"Damn it! It's their partner!! Kill the damned girl first! "

"Go on!"

Luffy, who had just taken over the suitcase, grinned and said in a slightly inaudible voice, "yinho..."


The switch of the suitcase was unlocked.

A blade appeared in Luffy's hand. Soon, the blade began to wriggle like a living creature, and gradually grew into a flat toothed monster.

There was no need for Luffy to say anything. Yinhu seemed to have a heart to heart relationship with Luffy. With a Shua, he bit off the rope that bound Luffy and the cage that looked so strong!

The group of pirates who rushed to Nami were all stopped!

They have forgotten what they want to do, they all raise their heads and look at the top of their head behind Nami!

Flat toothed monsters, as if blocking out the sun, enveloped all of them in the dark.

Naomi, who was very nervous, could not help looking back with a puzzled face when she saw their expression.

She was also stunned.

Without waiting for the reaction, Lufei said, "let's do it... Yinho..."

Then the flat toothed monster disappeared in vain!

When it appears again, the air has been filled with a strong smell of blood!

The mouth is the crunchy sound of chewing bones!

At this time, there was a scream of the survivors: "ah -!!"!!! Monster! It's a monster!! Run away!! Run away! "

At the moment, the roof of the bar is covered with blood and limbs.

The surviving pirates are in a mess.

Some people are scared to jump directly.

Even if he fell into a serious injury, he didn't care and ran hard. Bucky has disappeared, he is the fastest one.

After returning to her mind, Nami bent down and nauseous on the spot.

"You... You... You... What kind of monster is this?"

Luffy narrowed his eyes and smile: "this is also my partner. His name is Yinhe! What about? I said I was very strong, you don't believe me. Just kill them in the beginning, and there won't be so much trouble. "

Solon also came behind Luffy at this time.

Nami couldn't help swallowing her saliva: "lornoa solo? He... He... He... Is what you call the partner who "catches the pirate to get the reward"

"Yes! Do you know Sauron, too? "

Nami devil face: "how can I not know?"

"Ha ha ha ha! Solon, I got the navigator! That's her. His name is Nami

Nami is about to get angry and wants to say that she didn't promise Luffy, but as soon as the words come to her mouth, she suddenly stops

Solon closed his eyes: "Oh? Nami, right? I'm Solon. Please give me more advice. That red nose seems to have escaped just now. Luffy, let's go after him. "

After that, Luffy and Solon went back and forth in the direction of Bucky's escape.

Nami, who had come back to herself, quickly stopped them: "wait... Wait!"



"I have told you just now that I will not do that kind of behavior of a pirate in any case! You want me to join you, you can! But you also promise me a condition first

Luffy and Solon did not speak, waiting for Nami to continue to speak.

Nami's heart is very complicated at the moment.

Her savings are close to 100 million berets. But she is also very clear that people like the dragon are likely to go back at any time. She didn't think about it all the time because she didn't want to.

Because if the Dragon really doesn't keep her promise, she really can't save the village.

She deceived herself, but also just want to leave a glimmer of hope.


Now the appearance of Luffy, but let her see the real hope!

The scene just now

Luffy's strength

Maybe... Maybe... Maybe this man in front of him can really help him completely solve the dragon!

"Didn't I tell you before? I work so hard to make money, just to buy a village! But I know that guy in charge of the village may not keep his promise! If... If you can help me solve the group of pirates, then I will agree to join you!

However, don't blame me for not reminding you. I won't admit that I know you before you completely solve them! I don't want to get involved in that village because of you!

Those pirates are very powerful, and I'm not sure if you are their opponents. If... If you don't want to, then I'll... Then I won't force you! "

Luffy didn't even think about it. He said with a smile, "good! It's right to help the crew solve the problem, isn't it? And... Listen to you, those pirates should be bad people, right? The person you value most is the one who was killed by them? "

Nami gnashed her teeth in hatred: "yes! They are the ones who kill the people I value

"That would be better! Even if you don't say it, Solon and I will try our best to kill this kind of villain! Right, solo? "

Sauron glanced at Luffy and both of them said, "Oh, of course!"

Nami was shocked.

I didn't expect that these two guys agreed to her request so easily.

The village is saved!

The village is really saved this time!

Nami was moved to cover her mouth and shed tears on the spot. Then she rushed to Luffy and hugged him: "thank you! Thank you

A moment later.

The three continued to search for Bucky.

Nami said that Bucky would not give up her treasure, so she took Luffy and Solon to the storage room of Bucky's treasure.


On the way to the treasure room, they met baki's men who wanted to intercept them, Mochi on a huge lion, and a guy who used a sword.

In the original book, Luffy solved Mocky and the huge lion in three places.

Now, not to mention, Mocky can't last a few seconds.

It's the same with the battle on Solon's side.

In the original book, he was seriously injured, so he fell into a bitter battle when fighting with this swordsman. Now, without the experience of shels town and the sneak attack of Bucky, he wants to solve his opponent.

Soon they came to the treasure room.

Sure enough, they saw Bucky trying to carry the treasure away.

Bucky was surprised to see them coming so quickly.

He didn't care so much about it. He left the treasure and ran away.

It's not that he's wary.

But he didn't want to die for nothing.

At least he was an intern on Roger Wang's boat. He must have some experience. Before seeing the speed and strength of the flat tooth monster, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Luffy.

What are you waiting for if you don't run?

If he didn't want to give up the property he had been searching for over the years, he really wanted to run away.

Unfortunately, he did not expect that the two subordinates could not even stop for a moment, so that he would eventually give up the treasure. He was cruel in his heart and swore to himself that I would remember this hatred!

I'll make you look good one day!

Unfortunately, when his eyes continue to face the bright road ahead, there are more "unidentified objects" at the end of his eyes.

He looked carefully.


There's no one around. How can there be an extra palm here?

Before he knew what the situation was, Luffy held the hard object tightly in his hand, followed the elongated rubber hand, flew to Bucky in an instant, and looked at Bucky with a smile.

At this time, Bucky's anger has not subsided.

Seeing that Luffy refused to give up, he was also cruel in his heart. He gritted his teeth and turned the idea of running away into an attack. He knelt forward and hit the ground heavily! The forehead is fiercely forward a beat!

"Hero, spare your life!" Bucky's on his knees.

Luffy was stunned, but he soon regained his fierce look: "spare me? There are many people who have asked you to spare your life. You should not let them go, right

The big mouth of silver was close to Bucky's cheek.

It's dripping on Bucky's face.

Scared Bucky back and forth: "no! Don't kill me! You... You... You know shanks? Did shanks give you that straw hat on your head? I know shanks, too! I'm shanks' friend! Don't kill me

Silver is about to open its mouth.

But then it stopped.

"Oh? You know shanks, too? "

"Yes, yes! Shanks and I used to be interns on the ship of Roger the pirate king. We have a good relationship

Luffy felt his chin and said, "that's troublesome... You're shanks' friend, so I can't kill you..."

At this time, Solon and Nami also came to Luffy.

Sauron: Luffy, what's the matter? Why don't you kill him? "

Nami doesn't care that much.

She held the bag of belongings left by Bucky in her arms, and she was very happy. As long as she has these properties, she is only a little away from the target of 100 million berry.

If Luffy really fails, she has a way out.

At that time, she will at most help and beg the dragon to let Luffy go.

Luffy pointed to baki: "he's a friend of my life-saving benefactor. I don't know whether to kill him or not..."

Bucky looked very happy.

Sauron frowned slightly. "Is he lying to you?"

Nami nodded as she counted her belongings: "it's really possible. He is very cunning

Bucky said, "no, no, no! I didn't lie to you! I'm really shanks' friend! If you don't believe it, you can leave me on board first! When you find shanks, just ask him! "

Luffy was still very upset.

Solon: then leave him on the boat as a chore. Wait until you find your benefactor. "

Luffy nodded: "well, that's the only way."

Immediately, the group left the town.

I came and went lightly, but I didn't meet the village head of this town or the dog. When the people in the town planned to come back to fight, they had already found that all the members of the Baji pirate group were gone.

The ships that used to belong to yallita are now carrying Luffy, Solon, Nami, and Bucky to the next location.


A few days later.

In the jungle of an island village.

There is a board like a target hanging on a tree.

And about 300 meters away from the target, a guy with a long nose and wearing goggles, holding a catapult, aiming at the target is a shot!


The target is directly broken by an iron ball!

Uthorp took off the goggles, and the two little guys on the side were excited and praised.

"It's amazing!! It's our captain usop!! You can shoot from that distance! "

"Yes! Captain!! How did you do that? "

Unorthodox, uthorp has no longer the original look of the idle: "as long as you are willing to work hard, you can do it in the future."

This serious look makes two fans' eyes shine.

At this time, the onion ran from a distance, looking flustered: "no! No! No! Luffy, he's back! "

"Onion! Are you wrong? Is it really that Luffy back then? "

"No! I'm sure I read it right! He's still wearing that straw hat. "

Uthorp grinned: "really? It seems that my crew has come to pick up my captain and go back... "

The three kids were very sad, and tears were about to flow down: "Captain usop, are you really going to leave?"

Uthorp poked the heads of the three: "it's a man's promise. I can't go without it. Besides, they need me as a captain

At this time, a burst of drink suddenly came out from the jungle: "rubber fist!"

Uthorp reflexes fast!

Almost in an instant, he lifted the catapult and shot the same iron ball!

The iron ball collided with the rubber fist.

They counteract each other's power.

Then, Luffy and his party came out of the darkness: "ushop, long time no see."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Luffy!"

After saying goodbye to Keya and the people in the village, ushop left here with them. As for Keya, he wants to learn medical skills just like the original work. He says that if one day, uthorp comes back injured, he can help him treat himself


A few days later.

A sea restaurant with fish head, body and tail is floating in a certain area of the East China Sea.

In the dining room.

A guy with blonde hair and curly eyebrows, with two big hearts shining in his eyes, approached the table of the two beauties and said, "ladies, how are you? Is today's dish to your taste? That's what I've prepared for you two beautiful ladies. "

Two ladies at the table, covering their mouths and smiling.

This shy smile, but also fascinated the guy with curly eyebrows.

At this time, a group of uninvited guests came to the ship.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, the visitors yelled at the guy with curly eyebrows: "give me all the delicious food quickly!"

Curled eyebrows look angry: "you so noisy, do not know will affect the appetite of other customers? What if food is wasted? "

The visitor didn't shrink because of irritating curly eyebrows, instead, he grinned: "is that right? Then I'll eat up all the leftover food! Is there a problem? "Yamagata?"

Yamaji's mouth is also up: "then you'd better do what you say, Luffy!"

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