Darkness is Coming

Chapter 90: Yuan Savior Association was established (Part 1)

   When the morning sun shone through the window, Fang Yu had already finished washing up, and today was an important day for him.

   Although the notification did not specify, Fang Yu could probably guess the theme of the meeting: Yuanjiang Compatriots Rescue Association.

   Face after face appeared and disappeared in Fang Yu's mind.

The classmates and teachers who died tragically under the mouth of the zombies, the poor people who struggled to survive like him, and the little girl who is looking forward to a better tomorrow... Fang Yu clenched his fists, and the complex emotions in his heart were in grief and anger melted into firm beliefs.

"I will definitely not let this happen again!" Fang Yu made a promise to himself in the mirror, then turned around and went out to the conference room. There were still four hours before the scheduled meeting time, but it was more comfortable than this. Fang Yu prefers to wait in an empty conference room.

   What Fang Yu did not expect was that the conference room was not empty. Entering the conference room, Fang Yu saw Yang Xiaoqian sitting on the conference table looking through documents at a glance.

   "Fang Yu, you came very early." Yang Xiaoqian guessed the identity of the person without raising his head.

   Fang Yu nodded silently, and after finding the conference table card with his name on it, he sat down in his own seat, second to Yang Xiaoqian's right.

  Fang Yu carefully recalled what the business etiquette teacher at the university once taught. If he remembered correctly, the order of formal meetings is from the right to the top, the center to the top, the far to the top, and the face to the door.

  According to this rule, Yang Xiaoqian, who is facing the door and farthest from the door, is the first seat, the first seat to the right of the first seat is Yu Qian, and the second is himself. It seems that his status is quite high.

   But Fang Yu is not complacent. For him, his status in Paradise Island is not important. Whether he can help compatriots who need help and have a clear conscience is the most important point.

   "Have you had breakfast?" Yang Xiaoqian suddenly asked.

   "Huh? Not yet." Since last night, Fang Yu has only been thinking about the content of today's meeting, not to mention breakfast, he didn't even eat last night's dinner. After Yang Xiaoqian mentioned this, the stomach that had no feeling at first immediately felt hunger.

   "Let's eat together then." Yang Xiaoqian raised the walkie-talkie on the table and said into the walkie-talkie, "Xinyi, let the kitchen prepare two breakfasts and send them to the conference room."

   A reply came from the walkie-talkie: "Okay."

   "Are you still used to living here? Are there any unmet needs? You can mention them." Yang Xiaoqian looked at Fang Yu with concern and asked.

   "It's all okay." Fang Yu responded with a polite smile, Yang Xiaoqian's concern, whether it was sincere or not, made him feel valued, which was very satisfying.

   "That's good." Yang Xiaoqian didn't say more, caring too much would be too deliberate.

   After a while, a long-haired girl in OL business attire walked in with a dinner plate, breaking the silence in the room. Fang Yu knew that this was Yang Xiaoqian's private secretary: Zhang Xinyi.

"Your breakfast." Zhang Xinyi put the plate lightly on the table, with two fried dough sticks, two steamed buns and two bowls of steaming noodles on it, one of which was covered with a fried egg, "Your noodles, Less salt, no chopped green onion, no egg yolk for fried eggs, no problem?"

After   , Zhang Xinyi blinked at Yang Xiaoqian, and even Fang Yu could see that the girl was waiting for Yang Xiaoqian to praise her, but Yang Xiaoqian nodded politely in thanks, "Thank you, alright, let's have breakfast too."

   I don't know if it was an illusion, Fang Yu seemed to hear Zhang Xinyi snort.

   Just when Zhang Xinyi was about to walk out the door, Yang Xiaoqian suddenly stopped her.


  Zhang Xinyi immediately turned around and saw Yang Xiaoqian with a half-section strip hanging around his mouth with a thumbs up and said, "I tasted it, you cooked it, it's great, 100%!"

   Zhang Xinyi smiled, then pursed her cherry mouth, Fang Yu nodded, turned and walked out of the conference room.

   "You can taste this?" Fang Yu was thinking about it, and couldn't help but joke, "It seems that you haven't eaten too much."

   "First time eating." Yang Xiaoqian spat out the noodles in his mouth, pointed to the bowl and said helplessly, "You will know after you taste it."

  Fang Yu picked up his chopsticks and took a bite to understand the reason. The raw noodles were tasteless and extremely unpalatable. How could a chef in such a big casino hotel like Paradise Island make such noodles?

   "Forget it, eat steamed buns and fritters." Yang Xiaoqian shrugged, shook his head and said, "Just a moment."

   "It's okay, many people outside still want to eat but can't." Fang Yu remembered Yang Xiaoqian's praise for Zhang Xinyi just now, and for the first time felt that this guy was not only smart, but also a little cute.

  After a simple breakfast, Yang Xiaoqian and Fang Yu opened the chat box and chatted about a lot of things they had never had the chance to say before. Four hours passed quickly, and the long table in the conference room was gradually filled.

   "Everyone is here." Yang Xiaoqian, who was sitting in the first seat, stood up, looked around at every face on the conference table, and said loudly, "All of you stand up!"


The dozen or so seats retreated, and more than a dozen participants at the conference table got up immediately. Only Yu Qian, who was sitting on Yang Xiaoqian's right hand, looked left and right. After a few seconds, he stood up unconsciously. face reluctantly.

   Yang Xiaoqian did not let this unexpected episode disrupt his rhythm, and continued with a serious expression: "First of all, please observe three minutes of silence for the compatriots who died in Yuanjiang and the soldiers who died on the front line of the anti-corpse."

After   , Yang Xiaoqian closed his eyes first, this time Yu Qian didn't make trouble again, he closed his eyes and bowed his head together with the others, keeping silent.

  Time always flows slowly in the silent hours, and it seems that it will never end in just three minutes.

   Because as long as you close your eyes, countless faces and countless questions will come to your mind.

   Not only Fang Yu, everyone at the conference table except Yu Qian was far away from their familiar life trajectory in this sudden disaster, and each of them had reasons for silence and contemplation.

   When the timer started to vibrate, Yang Xiaoqian's voice sounded again: "Okay, please take a seat."

   Everyone sat down one by one, but Yang Xiaoqian kept standing and pointed his finger out the window.

"Everyone here may not have a great sense of crisis. Because you are already in the safest area in the entire Yuanjiang River, there are no zombies, no viruses, and powerful awakeners guarding the whole island. However, there, in our view There are countless people who are struggling to survive and spend their days in fear; where there are countless people who are hungry and sleepless at night; where there are countless people who are fighting for life and death with zombies!"

   "Those people, like us, are all from Yuanjiang! We, like those people! We are all living beings hunting zombies!"

   "If we leave it alone and stand by, sooner or later, when they all fall, we will face the dilemma they face today!"

   "Some people may say that with the 258th Brigade and government departments, there is not much more than one of me, and one less than me. Why should I take the risk to join the war?"

   "Then I will answer you with Wang Hai's words: If everyone who is capable of participating in the war thinks this way, how long can the 258 Brigade fight alone?"

"In addition, please don't be too optimistic about the situation. The 258th Brigade has its own difficulties and limitations. Zombies are not just dull and stupid targets. I believe that even if you haven't seen the mutants, you have some understanding of the mutants. We don't know. How many mutants are there, and we don't know if there is a limit to the evolution of mutants."

"But I know that with the 258 Brigade alone, we will never wait for the day when Yuanjiang is fully recovered. The constant emergence of zombies and mutants will devour the safe area until one day, most of the people we know will Be a zombie, or be food for a zombie."

   "Look up and see that the dome covers the sky. In the hot summer, the entire Yuanjiang River has no warmth. Everyone knows in their hearts that this day is also night, and it is the night of our Yuanjiang people!"

   "At this time of the storm, the building will fall, and the night will come! If you are a refugee, do you want to see a bonfire that guides the way forward in this long, dark and desperate night?"

   No one responded, but everyone nodded, and everyone could see the approval in the expressions on each other's faces.

   "Yu Qian, are you willing to be a little landlord and a little overlord who guards one acre of land, eats canned food, and drinks cold water?"

   "Nonsense, unwilling." Yu Qian's voice was full of disdain.

   "Wang Li, are you willing to take your three wives and four concubines to hide in Tibet and continue to flee without peace?"

   "I don't want to." Wang Li's tone was slightly hesitant.

   "He Yu, are you willing to be a mouse hiding in the gutter, guarding the rancid cheese from the sun?"

   "I don't want to." He Yu responded without hesitation.

   "Fang Yu, I'll return your question to you. Would you like to see the panic on the faces of your compatriots and the despair in the screams?"

   "No, I don't want to!" Fang Yu shouted hysterically.

   "And you, esteemed YPG soldiers, are you willing to leave the front lines and only care about your own safety?"

   "I don't want to!" The roar of the ten warriors echoed in the conference room.

   "Very well, let me ask you all one last question: If you were given a chance, would you be willing to step up and fight for yourselves, for your fellow men, and for humanity?!"

   "Are you willing to light a bonfire of hope in this dark night and watch the dawn with the brilliance of life?!"

   "Are you willing to let go of your personal gains and losses, walk side by side with me, go to the forefront, be the strong shield of the far river, the patron saint of mankind?!"

   "I do!" Fang Yu, who had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, was the first to cry out.

   Then, every participant shouted the same sentence with his loudest voice: I do!

   Including the ignorant Ning Siyu, Wang Li, who is very deep in the city, and even Yu Qian!

  The blood stirred in people's chests, and the shouts echoed in the conference room, like striking jade and knocking gold

   "Then, I announce: The Yuanjiao Society is officially established!"

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