Chapter 243 The basketball version of Tiki-taka had a plan in mind.

The next day Wayne went to Tokyo to visit Shirogane Kozo.

He wanted to hear about Shirogane Kozo’s connections, and by the way, use Shirogane Kozo’s connections to get in touch with the high school in the Ugly Country.

When he was young, Shirogane Kozo had studied in the Ugly Country, and later when he retired, he started as an assistant coach there.

He had no choice but to compete with other opponents, and after seeing the terrifying talents of the Ugly Country, he came up with the idea of cultivating the next generation of players, so he joined Teiko as a head coach.

In fact, he mentioned this matter to Coach Anzai last night.

But Coach Anzai has not gotten over the hurdle in his heart, and does not want Wayne to go to the Ugly Country too early, fearing that something unexpected will happen.

So Wayne came to Tokyo again and found Shirogane Kozo

“When do you plan to go?”

“The sooner the better. I plan to go there after this year’s Winter Cup.”

If your goal is to enter a certain NBA Hall of Fame, of course you have to go there as soon as possible.

You can adapt to the basketball style of the Ugly Country as soon as possible.

Unlike most regions, the basketball rules and style of the Ugly Country are biased towards the NBA, the world’s largest professional league.

Because all young talents, their ultimate goal is to enter the NBA and become a millionaire.

This is incomparable to other regions.

Most other regions care more about the results of international competitions.

Because in today’s world, no league can compare to the NBA, and it doesn’t even have the qualifications to eat tail gas. The attention is not in the same dimension

“”Too early, you’re not ready yet!”

Shirogane Kozo noticed.

Whether it was the Thunderbolt or the Eighth Sense,

Wayne’s body was not yet able to fully withstand it.

Once he reached a higher level of competition, the risk of injury would be higher.

Compared with Japan, the basketball in the Ugly Country was more physically demanding.

Because the geniuses on the court were all strong and sturdy, the intensity of the competition was several levels higher than here.

Of course, he also knew that the sooner he arrived there, the better for Wayne’s future development.

Even a genius like Wayne needed some time to adapt.

“Go after you finish your second year of high school. Next year you can strengthen your physical training first.”

Aizen’s current height is very tall for a number one player in Japan, but it can only be considered excellent in the Ugly Country. It would be a bug if Magic played number one with the physique he possessed!

Shirogane Kozo believes that Wayne’s best weight is around 90 kilograms.

Wayne thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

A weight of around 90 kilograms is considered strong for a number one player.

Kidd was only 95 kilograms at his peak.

Of course, the higher the weight is, the better it is. It will affect the feel and speed of the shot.

Around 90 kilograms is almost Wayne’s limit. Any heavier will have the opposite effect.

“Then we can go next year.”

Wayne remembered that he still had to learn English, otherwise he would be blind when he got there.

Back in Kyoto, when he came to the temporary rental stadium, Wayne found that the atmosphere of the team was a little too quiet.

“What’s wrong?”

“Luo Shan lost!”

Akagi and others gathered in front of the TV, their tone was very solemn.

Luo Shan, who fought with them to death in the national competition, was defeated by Seirin who was slaughtered by them in the training match.

“Is this team improving too fast?”

“This is not progress, evolution is more appropriate”

“Just like the evolution in Digimon!”

How could Ayako have imagined that such a powerful Luo Shan would be defeated by Seirin?

This is definitely the biggest upset in the Winter Cup so far.

“Sure enough, the second door was opened!”

Kagami Taiga was the last player to come into contact with the Zone.

However, he was the first and only player to push open the second door of the Zone.

Wayne went over.

The TV happened to be playing the wonderful shots of the game.

Kagami Taiga was seen running all the way with the ball. Facing Akashi’s defense, he chose to pass the ball without hesitation.

Then, after receiving the pass, the players of Seirin immediately passed it back.

Luoshan’s indestructible defense was broken by Seirin’s lightning conduction.

It was like the classic tactic”Tikitaka” in football!

Except for Kagami, the rest of the players all touched the ball once.

They carried out small-scale quick short-distance passes around Kagami Taiga.

With Wayne’s attention under his watch.

Seirin made a few short-distance quick passes, and then helped Kagami break into Rakusan’s restricted area.

How fast are their passing speed?

Let’s put it this way, all of Seirin’s people have kept up with the rhythm of Kagami Taiga who is in the Zone.

It’s not the 90% Zone that Akashi led into, it’s a complete 100%!

Each time the Seirin team touches the ball, it does not exceed one second. The moment the basketball flies over, it hits it back again, flying from all angles, constantly attacking Rakusan’s defense line, and assisting Kagami Taiga to rush into his offensive range.

This is the first time Wayne has seen the power of the second door of the Zone with his own eyes.

The effect presented, combined with Seirin’s running and gunning tactics, the offensive rhythm is extremely fast.

“The opponent’s reaction time is too short!”

If even Luoshan who entered the team zone can’t react.

In today’s Japan, no college in the country can cope with Chengde’s basketball version of”Tikitaka” tactics!

Fast pace, difficult to defend!

Since even Luoshan can’t defend such a tide of attack, the rest of Xiangbei naturally can’t do it.

In the end, it will be the same as Luoshan.

Even if Akashi saw through Seirin’s attack, it would be too late when he opened his mouth to remind him.

“Kind of interesting.”

Wayne became interested.

When watching the anime, he only felt that the people of Seirin cooperated well, as if they were of one mind.

Seeing it with his own eyes, he realized that this tactic was so similar to”Tikitaka”.

To this day, this tactic is still considered the most difficult to crack and the closest to perfect.

But it is not really without weaknesses!

First of all, it is a tactical requirement that means the team is destined to be composed of a group of talented and dexterous players.

In other words, the lineup is relatively small!

If you can stick to the opponent and give enough physical confrontation from the beginning, this kind of fast short pass may not be able to play out.

The reason why this tactic is praised as being close to perfect in the field of football is that the football field is large enough.

Basketball is different. The range of activities is relatively narrow, and it may not be impossible to crack through oppressive defense.

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