In the wing room, Yuchi Baolin and others were all looking at Sun Simiao nervously, waiting for his conclusion, while Xu Chen stood aside, wiping his hands with confidence.

At the moment the operation was completed, the system gave an excellent score, which meant that the operation was a complete success!

It's true, being a surgeon feels pretty good. How did the saying go?"Precision is the difference between slaughter and surgery."

He felt that he was very precise. It was surgery, not slaughter.

"The pulse has stabilized, and the breath is not as disordered as it was last night."

Sun Simiao took Yuchi Gong's pulse and said in surprise,

"I didn't expect that such a bone scraping would have such a good effect. Duke E is now just suffering from a lack of blood and qi, which is why his face is so pale. As long as he is well fed and well fed, he will be fully recovered in just three months!"

Seeing such a good effect, Sun Simiao became more and more interested in surgical treatment. His ideals were very ambitious. If he wanted to be famous for generations, he had to take a step that his predecessors had never taken.

From the invisible and intangible internal medicine to the visible surgery, if this step was taken, it would definitely be a huge transformation of Chinese medicine!

"Great, great, hahahaha……"

Mrs. Hei, who had always kept her emotions to herself, finally couldn't help crying with joy. She kept bowing to Sun Simiao and Xu Chen, making a squatting gesture and thanking them repeatedly.

"Thank you, Dr. Sun, thank you, Dr. Xu, Baolin, why don't you kowtow to the two doctors!"

This is a great favor for saving my life, I should kowtow to express my gratitude

"Thank you, Dr. Sun, thank you, Mr. Xu!"

Yuchi Baolin bowed his head without any hesitation, and kowtowed three times to the ground.

The other four young masters also knelt down and saluted the two doctors.

The Tang Dynasty was an era that attached great importance to etiquette, and the most important thing was loyalty and filial piety!

As a minister, you don't have to kneel to the emperor, but as a junior, the two doctors saved Uncle Yuchi's life. Given the relationship between their families, even if they don't kowtow, they have to kneel down and pay homage.

This is filial piety, and it can become a story for the ages in the future!

"Please stand up, please stand up, no need to be polite, saving people is my job, and besides, Mr. Xu is the key, you should thank him more."

Sun Simiao happily helped a few juniors up and joked,

"If I hadn't been embarrassed in front of you youngsters, I would have kowtowed and become Mr. Xu Chen's apprentice, learning the art of surgery."

He is really old but not old at heart. This joke made everyone laugh, sweeping away the gloomy atmosphere that had accumulated in the wing room for many days.

Who wouldn't like such a lovely old man? Even Xu Chen liked this old man a little. He didn't take advantage of his age, but was humble and willing to learn. This is the behavior of a virtuous person!

At this moment, Xu Chen already had a plan in mind. If he gave the medical technology of the Tang Empire to Sun Simiao, he might be able to achieve remarkable results!

""Dr. Sun, you are too polite. I have only learned a little bit. It is really a shame to show off my skills in front of you."

Xu Chen waved his hand, and he and Sun Simiao exchanged some flattery. Then he wrote a few lines on the paper and reminded him,

"Although the surgery was successful, you still need careful care and observation afterwards. I can't prescribe medicine, but I know a lot about nutritional balance. You must buy these foods for your next meal. Do you understand?"

The meals on this paper are tailored by the system according to Yuchi Gong's current condition, which can maximize the supplement of nutrients and trace elements that Yuchi Gong is in urgent need of now.

"Yes, yes."

Yuchi Baolin carefully took the paper from Xu Chen and put it in his clothes.

He was worried about leaving this kind of thing to the servants, so he wanted to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine himself.

"Alas, medicine is not as good as food, and medicine is three-quarters poison. Compared with Mr. Xu's advanced ideas, I feel ashamed of myself."

Sun Simiao, who was writing a prescription, sighed and crumpled the paper in his hand into a ball, saying,

""Since we have Mr. Xu's prescription, I don't need to write this one!"

He felt a little disappointed. He had been practicing medicine for decades, but today he was defeated by a teenager. This was a blow to him.

But at the same time, he was also a little excited. What Xu Chen showed was a brand new medical field that he had never heard of or seen before!

He only needed to listen to Xu Chen talking for a while and a few nouns popped out of his mouth, and his head was full of inspiration!

What"surgery"?","Sterile environment","Nutritional balance"……These words are extremely novel, but when you savor them carefully, they are wonderful!

Now he seems to have returned to the age of 20, the Sun Simiao who was full of fighting spirit and wanted to dedicate 50 years to the cause of Chinese medicine. He is back!

He still wants to fight for Chinese medicine for another 50 years!

Ahem, yes, he did it in the end.……

"Well, the operation is done, and there is nothing for me to do. It is time to go back."

Xu Chen took a sip of tea and stood up to say goodbye.

He wanted to inquire about the news about wool, but this situation was not the time to talk about business. Anyway, now he has become familiar with them and established friendship with Yuchi Baolin and others. If he wants to inquire about it in the future, he will have a way.

This group of the most distinguished top young masters in the Tang Dynasty will become his new channel!

"Hey, Mr. Xu, don't leave yet. I still have a lot of medical questions I want to ask you. Why don't you come to my house and we can talk by candlelight at night? Or, I can take you as my teacher, okay?"

When Sun Simiao heard that Xu Chen was about to leave, he immediately became anxious and hurriedly tried to keep him.

In order to keep Xu Chen, he���He put his attitude at the lowest level, even using the word"please teach me", which is what a student would say when asking a teacher a question!

To be honest, if it is really possible, he really wants to become his apprentice.……

""Dr. Sun, you are embarrassing me... How about this? I live in Qinglong Village outside Chang'an City. If you want to come, come to Qinglong Village to find me. If you really want to become my disciple, you can't become my disciple. I can accept disciples on behalf of the master. How about we call each other brothers?"

Xu Chen blushed and said hurriedly.

He took advantage of the system and said advanced ideas after a thousand years, which amazed Sun Simiao. It was not obtained by his own hard work.

If he really accepted Sun Simiao as his disciple, wouldn't he be too thick-skinned?

Making up a fictitious master and letting them be brothers, that's almost the same!

Upon hearing this, Sun Simiao immediately stood up, bowed to Xu Chen, and said loudly:

"Senior Brother, please accept my greetings!"

Xu Chen:"……???"

Brother, you are so old, you should be my senior brother!

The first day 30,000 words have been completed, I sincerely ask for a wave of collection flowers, it is expected to be on the shelves next week, I will be quick~

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