Chapter 218: Perfect No. 1.

Can he defeat Wayne?


Akashi knew better than anyone that even if he could see through Wayne’s two afterimages and use the power of his teammates to block two, he still couldn’t get through the remaining one.

It had nothing to do with anything else, it was just that he was simply not Wayne’s opponent!

When Wayne realized the eighth sense, he had opened up a gap of at least half a level with himself and the Generation of Miracles.


“What a strange feeling!”

“I clearly realize that I am not as good as Wayne now!”

“But I don’t feel scared at all!”

Just like when I played in Teiko!

This feeling is really good!

Akashi moved, and the Eye of the Emperor locked onto Wayne’s every move.

Thanks to his other personality, he knew how to distinguish the weaknesses of Wayne’s eighth sense.

There is no such thing as five Waynes.

Everything is just an illusion reflected by Wayne’s unimaginable speed of action and reaction.

Of course, because of the existence of the thunderbolt, these illusions���It can become real at any time!

However, the moment Wayne actually takes action, there will be a clear difference between his real body and the other four afterimages.

The consciousness of those afterimages will disappear!

The problem is that even if he knew how to distinguish them, Akashi couldn’t see through them completely.

Because Wayne’s movements were too fast, so fast that even the Eye of the Emperor could only barely distinguish two.

So he needed his teammates to divert two afterimages for him, and then see through the two through the Eye of the Emperor.

Then the remaining one is 100% real!


You can’t get through it.

After Akashi saw through Wayne’s true actions, he did not force an attack, but chose to pass the ball as soon as possible.

The basketball flew into the hands of Reo Mibuchi at a tricky angle.

“Successfully passed the ball?!”


“He really did it, he really saw through Wayne’s eighth sense!”

“But, since he saw through it, why didn’t he choose to force the ball? Instead, he passed the ball?”

“Probably because Akashi’s Eye of the Emperor was fully focused on distinguishing the two afterimages of Wayne.”

“In other words, even if he saw through Wayne’s true form, he would not have the ability to compete with Wayne!”

“Akashi, you still can’t see Wayne’s future!”


Seeing through Wayne’s two afterimages is already Akashi’s limit.

But in a basketball game, there is more than one person!

A pass with full advance, the strength and angle are impeccable.

The moment Mibuchi Reo received the ball, he was stunned.

He found that his body jumped up and shot involuntarily.

“”Guided pass!”

Alex Garcia was stunned.

How old is he? He made such a guided pass so easily?

What is a guided pass?

It means literally, passing the ball to an extremely tricky position, and then stimulating the muscle memory of teammates through strength and angle, so that they can’t help but make offensive moves.

It’s like when you cut to the basket at full speed, and the basketball just appears in front of you, you don’t need to bend down or slow down, and there is not even a defender in front of you. What will you do?

The answer is to grab the ball and score directly!

And this is a guided pass, which is the most advanced passing skill of a traditional point guard!

It seems simple, but it combines many factors such as the overall view, spirituality, vision, passing skills, etc.

It is a high-end skill that many open players cannot complete in their entire lives.

When Mitsui reacted, Reo Mibuchi had already completed the jump.

It was a barely jumped, but the interference given was minimal.


Mibuchi Reo made a three-pointer, and Luoshan, who was 12 points behind, caught up to single digits in one round.

“That is……”

“The pass we received before!”

If this was a doubt just now, then by now, even the other members of the Generation of Miracles knew what had happened.

The Akashi Seijuro they knew at the beginning was back!

“However, Akashi is really amazing and he even found a chance to pass the ball in front of Wayne.”

“Hinata, what do you want to say?”

“I just think, isn’t it a bit too ordinary? Is the original Akashi only this level?”

“Normal? Hinata, is your myopia getting worse again? In the eyes of those of us who play the No. 1 position, he is much better than Akashi just now!”

Izuki Jun’s eyes were full of admiration.

The timing of the pass was so amazing, the strength and angle of the pass were impeccable.

With just one pass, he completed all the attacks.

It seemed that it was Reo Mibuchi who made the three-pointer, but in fact, most of the work was done by Akashi.

“No head coach can refuse such a point guard!”

At least Aida Reiko can’t refuse.

As the No. 1 position, Akashi is now perfect, without any flaws.

“Beautiful throw!”

“Very good, Mibuchi!”

Akagi gave his teammates a thumbs up when he returned to defense. His voice was soft and calm, but it made Mibuchi Reo’s blood boil.

“Do you really want to do this!”

“If that’s the case, even I can’t help but get excited!”

Reo Mibuchi couldn’t help but raise his lips.

He thought of what Akashi said before the break ended.

“At this point, it is impossible to defeat Wayne, even if I step into the Zone again.”

“There is no doubt that Wayne is the strongest high school student in the country right now!”

“But my advantage is that I have you. As long as I am with you, I feel I can reach the place no matter how high it is!”

“Winning the national competition is not a problem!”

Can you reach it no matter how high it is?

Then even if I have to climb, I will follow you to witness it!

The fighting spirit is as hot as a volcanic eruption. If there was doubt just now.

Then with Akashi’s pass this time, all doubts were broken.

At this moment, Luoshan finally showed the shape that Shirogane Eiji imagined.

Under Akashi’s leadership, Luoshan’s five generals will merge into one and play at a level beyond their own!

“I take back what I said!”

“Akashi, you are no worse than Wayne!”


The long-silent Luoshan fans were once again excited, cheering for the team at the highest decibels.

Coach Anxi had already stood up. He had a feeling that if the game continued like this, the situation might develop in a direction that Xiangbei did not want to see, so he was ready to interrupt Luoshan’s momentum in advance. However,

Wayne shook his head, indicating that everything was in his plan!

Xiangbei attacked.

Luoshan finally couldn’t help but double-team him.

“Two people?”

“It’s too small. If you want to stop me, you need five people!”

Wayne was unmoved and instantly split into four afterimages.

In an instant, Akashi and Kotaro Yeyama were alarmed and tried their best to distinguish Wayne’s true identity.

After a moment,

Akashi saw Wayne’s consciousness return, but it was not that he saw through Wayne’s actions, but that Wayne had completed the attack.

The basketball was hit hard by Wayne and bounced up. Before I saw the next step, the basketball disappeared instantly and passed through three Luoshan defensive players to Rukawa Kaede.

Pass without warning!

PS: This is the first update of the day. May Day is almost over, and I just remembered that I forgot to wish everyone a happy May Day.

Forgive me, I am really a sick rat lying in bed all day and can’t get up to wish.

After a day of rest, I can update normally. Although I still cough constantly, I have to wear a sweater when it’s 27 or 28 degrees outside. I am regarded as having kidney deficiency, but at least I can concentrate.

Finally, thank you all for your monthly tickets, flowers and evaluation tickets. I missed a lot of urging tickets and rewards before. I am guilty!!!

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