On the night of the fourth day of the sixth month in the ninth year of Wude, this day was destined to be unusual.

There was a light rain in the sky of Chang'an City, and no sunshine was seen.

Outside the Xuanwu Gate, hundreds of elite cavalry were ambushed on both sides, and everyone looked a little nervous and excited.

If today's matter succeeds, you will enjoy endless wealth and glory for the rest of your life! If it fails, then... your family will be destroyed!

"Jingde, what's going on in Wude Hall and the East Palace?"

The leader asked in a low voice. It can be heard that he was a little uneasy.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince has joined the King of Qi and is heading towards the Taiji Palace. In a moment, they will reach the Xuanwu Gate.……"

The strong general behind him clasped his fists respectfully and said hesitantly.

These two people are the protagonists of today, Qin Wang Li Shimin and his chief bodyguard Yuchi Jingde!

Who would have thought that Li Shimin is only 29 years old now, with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and a powerful aura without anger, a tough guy. According to historical records, he will be promoted to the emperor in two months and usher in the great prosperity of Zhenguan! And today is the most critical turning point, known in history as the"Xuanwu Gate Incident". Here, he will shoot his brother, Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, to death with his own hands!

"Just what? Jingde, there is no need to hide anything, just speak directly!"

Li Shimin's face was stern, and he shouted, frightening Yuchi Jingde to tremble.

He raised an army in Taiyuan at the age of 18, and pacified the world at the age of 24. In the battle of Hulao Pass, he fought two people alone and killed two of them. Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande were both pacified, relying on his unparalleled command ability.

Even if he charged into battle, he could be called a fierce general of the time!

Therefore, this shout, the momentum surged, and Yuchi Jingde was terrified!

"It’s just…it’s just that the prince and the King of Qi seem to have brought too many followers, and the two of them joined forces and arrived at the same time! We have 800 ambushes, and we may not be sure to win!"

Yuchi Gong said repeatedly, his tone was a little hurried, but his expression was not panic.

He was also an unparalleled warrior who rushed out of the sea of blood and corpses. Even if he was alone against a hundred, he was not afraid. He was only afraid of missing the opportunity to fight and ruining the King of Qin's plan!

"Did the news leak out?!"

Li Shimin's brows tightened, with a bad feeling in his heart.

He lied that the crown prince and the prince of Qi were committing adultery in the harem, which forced Li Yuan to order the two to be summoned. Logically speaking, with their father summoning them, the two should not be alert...

Could it be that someone...

Thinking of this, his expression became more serious, and he ordered everyone to be on alert. As long as the crown prince and the prince of Qi showed their heads, they would be shot to death with arrows!

Whoever kills these two will be granted the title of Marquis of the State!

But they did not notice that at the top of the imperial city, a young man in white was looking down at Li Shimin beside the Xuanwu Gate, with a slight smile on his face.

"Li Er, Li Er, I traveled through the Tang Dynasty and didn't expect to become your adopted son. This identity is really...……"

Xu Chen smiled and muttered to himself.

Accidentally traveling through the Tang Dynasty, he was blessed by God and got the super bug of"Technology Production Tree System". He was also the blood of Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun who were exiled to the people!

At that time, it was still Taiyuan at the end of the Sui Dynasty. There was chaos and war. If he hadn't traveled through time, a four or five-year-old child who got lost in the crowd would have been trampled into a pulp!

Now ten years have passed, and he is fourteen years old. He has climbed to the top of the imperial city. It happened that he could also witness the earth-shaking Xuanwu Gate Incident with his own eyes!

However, today's situation seems to be a little different from what is recorded in history books...

Looking down from a high place, he saw a large group of people in the east, countless black masses, marching in unison, and moving towards Xuanwu Gate at a high speed.

Looking at this momentum, I'm afraid it's the legendary Imperial Guards!

"Aren't the sixteen guards on the left and right all controlled by Li Er? Where did this group of imperial guards come from? Looking at their size, they are a bit scary.……"

Xu Chen also frowned and began to think.

This scale, there are probably thousands of people!

Even if Li Shimin's 800 ambushes are more unexpected and powerful, they can't beat so many imperial guards!

Could it be that because of his time travel, he changed the historical development of the entire Tang Dynasty, so this battle will be the prince's destruction of the King of Qin?

Thinking of this, Xu Chen's face darkened.

If Li Shimin is killed, won't his whole family die?

Wouldn't he become an orphan and a mute without a father or a mother?

No, absolutely not! The prince and the king of Qi must die!

Just thinking about it, the thousands of imperial guards, in a few breaths, had already rushed from the Wude Hall to the front of the Xuanwu Gate, led by the prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi Li Yuanji!

Seeing this, Li Shimin, who was ambushing on the side, looked drastically, and his heart almost jumped out.

"Who leaked the news?

Li Shimin gnashed his teeth and shouted. Seeing this scene, he understood everything.

The eldest brother and the fourth brother must have taken precautions and tried to catch the turtle in the jar.

Yes, he was the stupid turtle. The intelligence was too backward!

These thousands of elite guards might even be allocated to them by the emperor. Judging from the situation, they might not have a good ending today.

"Your Highness, I estimate that the Crown Prince has 5,000 elite cavalrymen. It is probably impossible to kill them. We should break out as soon as possible. As long as we have a green mountain, we will not be afraid of running out of firewood!"

After all, Yuchi Jingde was a veteran of many battles and was not afraid of emergencies. He immediately gave Li Shimin an idea.

"I'm afraid there's no firewood left on the Li family's Qingshan Mountain."

Li Shimin sighed softly, stood up suddenly, looked at the clear face not far away, and shouted,

"We are already desperate criminals, why should we cherish our lives? Follow me!"

This loud shout resounded throughout Xuanwu Gate, and all 800 ambush soldiers stood up and rushed towards the east!

800 charging 5000, how tragic! But no one retreated!

Facing the blatant charge of these 800 people, the 5,000 guards did not move at all, like a city wall

"Big brother, I think this second brother is just like that, a reckless man. If he surrenders now, maybe the emperor will be merciful and spare his life, don't you think so?"

Seeing this, Qi Wang Li Yuanji just sneered and turned his head and said

"Is that so? Father is merciful, but you and I……"

Crown Prince Li Jiancheng glanced at him slightly, and the two of them looked at each other and laughed.

Li Yuanji waved his whip and shouted:

"Qin Wang Li Shimin hid his troops at Xuanwu Gate, intending to rebel! We are here to suppress the rebellion in compliance with the Emperor's order!"

"Anyone who kills one person will be rewarded with 10 taels of gold! Anyone who kills Yuchi Jingde will be made a viscount! Anyone who beheads Li Shimin, the King of Qin……"

""Confer a title of nobility!"

As soon as these words came out, thousands of imperial guards were in a commotion, and their eyes were swollen and red as they looked at Li Shimin.

They had only one goal... to kill Li Shimin!

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