The next morning, Xue Rengui got up early, did a set of boxing, cleaned the yard, and cooked a big pot of meat porridge.

Xu Chen himself did not work in the fields, but after the hybrid rice harvest, every household sent him rice and meat, which resulted in his rice jar being always full.

When Xue Rengui saw the full jar of rice, he was so happy that he wanted to cry!

This was the most ideal life in his heart. He didn't expect that just by being an apprentice to Xu Chen, he would fulfill his wish?

At this moment, Xue Rengui, a young man who was less than 16 years old, had secretly made up his mind to follow his master for the rest of his life and live a life of luxury!

"Brother Chen, why did you get up so early today and make breakfast?"

A voice came from outside the door, and then the owner of the voice came into the room and sat down casually, just like a hostess.

Just looking at her posture, if it's not Xiao Wu, who else could it be?

"Girl, girl……"

Xue Rengui turned around, glanced at Xiao Wu, and then dared not look at him again, and said in a low voice:���The girl in front of him was so imposing that she suppressed him invisibly. Of course, her beautiful face also made him blush.

Not daring to look at beautiful girls or talk to them is a common problem for introverted boys.

""Hmm? Who are you and why are you in my brother Chen's house?"

Xiao Wu casually poured a cup of tea, looked at Xue Rengui, and asked.

Although she has not grown into an empress yet, the power she has is enough to overwhelm everyone! Only in front of Xu Chen, she will show her little girl attitude.

""I am Mr. Xu Chen's apprentice. My master just accepted me as his apprentice yesterday."

Xue Rengui lowered his head and answered honestly.

He was like a student being interrogated by a teacher, but Xiao Wu was only ten years old at this time!

This made the scene seem a little funny.

"So that's how it is, Brother Chen actually accepted a disciple."

Xiao Wu said"oh" to show that he understood, and then he started to lecture him again,

"Being able to be Brother Chen's apprentice is also a blessing you have cultivated for several lifetimes! Do you know how many people want to squeeze into our Xu family, but they are rejected?"

She didn't consider herself an outsider at all, and said:

"You must take good care of Brother Chen in the future, and treat his family members with respect, such as me, do you understand? I hope you will always remember the four words"respect teachers and respect virtues" in your heart."After this lecture, she seemed to be the mistress of the house, and Xue Rengui didn't have any temper at all.

"Yes, Master's wife, I understand."

Although Xue Rengui was simple and honest, he was not stupid. How could he not know what Xiao Wu meant by this? He said quickly.

At this time, Xu Chen had just put on his clothes and walked out of the inner room. Hearing this, he was stunned.


What's going on? How did Xiao Wu become the master's wife?!

"Well, the young man is teachable, hehe."

When Xiao Wu heard what he wanted to hear, he immediately smiled brightly, nodded with satisfaction, and glanced to the side, and saw Xu Chen, who looked confused.

""Brother Chen, are you awake?"

She cried out in surprise, and immediately stood up and threw herself into Xu Chen's arms, rubbing against him several times and taking a lot of oil.

Seeing this, Xu Chen could only hold her helplessly and let her head rub against him. After a while, the two separated.

Xue Rengui, on the other hand, went into the kitchen wisely, brought out two bowls of vegetable and shredded pork porridge, and invited the two to have breakfast.

""Oh, it smells so good, my apprentice's cooking skills are great!"

Xiao Wu sniffed, praised Xue Rengui, blew a little, and then hurriedly began to drink the porridge.

In order to come to Xu Chen earlier today, she didn't even have breakfast. Now she happened to be hungry. She originally thought she had to cook for herself, but she didn't expect that someone had already done it for her.

"Be careful, it's hot."

Xu Chen reminded him, and he also drank a mouthful of porridge, nodded in approval, motioned Xue Rengui to leave, and smiled,

"Xiao Wu, why did you come to see me so early today?"

He knew this lazy pig. If nothing important happened, Xiao Wu would never get up so early.

"Well, I showed my father the blueprint of your wool making machine. My father asked someone to study it overnight yesterday and it seems to have some clues, so he will come to you later. I am here to inform you so that you can be mentally prepared."

Xiao Wu said with a smile while drinking porridge and rubbing his hands.

"The wool making machine is secondary. The main thing is that you can meet my father this time. You see, isn't it time to talk to my father about the marriage proposal?"The marriage proposal is always mentioned in every three sentences. This is what makes Xu Chen most helpless about Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, isn't it too early? How about waiting for two years? When we grow up a little bit, it will be a natural thing."

Xu Chen had no choice but to persuade him, and he thought it was too early to delay it. Although both parties had a good impression of each other, and he would feel a great sense of accomplishment if he took the future queen as his wife, he still felt that it was too early to bring it up now.

"In two years? In two years I will be married.……"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu immediately slowed down the speed at which he drank his porridge. He was also a little depressed and whispered:

"Our Wu family is small and has little wealth, so we hope to strengthen our power by making some political marriages with our daughters. My parents have been saying a few days ago that they will either betroth me to the youngest son of a duke or marquis, or let me enter the palace.……"

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, and she said sadly:

"If I had never met Brother Xu Chen, I would have married, but now I have you in my heart, and I don't want to be married to anyone else! Although Xiao Wu is a woman, she is also a bit of a man. If Brother Chen doesn't like me, just tell me, and I won't bother you anymore.……"

After saying this, he was already crying. The sad mood filled the room, which made Xu Chen sigh.

What Xiao Wu said was right. Their Wu family was not a wealthy family. Although Wu Shigui was now a noble, he was a despised timber merchant in the past. He donated a large sum of money to Li Yuan to become a meritorious official. Such speculators are not looked down upon by the nobles! Even if they are legitimate daughters, they are not allowed to marry the eldest son of others. They can only marry the second son, or enter the palace and become the emperor's concubine.

According to the original historical trajectory, after Wu Shigui's death, Xiao Wu's situation became even worse. He couldn't even enter the door of the Duke and Marquis' house, and was humiliated by his two half-brothers. In the end, he could only choose to enter the palace to fight. Who would have thought that this fight would soar to the sky and become the empress!

But who knows the despair and sadness in the heart of Wu Zetian when she was young?

In this life, perhaps it was God's arrangement that made her fall in love with Xu Chen, a man who was destined to become more dazzling than the emperor of all ages!

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