Data Basketball In The Black Basket

Chapter 92: The Impossible Dream

Aomine's show didn't end there.

After the second half of the game started, he continued to launch a fierce attack, beating the opposing team until it almost collapsed.

The outrageous speed and chaos of street basketball make every player in Shūtoku feel that he is just toying with and humiliating them.


With a bang, Aomine Daiki went all the way to the basket, dunked the ball into the basket through the defensive player, and knocked the defender away at the same time.

In an instant, the entire stadium was boiling.


"Is he really a junior high school student?"

"This is my 50th personal score!"

"Oh my god, are we going to score 60 or even 70 points in a single game?"

"Is this really street basketball? Why is it so strong?"

The audience at the scene was attracted by Aomine's gorgeous offense and cheered for it.

And Aomine, after landing, kindly stepped forward and stretched out her hand, trying to pull the other person up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were coming to help with the defense. Are you okay?"

Didn't you notice that I came to help defend you?

Is it because I am too weak to be in your eyes?


Aomine's outstretched hand was forcefully slapped away.

The other party said with a look of hatred on his face, "Stop your hypocrisy, who wants to be noticed by a monster like you!"

Resentment 11's eyes and vicious words all hit Aomine Daiki's heart, making him open his eyes involuntarily.

Just like last year, he was once again verbally abused by his opponents!

"Hey, Aomine, back on defense!"

"Don't be in a daze, Qingzi!"

"If you want to get 70 points, then keep working harder!"

His teammates came over to comfort him, and he finally regained his composure.

Wayne saw everything with his eyes and did not speak. He could only think quickly and store the scene in his memory.


There is no doubt that this is another Teikō-style massacre.

Their mantissas are all higher than the other's integer.

The so-called three-fighter king of Tokyo can only be broken in front of Teikō!

Aomine got his wish and scored 70 points, breaking the record for the highest score in a single game in the regional trials.

But instead of laughing, he fell into deep despair.

He couldn't understand why, why those people rejected his kindness and why they said bad things to him.

Is it just because he lost the game?

Young Aomine Daiki, for the first time, fell into self-doubt about his own strength.

Such confusion.

It lasted until the end of the group stage, and the emperor won three games and won the right to compete in the National People's Congress.

this day.

After Aomine Daiki finished training, she sat alone on the bench.

His eyes were no longer as bright as before, and he hadn't found the answer yet.

"Sorry, Aomine."


Aomine heard the sound and raised her head in surprise.

"Why are you apologizing to me all of a sudden, coach?"

Platinum Genzo did not answer in a hurry, but sat next to him.

"Because I noticed your confusion very early, but for the sake of the team's victory, I have never effectively guided you. "I am not a qualified head coach!"

The arena is quiet, but also very noisy.

Apart from basketball, there is no extra sound.

Aomine Daiki opened her mouth wide and looked at her head coach with a "ball-saving" look.

"However, no matter how confused you are, please don't give up."

"I won't say that as long as you don't give up, you will definitely be able to do this, but once you give up, nothing will be left!"

"There are infinite possibilities in you!"

"So, please persevere and create your own infinite possibilities, Aomine!"

Bai Jingengzao's words were light but powerful.

Aomine was moved and her eyes regained their clarity.

That's what he wanted to hear.

He just wanted someone to tell him and give him a reason to persist.

It’s that simple!

The basketball club activities are over.

Wayne pushed the cart out of the school gate, and Aomine suddenly walked over.

He asked, "Wayne, when it comes to the national competition, there must be many strong opponents like Taishan and Mingde School, right?"

This time, Wayne didn't give a definite answer. He said, "Probably."

But Kuroko said with certainty, "It will definitely happen. Have you forgotten? Aomine-kun, when we played against Uesaki last year, you fought with Inoue-san until the end.

"That's true. Next time we play against Uesaki, I will definitely score 20 points on Inoue!" Aomine's eyes glowed again, "We haven't seen each other for a year, that guy must have improved!"

So on the next day, he once again devoted himself to daily training in the same way as before.

Shirogane Genzo saw it and felt a little relieved.

Wayne didn't, he knew very well that no one could defeat Aomine now.

The current enlightenment of Shirogane Kozo and Kuroko can only temporarily suppress this emotion. When it breaks out again, nothing else can stop it.

His extremely paranoid love for basketball is about to have a backlash.

Aomine's beautiful wishes will soon be shattered.

Because, in the first game of the Teikō National Competition, their opponent is Uesaki!

Which Inoue he will face in the first round.


At this moment, Aomine, who was playing in a competition, slapped the ball and sent it flying out of the basketball club, hitting a passerby.


A scream sounded.

Knowing that she accidentally hit someone, Aomine Daiki hurried out.

"Ah, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"very painful!"

The man fell directly, twisted his head, grabbed Aomine's hand and stood up.

Only now did Aomine see the truth clearly.


‘Sure enough, you know me too? That’s right. After all, I’m a model and a little star.

"Ah, I can't remember. Just hope you're okay. I'm going to continue training. Goodbye."

By North!

Kise Ryōta was speechless, raised his head, and saw Aomine Daiki020 playing a training match with his teammates.

"Basketball? It seems like I haven't played it before!"

"Would you like to give it a try? I heard that the basketball club we study in is very strong, so you won't get bored after playing for a day or two!"

The last actor has also arrived.

Wayne naturally noticed the golden retriever outside the door.

An absolute genius and unparalleled learning ability, he can master it completely no matter what kind of sport he takes a little time.

One day, two days, three days?

In short, in less than a week, he will be able to defeat all the invincible opponents in the world.

Teikō's baseball club, football club, volleyball club, etc. have all left his legend.

Wayne saw it, took out another blank notebook, and wrote the four characters "Kise Ryōta" on it.

There is still one month left before the national competition starts.

During this period, Platinum Genzo continued to provide targeted training to the team members.

It was also at this time that a genius emerged again among the Second and Third Armies.

In just one week, the second and third armies were swept.

"Another talented player?"

“God has so favored us Teikō!”

"He seems to be an incredible player. Compared to Wayne and Haizaki, he has only been exposed to basketball for a week."

"Does that mean they are beginners? They have only been exposed to basketball for one day and they have defeated the second army, Tsuchiya. Arrange a few training games for them."


The fourth update. .

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