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As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone picked up a piece of sea bass and put it in their mouths to taste it, especially Lao Zheng, who was in a hurry to taste it.

This meal was his responsibility. If it really tasted bad, wouldn't it be his fault?

However, the moment the fish meat was put into his mouth, he immediately regained his composure, turned to look at Qingquan, and asked seriously:

"There is nothing wrong with the taste of this sea bass. It tastes very fragrant and tender. How can you say there is a problem? May I ask where the flaw is?"

As the person in charge of food, he is not willing to take the blame, so he naturally wants to ask clearly.

At this time, the other female workers and maids nodded after eating, agreeing with Lao Zheng's words.

For them, such a delicious food is already very good to be able to eat, so how can they be picky.

Seeing this, Xu Chen was also quite curious. He picked up a piece of fish meat and put it in his mouth. After tasting it carefully, he nodded and smiled:

"This freshly killed sea bass is quite fragrant, and the fishy smell is not bad. I wonder if Miss Qingquan thinks there is something wrong with it. Please correct me, so that we can improve it. To be honest, I am still a foodie."

The taste of this sea bass is indeed average for a modern person like Xu Chen, but in ancient times, it was rare to be able to eat freshly killed sea bass.

Hearing this, Qingquan couldn't help but smile, and then whispered:

"The most outstanding point of this freshly killed sea bass is its freshness, not its aroma. The chef did a good job in handling the fish, but in the cooking process, he ignored the freshness and used too many seasonings. The aroma did come out, but the freshness was covered up. This is not the true meaning of steamed sea bass, so I say that this steamed sea bass is a little flawed."

Her words were like a gourmet evaluating a dish. What she said was well-reasoned and irrefutable. Even Lao Zheng was speechless at this time.

Indeed, for fish, freshness is indeed more important than aroma, and the grade is also higher. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that there are flaws.

"So according to your opinion, how should this steamed sea bass be cooked to bring out its freshness?"

Xu Chen looked at Qingquan with interest and asked with a smile.

He had a feeling that he had accidentally discovered a top-notch beauty chef!

"In fact, it is not difficult. After steaming the sea bass, just pour a layer of hot oil on the fish. In this way, there is no need for too many seasonings and sauces, and the original flavor of the sea bass will be fully stimulated."

Qingquan lowered his head slightly, without looking at Xu Chen, and explained in a low voice,

"Ingredients themselves have certain properties, some are suitable for fragrance, some are suitable for freshness. As long as you cook according to its properties, even without any seasoning, the taste will not be bad. This is the experience summarized by this servant."

This statement surprised everyone present, especially Xiao Wu, who applauded and cheered:

"Sister Qing is awesome! Xiaowu is drooling over what you said. When can I start learning to cook from you? I can’t wait!"

The reason why she was so obsessed with Qingquan today was because she learned from the conversation that Qingquan’s cooking skills were pretty good, so she kept pestering her with questions.

Of course, after getting to know her for a while, she also felt that Qingquan’s personality and temper were very much to her liking. The two of them, one lively and the other quiet, complemented each other very well, and their relationship was further deepened.

"Haha, such a profound theory really makes me admire it. Miss Qingquan's attainments in cooking seem to be very high!"

Xu Chen savored Qingquan's words carefully, and was suddenly amazed and praised her repeatedly.

Before the Song Dynasty, the ancients did not pay much attention to eating. It was good enough to have a full meal. Who would care about the taste of the food? It was not until the economic development of the Song Dynasty that various stir-fried dishes and snacks became prosperous. After the Song Dynasty, it was considered a period of vigorous development of Chinese cuisine. Before that, there was no concept of"delicious food".

And this Miss Qingquan, who can have such a forward-looking vision, is really rare! For food The understanding of the material will never be outdated even in the 21st century. For a moment, Xu Chen had already wanted to win him over.

His half-baked cooking skills can only make fried eggs with tomatoes and sweet and sour pork ribs. If he is asked to cook fish and meat, he will be exposed immediately, resulting in many delicious dishes being unable to be cooked.

Now, if there is such a talented chef cooking at home, wouldn't it be possible to change the dishes every day and eat the delicious food in my mind?

Just thinking about it makes me drool! He no longer hesitated and said immediately:

"How about this? Tonight, Miss Qingquan, show me your cooking skills and let me enjoy a feast. I can find someone to buy whatever ingredients you need. As long as they are available in Chang'an City, I will buy them for you!"

His proposal was immediately strongly agreed by Xiao Wu, who said repeatedly:

"Sister Qing, show me your cooking skills today. If I can learn from you and Brother Chen likes the dishes I cook, Xiao Wu will recognize you as his sister from now on. How about that?"

Xiao Wu launched a clinging offensive, and even Xu Chen couldn't resist it, let alone Qing Quan. At this time, she was almost dizzy from being shaken by Xiao Wu. She looked at Xu Chen with a shy expression and had to agree:

"Stop shaking, I agree, but if it doesn't suit your taste, don't blame me."_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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