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"Didn't you say you agreed to accompany Xiao Wu? Then of course you have to marry Brother Chen, Xiao Wu means this, you also marry Brother Chen, and then you can accompany me~"

Xiao Wu still had a smiling expression, and a bit of cunning, and said,

"You are not allowed to regret it! Although we are girls, we must be honest and trustworthy. Once a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back!"

Her words pushed Qingquan into a dead end. Even if she was really reluctant, she had to agree. Otherwise, it would be a breach of trust.

"Well, even if I agree to it, the Lord of God will not agree, right? After all, I am just a female worker, and the daughter of a merchant. With the noble status of the Lord of God, I am afraid he will not look down on a lowly woman like me.……"

Qingquan couldn't persuade Xiaowu, and was also confused by her series of psychological tactics. She half-heartedly agreed, but at the same time, her eyes also showed disappointment and self-mockery.

She was a very self-aware person. In an era that pays so much attention to the matching of family backgrounds, with her status and position, she was not even qualified to be the side room of the Marquis. She was only qualified to be a concubine! And the Marquis had to be interested in her.

"Sister Qing, please don't underestimate yourself. You are such a good cook, have such strong design skills, and are so beautiful. Which man would not like you? Brother Chen is probably itching to have sex with you~"

Xiao Wu patted Qingquan's shoulder and comforted her.

"Don't worry, our family never cares about those rules and regulations. Brother Chen has always regarded money, fame, and status as dirt. He only looks at people's character and ability. Do you know Xue Rengui? That kid used to be a laborer. His status was low enough, right? Now he is a general! So, you can rest assured!"

Although Xiao Wu's words were exaggerated and glorified Xu Chen, they were indeed true. From the moment Xu Chen came into this world, he never cared about these things. As long as it was something he wanted, he would fight for it even if the whole world opposed it.

He never cared about the eyes and judgments of the world.

"Then... my father and aunt may not agree, especially my aunt, who will definitely try her best to stop it. She has never wanted me and my mother to have an easy life."

Qingquan listened to Xiaowu's words, and her impression of Xu Chen became better, but she didn't finish her concerns. She only whispered,

"Ever since my father came to Chang'an from Jiangnan to do business and was cheated, he still owed a lot of foreign debts. The whole family depends on the relatives of my aunt for support. So in our family, my aunt is the one who has the final say. Even my father has to give way to her. If she disagrees, then I have no choice.……"

Qingquan spoke slowly and without any resentment or anger in her tone. Her expression was also very calm, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

However, Xiaowu was distressed when he heard it. A rich lady had fallen into a lowly female worker, doing such rough and tiring work. How uncomfortable must Sister Qing feel in her heart?

She had already decided to save Qing from the sea of suffering. Her eyes were stern, and she snorted coldly:

"Your aunt? Who is she? How can she disagree? If my Divine Marquisate wants a woman, let alone a merchant's daughter, even if she is the daughter of a duke, I will send her to your house immediately with just one word!"

"Sister Qing, you don't have to worry about this. As long as you nod and agree, Xiao Wu will do everything for you, whether it's Brother Chen or your parents. If your aunt doesn't know what's good for her, I'll let her taste the slap in the face, hum!"

Xiao Wu's domineering aura frightened Qing Quan so much that she didn't dare to move. Her eyes and posture were like a king! Is this still the delicate little girl who kept shaking her arm and acting coquettishly? Qing Quan was a little confused at this time. She pulled Xiao Wu's hand and repeatedly advised:

"Xiao Wu, don't be like this, I... I will listen to you, and the lady won't be so tactless."

After saying this, the doubt in her heart about whether she likes Xu Chen has disappeared. At this point, it is no longer important whether she likes Shen Hou or not. Xiao Wu is so good to her, and she must repay this friendship.

"Hehe, that's good, don't worry, Brother Chen is the easiest to deal with. As a marquis, he will definitely take a concubine. Sister Qing is both talented and beautiful. I think he has been interested in you since morning~"

Xiao Wu heard this and immediately returned to his usual cute and smiling appearance, winking and saying.

Her wishful thinking was well-made. Instead of letting Xu Chen mess around outside and bring in some women of unknown origin, it would be better for her to personally"select concubines". In this way, she can get a good sister with similar interests and stabilize Xu Chen's backyard.

At this time, Xu Chen naturally didn't know what Xiao Wu was thinking. If he knew, he would probably be so moved that he would cry.

Wife, thank you for pimping for me personally!

"No way, Xiao Wu just knows how to make fun of me……"

After hearing this, Qingquan's face flushed again, and she felt a little sweet in her heart.

She was still somewhat confident about her appearance. If Xu Chen really fell in love with her at first sight, it would be a kind of affirmation of her.

"Don't make fun of me, don't make fun of me, Sister Qing, where do you live now? I'll take you home after dinner."

Xiao Wu took Qingquan's hand and said affectionately,

"There will be a curfew later in the evening. If there is no one to escort you, you will probably be caught and interrogated by the night watcher Wu Hou."

She was very thoughtful. There was a curfew in Chang'an at night. If you were not sleeping in the middle of the night and ran around in Chang'an, you would be beaten by Wu Hou.

Of course, the nobles naturally had privileges. Even if they had a hundred guts, they would not dare to catch Xiao Wu, the daughter of a county lord and the wife of a divine marquis.

"No... no need. My mother and I live in a small village outside Chang'an. It's too far away. It's not safe for you to go. I'll cook for you and then go back."

Qingquan shook her head and said evasively.

However, her slight movements could not be hidden from Xiaowu, who was very smart. Xiaowu's expression changed and he asked:

"You and your mother live in a small village outside Chang'an? Then...what about your father and your aunt?"

"Do they live in Chang'an City?"

Xiao Wu gritted his teeth and asked with a hint of murderous intent, while Qingquan hesitated for a while and nodded gently, indicating his consent.

"What?! They kicked you and your mother out of the house?"

Xiao Wu was furious at this time, and said angrily,

"This is outrageous, outrageous! I'll tell Brother Chen right away!"_

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