Darkness In Spring

6 Part 6- The Plan

Aster sat next to the lake where he drowned his beloved at. He cried tears of triumph, anger ,and sorrow towards Iris. Aster loved her, but at the same time hated her. Then, with a jolt, Aster realized that this same thing must happen to all the other men on the earth that he was oblivious of. Aster decided to put a permanent end to all of the woman's destruction. He got up as he started to formalize a plan. He hadn't want to pester himself with the small details, so he had thought big. Aster finally stopped thinking about everything but his plan.

"The plan is simple. Trick the women into his house or somewhere where people weren't at. Then kill them someway, somehow," he had told himself loudly. He then had set out to find his first victim. He walked towards the city he had come from with Iris. Within three days, he had killed all the women in this particular village. Within three months Aster had killed almost every last human that existed on the earth. There was only eight hundred people left on earth.

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