As soon as these words came out, the whole yard was in an uproar. The village women all touched the wool and talked about it:

"Wool? Can this wool be made into clothes? Can you really rely on it to survive the winter?"

"Come, feel it, this wool feels really warm. I put my hands in it and they don’t feel cold at all!"

"Hey, it's really warm!"

True gold is not afraid of fire. Anyone who has touched this warm wool will definitely not doubt its ability to keep warm. Everyone started scrambling for it, grabbing a bundle each time.

Although they were so busy, they really listened to Xu Chen. A family of three only took one bundle, and a family with several elderly people only took two bundles at most.

""Tsk, tsk, look at how good this wool is. I don't know how to knit clothes, so I have to learn it!"

Grandpa Luo, the village chief, said with a smile while stroking the wool on the ox cart.

"Xiaochen, I've been worried these days. It seems that I still have to rely on you to solve the problems in our village."

"To be honest, I want to let you be the village chief!"

His words really came from the bottom of his heart. Every autumn and winter are the times when he is most worried. If the grain cannot be harvested, some people will starve. If the winter is too cold, some people will freeze.

This is not just talk, people will really starve to death or freeze to death!

Every time he faces these things, he has a deep sense of powerlessness. He feels that he is a useless thing. He can't be a good village chief. He often blames himself and can't sleep.

Until Xu Chen came.

It has only been a few years since Xu Chen drifted to Qinglong Village with the refugee tide? Not to mention curing diseases and saving lives, by this year's autumn harvest, the villagers are full, and now they have wool and won't be cold anymore.

If such a talented person doesn't become the village chief, who will be the village chief?

"Haha, Grandpa Luo, don't be ridiculous. If I want to be an official, I can be an official in the imperial court. I really don't care about your position as village chief."

Xu Chen waved his hand and said jokingly,

"As for me, I just wanted to help you because you, Uncle, Aunt and Grandpa Luo, are so kind to me. I have feelings for Qinglong Village. In a few days, I will promote wool sweaters to the whole Chang'an."He doesn't even care about the position of the Marquis of the Tang Dynasty or even the prince, let alone the position of the village chief.

"That's right, that's right. It's unfair for you to be the village chief, haha."

Grandpa Luo smiled heartily, showing his broken teeth, holding a bundle of wool in his hand, and waved goodbye.

He still had to go back to study how to knit this sweater!

After a while, everyone had taken their wool yarn. Everyone thanked Xu Chen and left happily.

In the end, there was still almost one-third of the wool yarn on the ox cart that had not been taken!

"These villagers are really simple. They said they couldn't take more, but they really didn't take more."

Li Chunfeng couldn't help but sigh as he watched the villagers walk away.

The high-quality behavior of these villagers changed his impression of the rude country people.

"What kind of country you have, what kind of people you have. A good national character means good people. The founding of our Tang Dynasty was magnificent and pacified the country. The current monarch is also a wise ruler who governs the country well. Naturally, the people will be of high quality."

Xu Chen felt a sense of pride in his heart, and he sighed,

"The common people of our Great Tang are all kind and simple people. They work hard and dig for food in the soil. As long as they have a full meal and warm clothes, they are satisfied. How can they be greedy?"Even in later generations, the Great Tang is a symbol of the Chinese nation and the most powerful dynasty of the Chinese people. It is called the Giant Tang! When

Chinese people go out, they regard themselves as Tang people. The Chinatowns all over the world represent the Tang Dynasty. Its influence in the world has never declined.

Xu Chen is very fortunate that he was born in such a dynasty, a dynasty with infinite possibilities!

"You are right, the people of my Tang Dynasty are the best people in the world, hahaha!"

Li Chunfeng smiled heartily, drank the tea in his hand, took a bundle of wool thread, and then said goodbye to Xu Chen.

He had to go home and let his wife and children use such good things!

That night, everyone was sleeping soundly, but Qinglong Village was brightly lit with candles. Almost all the housewives were staying up late to make clothes so that they could wear them for the children first.

The whole Qinglong Village was filled with a happy atmosphere, happy because of satisfaction.

The next day.

Although it was still bitterly cold that day, it was a rare sunny day. Standing under the sun, people could still feel a little warmth. Now, many people ran out of the house to bask in the sun.

Li Shimin had just held a meeting in front of the emperor and was about to dismiss the ministers to go back and rest. By the way, he took advantage of the good weather to go to the Imperial Garden with Empress Changsun for a stroll. At this time, a eunuch suddenly came up.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of E has a memorial."

The eunuch handed over a memorial respectfully and stood aside waiting.

Zhangsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others who were about to get up and leave also stopped, with a look of curiosity on their faces.

Wasn't Yuchi Gong recuperating at home? How could he have time to submit a memorial?

Li Shimin took the memorial, glanced at it casually, and suddenly smiled, saying:

"Jingde is also a grateful person. He has been thinking about the day he was saved. Now that he can get out of bed, he insists on going to Qinglong Village to personally thank Mr. Xu Chen. Haha, what do you think?" He has been so busy recently. If Yuchi Gong hadn't mentioned it, he would have really forgotten about it. Now that it was mentioned, he became interested.

"Xu Chen is also a talented person, but there is no need for Your Majesty to come in person, that would be too grand. In my opinion, it would be better to send an envoy with the Duke of E to summon him to the court."

Changsun Wuji made a suggestion with a calm expression.

In his opinion, although Xu Chen is talented, he is not qualified for the emperor to meet him in person, that would be too grand.

"What do you think, Lord Fang?"

Li Shimin smiled but said nothing, and turned to look at Fang Xuanling.

"Your Majesty, when you opened your mouth that day, it was already known that you were going to recruit talents. Your Majesty should go there in person. In the future, it might even become a good story.

Fang Xuanling stroked his beard and said with a smile.

When it comes to guessing the emperor's mind, Changsun Wuji is far inferior to him. This time, he guessed Li Shimin's intention.

"It has been cloudy for days, and the sun finally came out. It's time to go out for a walk and relax...Okay! Then let's go to Qinglong Village as you said!"

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction and immediately gave the order,

"Call a few more old guys to join us. What have you been doing behind closed doors for so many days? Today, let's have an outing for the emperor and his ministers organized by me!"

As soon as he gave the order, the entire palace started moving. Several founding heroes who had not left their homes for many days had no choice but to follow Li Shimin's footsteps and led the autumn outing army to the outskirts of Chang'an.

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