1 second!

2 seconds!

Three seconds!

At this moment, it seemed that even the referee was frightened by the scene in front of him.

There was a delay of three seconds before he raised the sign that the goal was valid.


"Go in, Wayne scored an incredible goal!"

"This is talent, this is genius. Wayne has a great waist!"

At the Yokohama Arena, as the whistle sounded, the entire arena seemed to shake.

Because Wayne's goal is definitely the best goal on the first day of the national competition.

"You actually scored?"

"How can such a goal be scored?"

"Can you put the ball into the basket with this posture?"

An indescribable goal.

At this moment, they were just like Seirin's players, facing Aomine Daiki for the first time and being shocked by the latter's unfettered scoring style that day.

Kotaro Hayama also widened his eyes.

In the team, he is a monster in everyone's eyes, and his thunderous dribbling skills are even known as the most inhuman dribbling method.

Kotaro Hayama has always been proud of this.


He felt that Teikō's number 14 was the real monster.

Is that a goal a human can score?

The score is 5:3!

Taishan did not move for the time being, but Fukatsu Kazunari still saw the head coach's pressing movement, which meant to slow down first.

This was not a bad start. Although Teikō scored two wonderful goals, Taishan also scored smoothly.

So there is no pressure on scores.

The real pressure is Teikō's current momentum, which looks like it's going to eat people. Taishan must adjust in time, otherwise it is very likely that Teikō will make a wave and take the opportunity to open up the score.

They need to slow down first and contain Teikō's rising momentum.

Fukatsu Kazunari did as he was told, and continued to pass the ball from the outside, consuming the attack time until there were only about 10 seconds left, and then passed the ball to Kotaro Hayama.

If you want to suppress Teikō's momentum, the best way is to score the ball and respond!

"This time, five fingers!"


Like a thunderbolt falling from the clear sky, Kotaro Hayama dribbled the ball with full power this time.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

Although he has the old habit of looking down on his opponents, in the original Winter Cup, when facing Seirin who defeated Tōō, he initially played with one finger.

You know, that game was the finals!

But he is not stupid either. After knowing that his opponent is not easy, he immediately goes all out.

The dribbling sound is violent, which means terrible dribbling speed.

After Kotaro Hayama adjusted his rhythm, he rushed out like lightning in the next second, and the basketball jumped in his hands like thunder.

Wayne didn't panic and moved sideways to the left with small steps, giving himself enough space to change the defensive direction.

Then, when Kotaro Hayama accelerated his breakthrough and was blocked, cutting the ball and changing hands, Wayne quickly followed up again, completing a quick movement from left to right.

"Defense is down!"

"The five-fingered thunderous dribbling was blocked!"

"So strong!"

It is indeed very strong. No one in Taishan can stop Kotaro Hayama who dribbles with five fingers so easily.

Even captain Fukatsu Kazunari can't do it!


"Kotaro will not lose to others so easily."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kotaro Hayama actually accelerated for the second time at his original speed.

Such changes are beyond Wayne's data.

He only felt that something invisible broke out in Hayama Kotaro.

Immediately afterwards, Kotaro Hayama used even more fierce moves to tear apart Wayne's defense.

He even scored a layup with the help of Atsushi Murasakibara.

"I'll take this ball!" Kotaro Hayama shouted.

There is obviously no change in appearance, but it gives people the illusion that he has changed.

They are two completely different temperaments.

More ferocious, more swift.

"This is wildness." Wayne breathed out.

Not entirely beyond his expectations.

At least he knew from the beginning that Kotaro Hayama was a rare player with wild talent.

That is a status BUFF second only to ZONE, which can enhance the player's sense of smell to the greatest extent.

It will not improve the physical attributes in any way, but it can have a similar effect to statistical basketball.

Act according to your feelings with unimaginable instincts, making all movements faster!

"Wild? What is that?"

Someone on Teikō's bench asked in confusion.

"A biological instinct latent in the human body."

"Just like when seeing danger, human beings will naturally choose to avoid it. Human beings are creatures that are good at following instinct."

"It's just that, compared to the creatures of nature, this instinct of humans has long become very weak as they enter civilized society."

"Just like we can't judge that it's going to rain based on changes in nature and start moving like ants, in terms of instinct, humans have fallen far behind species living in nature."

"And wildness is something that can strengthen the player's instinct to the greatest extent and avoid evil and take advantage of good luck!"

"For Wayne, who is good at using data to play basketball, Kotaro Hayama is his natural enemy!"

In that case, wouldn't this be bad?

But, Momoi, why do you know so much?

Everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to Satsuki Momoi.

She said, "Because you have such a talent. Haven't you noticed?"



The game continues.

When Kotaro Hayama used his full strength.

The offensive frenzy Teikō expected failed to take off.

Although they could still score, they couldn't capitalize on that momentum and create a game-defining run.

On the contrary, it was the people of Taishan who successfully stabilized the situation with the outburst of Hayama Kotaro and Fukatsu Kazunari's sudden cold arrows from time to time.


This is the score of the first quarter. Teikō, who was a superb blocker in the Tokyo area, was actually one point behind his opponent.

This is because several of Wayne's attacks were resolved by Kotaro Hayama.

After Wayne returned to the bench, he took the towel from Satsuki and wiped the sweat from his face.

In the first quarter, he lost the competition with Kotaro Hayama!

Even though his statistics are good, with 5 points and 4 assists, he is still very impressive.

But this is based on Teikō giving him enough ball rights.

Such data is absolutely unqualified in Wayne's mind.

Especially since the team is still lagging behind!

"Let's get off the court and rest in the second quarter." Platinum Kozo followed the normal rotation and took Wayne off the court.


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