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Chen could imagine that at this moment, Empress Changsun must have been very entangled and nervous, because this different dressing style was more than a thousand years ahead of the Tang Dynasty!

This kind of dress after a thousand years must be very shocking in the Tang Dynasty today. The key is that the first person to wear it is the Empress of the Tang Dynasty!

As the first person to eat crabs, it is normal to feel a little uneasy. Give her some time to adapt.

"What kind of weird poem did you write? What did you describe your mother to be?"

Li Shimin glared at Xu Chen and said unhappily.

This poem sounded like it was talking about those women of the night. How could it be used to describe the dignified and elegant queen? Although... it was indeed quite appropriate.

Because, at this time, Empress Zhangsun walked out slowly from the back hall, but she lowered her head, stopped every three steps, and paused every five steps.

She was so slow that she walked in front of everyone only after being pulled by her personal maid.

When everyone saw her, she was wearing a snow-white wool coat that almost covered her knees and was fastened with three ox horn buttons.

It was already very...

She was elegant and upright, and the pair of deerskin boots also brought a bit of youthful vitality, making the originally quiet and dignified Empress Changsun.

Add a bit of liveliness for no reason.

And the pair of sunglasses was the finishing touch! It can be imagined that at this time, there must be uneasiness in the eyes of Empress Changsun, but the sunglasses concealed her uneasiness very well, on the contrary, making her look more domineering!

Finally, coupled with the faint smell of perfume, Li Shimin, who was beside her at this time, suddenly sniffed the fragrance and was a little stunned.

This dashing and heroic This woman, is she really his queen? This change in style is too big, isn't it? It feels like a different person!

Obviously, Li Shimin was also fascinated by this"uniform temptation". It was the same queen, but she could switch between two different styles. For a man, the novelty was simply overwhelming!

He couldn't help but applaud and cheered softly. Similarly, all the noble ladies, princes and princesses present looked at Empress Changsun as if she were an alien. At this time, the hearts of those women were already in turmoil. This , this, this, this... This is so beautiful! This is what a woman should look like!

The people of the Tang Dynasty were open-minded, and women were crazy and unscrupulous in their pursuit of beauty, which can be seen from their admiration for plumpness.

And now, the empress's suit has obviously awakened their desire for beauty. Almost all the ladies, even the young princesses, looked at Empress Changsun with envy, looking at their mother...

They also wanted to try on this kind of suit!

"Your Majesty, I...……"

As the focus of the whole audience, the queen was still a little nervous. She glanced at Xu Chen, then at Li Shimin, and said with some stammering,

"Am I really dressed like this?"

In her heart, she was still a little unconfident about her outfit, and even a little worried that it was not in accordance with etiquette. Although the Tang Dynasty advocated Taoism, there should be no negligence in the etiquette system, especially as the queen, she must not make any mistakes.

Such an attempt was actually a bit beyond the line, so she was worried.

However, Li Shimin waved his hands and smiled:

""Yes, yes, not only is it possible, but it's also very good. The Queen has such a style, even I have never heard of it, never seen it before!"

Now, he wished that the Queen Changsun would change a few more styles! In this way, wouldn't he be happier?

Who doesn't want his wife to have more variety, huh? To be honest, they are 29 and 26 years old, and they are still at the age of dry firewood and fire, which can be ignited at any time!

"I agree with my father's point of view. The way my mother dresses is a thousand years ahead of our Tang Dynasty. She is a trendsetter of the times!"

Xu Chen also clapped his hands and said with a smile,

"Mother, why don't you take this opportunity to do a catwalk and let everyone see your grace?"

Anyway, the people present are either women or children, and there is also a husband, so it is not unbecoming to do a catwalk.

To be honest, Xu Chen is also looking forward to it. This is really his real mother! After this wave of walking, his wool coat, perfume, sunglasses and other series of things will really have no worries about selling!

He can already imagine the grand occasion tomorrow. If this wave is done, he will not have to worry about the funds for a long time to come. Whether it is the Research Institute, the Clothing Department or the Grain Department, they can speed up the operation!

"Catwalk? What is Catwalk?……"

After hearing what the two said, Empress Changsun felt a little relieved. However, Xu Chen's"cat steps" made her confused again. She asked.

She found that this boy always had some new words in his mouth, and they were all good. She couldn't help but become very interested in the so-called cat steps.

"Catwalk? Uh... it's the pace of a catwalk, almost like a cat walking."

Xu Chen was slightly stunned, then explained,

"Catwalk is a common technique used in fashion shows, so that the audience can appreciate the whole set from all angles. It's very simple, just walk over, turn around, and then walk back."In his previous life, Xu Chen watched Victoria's Secret a lot, ahem... Anyway, he is very experienced in catwalks. Seeing that Empress Changsun was still confused, he volunteered to say:

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I'll show you once and you'll understand. It's actually very simple."

As he said this, he really stood up, walked in front of Empress Changsun, and said naturally:

"Look, that's it.……"

He walked down the steps slowly, his expression suddenly changed, becoming confident and proud, his back straight, looking forward, the ladies on both sides were like trees to him, not attracting his attention at all, and his only goal was the entrance to the Taiji Palace! ps: The website seems to be better, there will be more updates today..._

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