In the past two days, Xu Chen had nothing to do, so he taught Xue Rengui martial arts and military strategies, and used the military skills under the system"National Defense Technology" to the fullest.

Xue Rengui's foundation was very good, and his martial arts improved by leaps and bounds. His understanding of the art of war also made great progress, and he already had a very clear concept of war.

Now, even if he were to arm wrestle with Li Jing, a famous military theorist of the Tang Dynasty, he would definitely not be outdone!

However, as time went by, the weather became colder and colder. Fortunately, Xue Rengui hunted a black bear and a tiger with his bare hands, and rushed to make tiger and bear fur coats, so they didn't freeze.

But the villagers in the village were frozen, and several of them were poisoned because of burning charcoal for heating. Xu Chen rushed to save them, otherwise, they would have died of poisoning!

""Master, it's really freezing this year. It's not even late autumn yet, but it's already so cold. I don't know how we'll survive when winter comes."

Xue Rengui complained while rubbing his hands in his bearskin coat.

As a martial artist who can eat a lot and has accumulated a lot of fat, his ability to keep warm is much better than that of ordinary people. Even he feels freezing, let alone the villagers. Their teeth are chattering.

"There are advantages to being cold and disadvantages to being warm."

Xu Chen was wearing a tiger-skin coat and a warm inner armor given by the system. He was not very cold, but there was an unshakable sadness between his brows. He sighed,

"I wonder if Brother Chunfeng's wool processing machine is ready. If we delay for one more day, it will be more dangerous!"

In ancient times, winter was actually very difficult to get through. In a cold year like this, there were at least thousands of adults who froze to death and children who died in infancy throughout the Tang Dynasty!

But, is a warm winter all right? A cold winter is also a huge hidden danger!

If the temperature is high, the eggs and larvae of the locusts will be able to reproduce wantonly, and by the time of the autumn harvest next year, there will be a locust plague!

At that time, they will face the crisis of crops being destroyed and not being able to afford food...

The lives of ordinary people are really sad.

He was thinking about how to solve the problem, but a voice came from outside the door:

"Brother Xu Chen, brother Xu Chen! Come out and unload the goods!"

As soon as this voice reached Xu Chen's ears, he was shocked and said happily:

""Brother Chunfeng is here! Rengui, hurry up and greet him!"

As they spoke, the two men immediately stood up and hurried to the door. Sure enough, there was an ox cart parked at the door, and Li Chunfeng was untying the rope behind the ox cart.

The three of them worked together and effortlessly brought the machine into the yard and placed it in the middle.

"I'm so ashamed. It's too cold this year. The craftsmen's hands are a little stiff. There were many mistakes. Otherwise, we could have delivered it to you last night."

Li Chunfeng bowed and smiled. He learned his lesson this time. He was afraid that he would freeze to death if he wore the green Taoist uniform again. He also wore animal skins. He looked less immortal and more heroic.

"Not too late, not too late, it's just in time!"

Xu Chen's eyes lit up, and he looked at the well-made wool processing machine again and again, very happy.

This was simply cut out from the design drawing, Li Chunfeng's ability was too strong!

"System, scan this wool processing machine to see how practical it is."

He thought to himself, although it looks good, whether it can be used or not still needs to be evaluated by the system.

"Scanning, please wait……"

"Ding! The scan is complete. The machine is well made and meets the design concept. It can achieve more than 90% of the expected efficiency. The system gives it a score of"Excellent"."

Hearing the high evaluation given by the system, Xu Chen finally put down the stone in his heart.

This is his first step to become a technological power. He is definitely nervous, but fortunately the result is very good.

"Haha, very good, very good, then what are you waiting for, Rengui, go and bring the wool over, let's start now without further ado."

Xu Chen smiled happily and ordered.

The first wool product in the Tang Dynasty and even the whole world will be born from his hands, thinking about it is really a little exciting!

"My dear brother, you have finished washing and drying the wool, and there are still some steps to do. Here, look, this is a set of procedures I have sorted out based on what you said. Let's remove the impurities first, and then……"

Li Chunfeng took out a roll of paper from his bosom and pulled Xu Chen to talk.

His stack of paper was filled with the process of making wool clothes. It was written in detail, but not at all cumbersome. It can be seen that he has put a lot of effort.

These are exactly what Xu Chen lacks! He can do well in the general direction and come up with good ideas that shock the world, but for the specific operations and details, he still needs the help of people like Li Chunfeng to do things well.

"Brother Chunfeng, you are really a good helper to me!"

Xu Chen looked at Li Chunfeng's dark circles and was quite moved. He immediately decided:

""Okay, let's do as you said. The three of us will work together to make all the wool into yarn today!"

The three people reached an agreement, and the wool processing machine started up soon. According to what Li Chunfeng said, they strictly followed each process to ensure its quality. They worked from morning to noon, and from noon to night. During this period, Xiao Wu came and made fire and cooked for the three of them, but they didn't even have time to eat. They just ate a few bites and continued to work.

Even Xu Chen, who seemed to be the most relaxed, didn't stop for a moment and kept running. Xiao Wu felt distressed and proud.

This is the ideal husband she chose, who has a heart to benefit the people of the world!

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Wu had gone home, and the wool of the one hundred sheep was finally consumed. Bundles of snow-white wool were piled in the middle, like a small mountain, shining brightly.

"Finally it's done. These should be enough for the whole village to wear a sweater, right?"

Li Chunfeng looked at these achievements and felt a sense of pride.

Even if he was Xu Chen's foil, he was destined to leave a strong mark in the history books!

"Well, I roughly estimated that not only can everyone in the village wear them, but there will also be a lot of extras."

Xu Chen nodded and smiled.

"We can make the extra wool into sweaters and sell them to the dignitaries in Chang'an at a high price. Then we can use the funds to build wool processing machines. After that, we can open a factory and reach cooperation with the Turks!"

He became more and more excited as he spoke. After a slight pause, he said:

"Then, we will be able to produce wool yarn on an assembly line. Later, we can consider letting businessmen join us and collect franchise fees and commissions. We can provide them with machines and train relevant talents. By then, the entire Tang Dynasty will be filled with our factories!"

"By that time, wool products will be extremely cheap, and even ordinary people will be able to afford them. In this way, people all over the world will be able to wear sweaters to keep out the cold!"

Xue Rengui:"……"

Li Chunfeng:"……"

The way they both looked at Xu Chen now was as if they were looking at a god...

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