As the top second generation of the Tang Dynasty, they had never encountered such a thing before, a person they had never met before, came up and shouted at them. Isn't this a bit too much?

But after a few seconds of pause, they really started to introduce themselves.

"I am Qin Huaiyu"

"I am Chang Sun Chong"

"I am Fang Yiai."

After the five top young masters said their names, they all turned to look at Xu Chen.

They deliberately only said their names and did not make any extra introductions, just to see what this guy in front of them was up to.

The Zhenguan era had not yet begun, and Li Shimin had just ascended the throne. Their origins were unknown to those who were not in the aristocratic circle!

"They are all descendants of the heroes of the Xuanwu Gate coup at the Qin Palace. No wonder they are mixed together."

Xu Chen glanced at them and said in amazement.

Yuchi Baolin's father Yuchi Gong, Cheng Chumo's father Cheng Yaojin, Changsun Chong's father Changsun Wuji, Qin Huaiyu's father Qin Qiong, Fang Yiai's father Fang Xuanling.

These five are all deep participants in the Xuanwu Gate coup! Now that the coup has succeeded, each of them has already held a high position. It is normal for their sons to mix and play together. However, the sons and nephews of Li Jing, Li Ji and others who were neutral in the Xuanwu Gate coup did not mix into this circle. Those who understand naturally understand the meaning.

"How dare you talk nonsense here!"

Chang Sun Chong's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he immediately slammed the table and said sternly.

The other people were also shocked, with uncertain expressions on their faces, and they looked at Xu Chen with a bit of hostility in their eyes.

""Xuanwu Gate Coup" These five words, no matter who said them, were considered a serious crime of treason. If anyone heard them, they would be beheaded!

Not only that, if someone with ulterior motives heard them and reported them to the court, even the top young masters of Chang'an like them would definitely not be able to escape the blame.

These five words could not be said or heard!

At this time, in an inconspicuous dark corner of Mingyue Tower, a man who looked like a scholar moved slightly and left quickly.

"Haha! If you did it, you can't talk about it?"

Xu Chen laughed loudly, not taking it to heart at all.

As a direct participant in the Xuanwu Gate Incident, he was still the biggest contributor! If he hadn't suddenly appeared, the emperor now would probably be Li Jiancheng or Li Yuanji, right?

Others couldn't say this, but he had no scruples. Even if Li Shimin heard it, he would just laugh it off.

But the speaker didn't mean it, but the listener did. Yuchi Baolin was not in a good mood to begin with, and his face was as gloomy as water at this time, and he said angrily:

"Brother, why are you talking nonsense here? We don't want to cause trouble. If you know what's good for you, leave quickly and we will pretend that nothing happened. If you continue to make trouble here, be careful that we will tie you up and send you to the authorities!"

As soon as he said this, more than ten guards appeared on both sides, staring at Xu Chen with a covetous look.

If they disagreed, they would be torn into pieces!

Obviously, Xu Chen had killed the conversation with just this one sentence, and made the five of them in a bad mood.

""Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Baolin, how is your father's condition? He cut off his right arm by himself, so he probably hasn't recovered yet, right? How is it, has the poison dissipated?"

Xu Chen smiled and waved his hand, no longer teasing these sensitive second-generations, and asked with concern.

When Yuchi Gong was shot by Li Yuanji's poisonous arrow, he should have cut off his right arm immediately, but the situation was urgent at the time, and he had to go to the palace to ask for military power. I'm afraid it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

If the condition worsens, the poison must have spread!

"You! How do you know about my father's injury?!"

After hearing this, Yuchi Baolin's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

Few people in Chang'an knew about this matter. He announced to the public that he was just ill and resting at home. How did this young man know about it?

For a moment, his heart was a little confused. He quickly grabbed Xu Chen's hand and said anxiously,

"Since this brother knows about this, do you have any way to rescue him? If you can save my father, I, Yuchi Baolin, will repay you with my life and soul!"

As he said this, he actually knelt in front of Xu Chen! After all, he was a descendant of a military general, so he was brave and decisive. He knelt without hesitation.

Seeing this, the other people immediately forgot about the unpleasantness just now, and all bowed deeply to Xu Chen and said in unison:

""Please, brother, save Uncle Yuchi!"

For them, bowing and saluting was nothing. If Yuchi Gong could really be cured, as the younger generation, what would it matter if they knelt and kowtowed?

In the early Tang Dynasty, these young masters were very united!

"Get up, there is no need to be so polite."

Faced with their courtesy, Xu Chen did not even blink, and said calmly,

"I have said before that Yuchi Gong's arm must be cut off immediately. If we delay for an hour, there will be an hour of crisis. By the time everything is done, the opportunity will be gone."

Fortunately, he has not worked in vain in the past few months. He has conducted in-depth research on the"medical technology" of the system. Now it is not a big deal for him to perform a surgical operation with his bare hands.

However, he still needs to see what the condition is.

"To be honest, that day... that day when I returned home, my father was already in a state of depression. After giving the order, no one dared to do anything until he woke up the next day, and then the disabled limb was cut off. But by then, the blood was already black!"

Yuchi Baolin said with a sad expression, wiping away tears.

"Fortunately, Dr. Sun treated him. After several months of treatment, his condition was stabilized. He was able to walk a few days ago, but for some reason, he fainted before he could take a few steps. He has been in a coma for three days now, and even Dr. Sun is helpless.……"

The glory of their family was supported by Yuchi Gong alone. If this pillar was gone, the Yuchi family would immediately decline and become a ruined noble family.

"Oh my god, you guys are so careless. I told you that the poison couldn't be delayed, but you waited until the next day to amputate? He's lucky to be alive!"

Xu Chen took a breath and waved his hand.

"Quick! Take me to the mansion to observe the condition. If we delay any longer, even if he survives, he will become a vegetable!"

Now he has a certain understanding of medical principles and knows how terrible toxins are. The most important thing for a poisoned person is to delay. The longer he delays, the more dangerous his life will be!

Yuchi Baolin nodded repeatedly. Although he didn't understand what Xu Chen meant by"vegetative state", he still got up quickly and rushed home with Xu Chen and the other four young masters!

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