of uthorp's stupor, Krona's cat paws had already reached uthorp's eyes.

When the distance between cat's paw and uthorp's eye is less than 5mm, Chloe suddenly feels creepy.

He didn't even want to be led by others, so he immediately stepped back.

Just a step back, just listen to "Ka!" A, he before that position appeared a flat tooth giant mouth monster.

In front of this scene, Chloe couldn't help sweating.

If he hesitated for even 0.01 seconds, even if he could kill uthorp, he would be killed by the monster in front of him now.

Chloe's heart's beating fast.

I didn't expect that this guy who looks like an idiot is so powerful.

This made him more confident that the masked man in the distance must be more unusual.

No longer hesitated, he turned and fled in the opposite direction.

In order to make it easy to escape, he even made a big move, cutting the roof of the whole mansion into countless pieces in an instant, in order to make the other party busy saving people and not have time to chase him.

It's just that his idea is very good.

But only heard a voice from behind: "silver ho!"

He looked around.

A scene of panic appeared.

He was stunned by the picture in front of him!

The monster with flat teeth and huge mouth swallowed half a mansion in an instant with faster speed than him!

His feet didn't stop.

Still running away.

However, when he saw the flat tooth monster form a shadow and disappear in front of his eyes, his feet suddenly became light and unconscious, and he could no longer feel himself moving forward

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