A few days later.

Ninja school.

In class one every two years.

In the past, Naruto, the most mischievous and noisy Naruto, seems to be more comfortable now, and the atmosphere of the whole class is no longer as lively as before.

Since the conversation with Kakashi.

Naruto has been in such a sullen state.

The young field was worried.

After several days of hesitation, hatada finally asked Naruto sitting next door, "Naruto... What happened to you recently? Why do you look so unhappy? "

Sasuke, also sitting next to Naruto, said: "yes, Naruto. If you have any problems, just let us know? We will find a way to help you. "


"I'm fine."

"You don't have to worry."

"I just think of some unhappy things recently. It should be OK in a few days."

Naruto answers them with a smile.

This expression makes Hatta feel more worried.

Sasuke did not think too much.

I really think Naruto will be OK in a few days.

That's it.

The three continued to listen attentively.

Until the bell rings after class.





Hatta gave Sasuke a wink.

Knowing Sasuke, he immediately inquired, "I've been very tired from exercise recently. Why don't you just relax today and let's go swimming and fishing after we come out! Chuda, don't you think? "

Hatta let out a little excited "um.".

Then they looked at Naruto together.

Waiting for his reply.


"Since there is no exercise, I want to rest at home today."

"Another day."

Then Naruto will get up and leave.

But just then.

Iluka, the head teacher, clapped outside the door and came in.

"Pa! Pop! Pop! Bang

"Listen, the village is under martial law now. Everyone has to stay in school first, and after the martial law is over, everyone can leave school. "

The voice just dropped.

A group of students in the classroom.

There was an instant uproar.

They expressed dissatisfaction one after another.

And they were very puzzled. They didn't understand why the village was suddenly under martial law. This was something they had never met before.

Similarly, there are Naruto, Hatta and Sasuke.

"Do you know what this is?" Naruto frowned slightly to the side of the two people asked.

Hatta and Sasuke shook their heads.

There is no time to ask the head teacher iluka.

After announcing the news, iluka quickly left the classroom regardless of whether the students were dissatisfied or not. In exchange for two masked ninjas in the dark, guarding the door of the class.

See these two ninjas.

Everyone in the class immediately stopped the noise.

Compared with iluka, the head teacher, what they are more afraid of is undoubtedly the two ninjas wearing cold masks.


When people talk, they all become a lot more quiet.

Seeing that all the people in the class have no idea, Naruto has a sudden idea. Why don't you ask his omniscient brother“ Brother, the village is suddenly under martial law. Do you know what the situation is? "

from small to large.

As long as he has a problem, his brother will be able to solve it for him.

He believed that his brother would not let him down this time.

Sure enough, his brother's voice, soon in his mind, gave a response: "Naruto, are you sure... Do you want to know the answer?"

It's over

I heard my brother say that.

Naruto was stunned.

Bad premonition, involuntarily rising from the heart.

And this feeling is more and more intense!

Take a deep breath: "brother, you say it."

"Naruto... You have read the history of the village. Have you found any different changes in the village since the three generations of the old man took office?"

Naruto thinks hard.

But no matter how much he recalled the well-known history of woody leaves.

I didn't find any strange changes before and after the three generations of old men took office.

Just wanted to ask.

However, Li Yaoxiang took the lead in reminding: "since the old leader took office, he founded the top family of Muye, and the thousand handed family has declined. Muye's allies were destroyed. There is the village's top strong, all one by one disappeared.

Not leaving the village

Is to die.

If you think about it carefully, it's hard to get to these events, so it's irrelevant? "

Naruto fell into thinking again.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out why.

This time, he was almost mad by Li Yaoxiang. Impatient, he urged: "Oh, brother! Can you tell me the answer directly?

Besides, what does these things have to do with this martial law? "

Li Yaoxiang is no longer overseas Chinese: "haven't you found out yet? Ever since the village was controlled by the old guys in huoyinglou, as long as they can threaten their power or status, have they all disappeared one by one? "



Naruto's mood, as if a bolt from the blue general shock!

If it wasn't for my brother.

He really didn't find the common ground in these kinds of events!

It's really like what my brother said!

All the threats to the old men disappeared one by one!

Naruto in reality, scared by this idea, suddenly stood up!

His sudden action, but also scared the side of the daisy with Sasuke.

"Naruto, what's the matter with you?" Chutian.

"Naruto, what happened to you? Why are you so strange recently? " Sasuke.

Naruto's lips are slightly white.

But he was forced to restrain himself.

"No... no... nothing."

"You don't have to worry."

"I just suddenly thought of something. That's why I'm so impolite."

"I'm sorry to scare you."

Naruto sitting down.

I don't care about other people's eyes.

Continue to communicate with Li Yaoxiang in my mind: "brother, what do you mean?"?! Do you mean that this martial law is related to these things

"Oh, you already have the answer, don't you?"

"Why do you know so well?"

you 're right!

After Li Yaoxiang repeatedly reminded.

Naruto does have an answer in his heart.

But the answer is that Naruto is not willing to believe it!

I don't want to face it!

Now the village can threaten the existence of those old guys in Huoying building... Isn't it just the top families?!! Among these top families, the most powerful and threatening one is not yuzhibo. Who is it?!

Naruto subconsciously looks at Sasuke, who is still worried about him.

In the mind is unceasingly rejects the way.



"The village won't do that!"

"The village will not be so cruel! Not so ungrateful

"I must have guessed wrong! It must be my brother's mistake! "

"Yes! It must be

Naruto had just given himself a dose of peace of mind. Li Yaoxiang's next words seemed like a dish of cold water, pouring down his head: "what's the matter? Do you want to deceive yourself?

Well, since you don't believe it.

You can ask Daisy sitting next to you.

The Japanese family used to be the target of those old guys

PS: remember, all the above contents are arranged by Li Yaoxiang in order to deceive Naruto. Li Yaoxiang only needs to make the script so that Naruto can't refute it. As for the truth, we can only leave it to ourselves.

In addition, the author reminds me here, did you vote ~ ~ ~ this book owes votes, please throw ~)

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