"How dare you! You dare to fight in the Duke's Mansion? Don't you take my Duke's Mansion seriously?"

Madam Hei saw this and said angrily,

"Mr. Xu Chen has been very kind to everyone in my mansion. If you dare to take another step closer, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing this situation, she knew that these soldiers were targeting Xu Chen!

She naturally didn't know how Xu Chen had offended the emperor, but now that Xu Chen had saved Yuchi Gong, he was their savior. How could they watch him get caught?

Madam Hei was a heroine with righteousness as the most important thing in her heart. For the sake of righteousness in her heart, she could even give up her own life!

Besides, her martial arts were not to be underestimated. This roar really intimidated the Qianniu Guards and made them dare not take a step forward.

"Fellow soldiers, I am Sun Simiao, and Xu Chen is my senior brother, an expert in medicine. I'm sure there must be some misunderstandings here. Please put down your weapons and let's talk it out, okay?"

Sun Simiao also stood up, bowed to the soldiers and said gently.

When the soldiers saw that it was Sun Simiao, they were a little confused and put down their weapons unconsciously.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao's name was known to everyone! Even Li Shimin treated him with courtesy and gave him the title of Miaoying Zhenren.

For soldiers like them, Sun Simiao's status in their hearts is also very high. In ancient times, medical care was scarce and there were many mediocre doctors. For a genius doctor like Sun Simiao who could cure any disease, they admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

They are experts in killing, while Sun Simiao is an expert in saving people. The difference between the two is obvious!

And the young man in front of them is actually the senior brother of Sun Shenyi. Could it be that his medical skills are even more advanced?

Now, those soldiers all looked up to Xu Chen.

"So it was Doctor Sun who was here. I am sorry for being rude."

Li You, the General of the Qianniu Guard, twitched his lips, clasped his hands again, and bowed helplessly.

It was offensive enough to come to the Duke's Mansion to arrest someone, but he didn't expect that there was a big boss here. How could he arrest him? But offending someone was offending, and he dared not disobey the emperor's decree. He could only wave his hand and ordered:

"I am also following orders. The emperor has personally ordered the arrest of this man, and we cannot disobey his order. If you have anything to say, please go to the emperor and speak."

"Capture him!"

No one dared to object when he brought out the emperor's tiger skin. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately ordered the arrest of Xu Chen. He even drew his long sword and rushed over.

Dozens of people swarmed over, and even an iron man would be chopped into mud!


By the time everyone reacted, it was already too late. But the next second, a shocking scene appeared.……

"Scanned, there are 35 Qianniu Guard soldiers, with a combat power of 300, Li You, the Lieutenant General of Qianniu Guard, has a personal combat power of 200, and a total combat power of 500. The host's physical combat power is 1000, equipped with titanium divine equipment, which can reach 5000"

"The battle result has been predicted: complete victory."

With the announcement of the system, Xu Chen also shuttled back and forth among dozens of soldiers. He was only equipped with a titanium armor, and relied on a pair of fists to hit them madly like a storm.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"Nine Yin Bone Claw!"

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

""I will break the Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand, I will break it, I will break it, I will break you to death!"

Xu Chen's strange screams came, and with each scream, several bodies were thrown out, falling heavily to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

After just a few seconds, the only one who could still compete with Xu Chen was Li You!

"Wow, Mr. Xu Chen is too strong, isn't he? Is he also a martial arts master?"

Yuchi Baolin watched this pleasing fight and couldn't help but see stars.

As a descendant of a general, he had a sharp eye and naturally saw that Xu Chen's skills were extraordinary. These moves were not only fancy, but also had powerful practical effects. They were definitely top-notch martial arts!

"This move is so cool, I want to learn it, I want to learn it!"

Cheng Chumo and others also shouted, their eyes full of excitement. This move is so cool that it has already made people intoxicated. The key is that it can easily defeat the extremely powerful imperial guards!

If they only admired Xu Chen's medical skills just now, then now their respect for his martial arts can only be described as worship!

"As expected of a Immortal Sect! Practicing both medicine and martial arts, it's amazing."

Sun Simiao murmured, and his eyes also shone.

At this moment, he became more and more certain that shamelessly worshipping Xu Chen as his senior brother was the most correct decision in his life!

"How can he be so powerful?!"

Li You watched everyone around him fly away, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. At the same time, his defense became more and more strenuous, but Xu Chen's expression was getting more and more relaxed.

After all, 200 people fighting against 2000 people, what else could this be but being abused?

"I’m not going to play with you anymore, the Desolate and Soul-Stirring Palm!"

With a loud shout from Xu Chen, he struck Li You’s armor, sending him flying into the air. The piece of armor on his chest had already sunk deeply into it.

The weight of his palm was so terrifying!


Xu Chen stood still and withdrew his hand, unharmed, while these soldiers lay on the ground, crying out in pain.

He had a good grasp of his power, so he would not kill these soldiers, or even injure them, but only temporarily make them lose their combat effectiveness.

Li You was a little miserable, and was hit by his Desolate Palm. He might have to lie in bed for half a month.

"Congratulations to the host for improving his martial arts proficiency, but please do not give the super fighting skills given by the system random names in the future, thank you!"

A voice came into his mind, which seemed to be a bit dissatisfied, causing Xu Chen to touch his nose guiltily and said:

"Using these names sounds more domineering. Be good and don't pay attention to these details~"


Super fighting skills are a fighting style tailored for Xu Chen based on his characteristics. Different techniques are used for different people and are very flexible.

This set of fighting skills has made him go from a scumbag with a combat power of 5 to a peerless warrior with a combat power of 1000.

Coupled with the names of Jin Yong's martial arts that sound extremely domineering, he feels that he is simply awesome after roaring after performing a set of moves!

"You are no match for me, remember to bring in some stronger ones next time."

Xu Chen dusted himself off, strode towards the door, passed the immobile soldiers, walked to the door, turned around, bowed to Sun Simiao and the others, and said with a smile:

"Everyone, I'm afraid you can't stay for dinner today. Let's meet again if we're lucky."

After saying that, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and walked away in a huff, looking so cool!

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