Data Basketball In The Black Basket

Chapter 42, Hamster, Extra Points

"Thanks for the advice!"

"Thanks for the advice!"

The game was over, and the two sides came to the center circle to greet each other under the cheers of the audience.

When Wayne shook hands with them, he could still feel his opponent's palms trembling.

Because last year most of the Shibuya No. 1 players were second graders, but this year they are all promoted to third graders. This is the last national competition for their junior high schools.

Youth is a memory book.

The chapter that belongs to junior high school can only be concluded here. This way of saying goodbye is sad.

"You must win the national competition!" Wayne could still hear the opponent's captain saying in a trembling tone as he shook hands with Nijimura Shuzo, "In this way, at least we just lost to the champion!"

"I will." Nijimura Shuzo responded forcefully.

"Let's go, Wei Zai." Atsushi Murasakibara came over and didn't seem to like this atmosphere.

"Ah, let's go." Wayne turned and walked into the passage, "Dun, if you lose the game one day, will you cry like them?"

"I'm not going to cry, and I'm not going to lose."

"How about making a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I bet on 5 Fairy Tail fan comics. If you lose and cry, go to the comic exhibition and buy me 5 Fairy Tail fan comics."


"Hello, can I interrupt you for a while and conduct a simple interview?"

After the Teikō game, I changed my clothes and walked to the lobby, where I met youth sports reporter Aida Yayoi.

"Okay." Shirogane Genzo agreed after thinking for a moment.

The reputation of the basketball club can be as high as Teikō's enrollment rate, so the more activity funds it can get from the school.

Such interviews are beneficial to them.

And Aida Yayoi's first question is about Wayne.

"Wayne.... He is a treasure player, he is a genius!"

"His joining is a huge boost for Teikō."

"You also saw that he changed the direction of the game after he came on the court, and his wonderful alley-oop dunk inspired us."

"To be honest, the dunk he performed with Don was the most exciting collaboration I have ever seen. It is definitely worth more than 2 points."

Indeed, which celebration is so popular that it has no friends.

LeBron hasn't brought his talent to Miami yet. The Janeway Connection was born in his hands in advance. In the future, when others talk about the Janeway Connection, they can only imitate them.

"Future use of Wayne?"

"I don't know, like today's game, I just let him go out there and tell him you can make whatever play you want."

"As you can see, he gave Teikō a great victory."

"His talent means that he doesn't need too much guidance, which will curb his talent. Letting him do whatever he wants is the best use of Wayne."

This evaluation is too high.

It's quite said that Wayne is a player with his own system.

In the 1980s, the Lakers' show`time gorgeous offensive basketball led the entire league.

Lakers coach Pat Riley later lost a power struggle to Lakers godfather Jerry West.

The Knicks, the league's top tycoon, immediately invited people to New York, hoping that Pat Riley could recreate the Lakers' show`time gorgeous offense in New York.

To win, you also have to play well and satisfy the discerning New York fans.

In the end, Pat Riley only said, "Want to have a showtime? Okay, you can get me a magician."

Suddenly, everyone in New York shut up.

There's no way, there's only one Magician, and the Lakers are so precious. How can the New Yorkers give Pat Riley the entire Magician back?

You must know that the NBA's signing rules at that time did not have so many restrictions. The contracts between players and teams were quite free and they could be signed almost casually.

So the Lakers signed a 25-year super-long contract with the Magic, and even pensions were arranged.

Magic is a proven player with his own system. When he was at his peak, the Lakers' offense was always so gorgeous.

When Kozo Shirogane commented on Wayne, he implicitly recognized Wayne's basketball talent.

There are only two types of players who do not need coaching:

One is a fool like Mikey, who can't understand even if you tell him.

The other is Magic, Jordan and his ilk.

Just give him the ball, and if he feels comfortable playing it, victory will follow.

Wayne is obviously not an idiot, so he can only be a genius.

A talent that gives him the ball and he brings the victory.

After hearing this, Aida Yayoi wrote down all these words excitedly.

As for Wayne, he said goodbye to the team after the game.

Today is a day off. Instead of staying at home or going out to play like young people, he and his old lady continue to set up a stall.

"Congratulations Wayne, you won a big victory in your first game!"

The quintuplets naturally came back together.

However, they had their own arrangements and would not stay too long. They said they were going shopping in the afternoon.

"What does this mean? When I win the championship, I will also endorse our ramen stand and produce a championship ramen. The business will definitely be very hot." Wayne said half-jokingly, feeling very good.

The main thing is that the task is completed.

Ding dong!

"Trigger random mission: debut in the national competition!"

"Mission Difficulty: S!"

"Mission completion: S!"

"Do you want to receive the reward?"

Wayne returned to the locker room and collected the mission reward.

With the five free attribute points in hand, he added them directly to his physical talent without hesitation.

Player data can be divided into two types.

One is physical talent, which is strength, speed, endurance, spirit, etc.

The other is technical, such as layups, counter layups, mid-range and long-range shots, etc.

In the second type, he can slowly improve through training, while his physical talent is fixed.

It's like a limiter that cannot be broken once it reaches its limit.

As strong as Tatsuya Himuro, the eldest brother of the protagonist Kagami Taiga was beaten to tears because of his lack of talent.

It's easy to decide how to use these attribute points.

There is no need to worry about his endurance. With the blessing of 666 training every day, it is no problem to play a full game.

The same is true in the spiritual aspect. He has been a human being for two lifetimes. From a fantasy point of view, his soul strength is twice that of ordinary people.

What needs to be paid attention to is strength and speed.

The attribute of strength is not just as simple as strength, but also includes upper body strength, lower body strength and core strength, which can improve one's resistance ability.

If he is strong enough, he can score the basket with one person hanging on him like James in every minute.

Speed ​​includes body coordination, body balance, explosive power, etc.

After all, he plays with data, so of course he has to be elegant and not savagely charge like a beast. The first choice must be speed.

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