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"Hmm? Live in our house?"

Xu Chen was slightly stunned when he heard this, and put down his chopsticks and asked in confusion.

He turned his eyes to Qingquan, who was blushing at this time, and almost buried his head under the table. This look made Xu Chen a little confused.

What was going on?

"Yes, just tell me, okay? I'm so bored at home alone, so you can let Sister Qing live here and stay with me so we can chat and relieve boredom, right?"

Xiao Wu said coquettishly to Xu Chen. She was using the same old trick again, but she had to use the sticky tactics when facing Xu Chen. When facing different people, her words and expressions would change differently, and she could always hit the other party's soft spot and make the other party agree obediently. This is the terrible thing about the empress, but in this life, she spent all her thoughts on Xu Chen, and those talents were only used for Xu Chen.

Sure enough, Xu Chen couldn't resist her offensive and said repeatedly:

""Okay, okay, as long as you like, then come and live here. Our house is so big that we don't need a room. It's just a matter of adding an extra pair of chopsticks. It's up to you!"

Since Xiao Wu and Qing Quan have such a good relationship, Xu Chen naturally wouldn't object. Sometimes when he is busy with big things, he does ignore Xiao Wu's feelings. If he is not around in the future, it would be nice to have someone to accompany her.

Besides, this Qing Quan girl is both talented and beautiful. She is very talented in design and can cook such delicious dishes. Xu Chen also wants her to stay.

"Great! Brother Chen, do you agree?"

When Xiao Wu saw Xu Chen nod, he was immediately delighted and teased Qingquan,

"You see, I told you that Brother Chen is also interested in you, right? Sister Qing, you must serve our husband with me in the future~"

Her words were very provocative, and Qingquan was so embarrassed that he could only nod shyly.

Faced with this sudden scene, Xu Chen was stunned.


What's going on? How can we serve our husband together?!

"Xiao Wu, what do you mean by that? How come I am interested in Miss Qingquan too?"

Xu Chen's mind hadn't come to its senses yet, and he said blankly.

Looking at Xiao Wu's sweet smile, he suddenly felt like he was being tricked.……

"Hmm? Isn't it? Xiao Wu said that he wanted Sister Qing to come over, and asked Brother Chen to marry her. Otherwise, it would be rude for a pure girl to always stay in the mansion. Do you still want to keep your chastity?"

Xiao Wu had a look of success on his face, and said confidently,

"Brother Chen said,"It's nothing more than an extra pair of chopsticks." It was obvious that he was interested in Sister Qing, otherwise, why would he let her stay at home for dinner every day for no reason, right?"

Her words were well-reasoned and convincing. For a moment, Xu Chen didn't know how to respond.

Hey, could it be that he really meant it...

No! It's obviously Xiao Wu who is leading the rhythm!

After all, Xu Chen is a modern person with a relatively developed logical thinking. After a little thought, he discovered the hidden mystery in Xiao Wu's words, waved his hand and smiled:

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, you have learned bad things, even your brother Chen is plotting against me! You first asked me to agree, and then processed the ambiguous words before, making the meaning completely different, and then forced me to submit. I guess your next sentence must be - a real man's word is as good as gold, and he can't go back on his word! This will force me to agree, right?"

While analyzing, Xu Chen was also amazed, after all, she was the material for the queen, and she almost fell for this little girl's trick!

"Hehehe, I knew I couldn't hide it from you, Brother Chen."

When Xiao Wu saw that his evil plan was exposed, he still looked playful and sat next to Xu Chen, saying coquettishly,

"Do you think I'm good to you? I'll even help you expand your backyard! Xiao Wu knew that Brother Chen had high standards, so he didn't dare to choose casually, but Sister Qing was really good. I liked her at first sight. She has a good temperament and appearance, is talented, and can cook well. Look at her figure, which is also plump. Look at this...……"

The more she talked, the more outrageous it became. Qingquan's ears turned red and limp.

How can you judge a girl like that?……

""Okay, okay, don't say anything. If you continue, it will be unbearable to hear."

Xu Chen quickly covered her mouth and made her stop. He glanced at Qingquan who was shyly lowering her head, and his heart was slightly moved.

Which man doesn't like beautiful women? Although Xu Chen is not a lustful person, he will not learn from Liu Xiahui. If there is a girl he likes, he doesn't mind sitting down to eat together and exchange feelings.

In addition, this is Xiao Wu's promotion. If she is married into the family, the backyard must be extremely harmonious! It must be said that Xiao Wu is really sensible and smart!

She knows that the nobles nowadays have many wives and concubines. For a marquis like herself, it is normal to have seven or eight women. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to take the initiative and choose people in person.

In this way, those girls who come in will first accept the favor of the eldest wife, and naturally they will follow Xiao Wu's lead, and the status of the eldest wife will not be affected at all.

For example, Qingquan is really being treated very well!

"Brother Chen, do you agree or not? If you don't express your opinion, Sister Qing will cry.……"

Xiao Wu saw Xu Chen lost in thought and hurriedly urged him.

She was unsure about what Xu Chen was thinking after not speaking for a while. Qingquan was a little uneasy at this time because she didn't get a positive answer from Xu Chen. She bit her lips tightly and even bit them until blood came out...

An inferiority complex was spreading. She began to think that she might be a little self-indulgent. Xu Chen's hesitation already meant that he didn't like her.

Yes, what qualifications did she have to marry into a marquis's family? Even if she was a concubine, people wouldn't look down on her, right?

Thinking of this, Qingquan's face began to turn pale and her mood fell to the bottom. At this time, Xu Chen suddenly stood up, hugged Qingquan's slightly cold body in his arms, and said with a smile:

"This is great, I, Xu, have one more wife!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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