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It was shabby, as his war horses were collected from all over Chang'an.

It was easy to gather 3,000 soldiers in a short time, but it was difficult to gather 3,000 horses. The troops in the base camp also needed to retain some war horses, so Xue Rengui's 3,000 elite cavalry was a waste of money!

""Yes, you look like a general now!"

Xu Chen looked at Xue Rengui, who was riding on the warhorse with great dignity, and nodded with satisfaction. He then took out a bottle of green pills from his arms and said,

""Rengui, your journey this time will be extremely dangerous. I regard you as an isolated light cavalry unit, which means that you have no food supply and only a few days of rations. Without reinforcements, you can only rely on yourselves! Take this bottle of pills. If you really run out of food, pour one of the pills into a pot of water and let the soldiers take it. One pill can support your physical strength for a day."

This is the system's RE002 concentrated nutritional pill, which can be regarded as an advanced technology. According to the system, if you take one of this thing, you don't need to eat for a year. The energy it can provide is enough for an army of 3,000 people to get through a day.

Originally, he wanted to ask for some ST001 strengthening potions for Xue Rengui as a backup, but was rejected by the system, because this level of medicine is too against the will of heaven and cannot be provided to anyone other than the host.

""Thank you, Master!"

Xue Rengui turned over and dismounted, knelt on one knee, solemnly took the bottle of pills given by Xu Chen, placed it in his inner armor, and then kowtowed to Xu Chen three times again.

His fate was unpredictable, so he had to thank his master again before leaving!

"Thank you, Marshal!"

Three thousand cavalrymen dismounted, knelt on one knee, and said respectfully to Xu Chen.

"Okay, no need to be polite, I don't want to say any more unnecessary nonsense, I just want to tell you one thing, as long as you can come back alive, you will be the heroes of our Tang Dynasty, your names will be engraved on the monument, and remembered forever!"

Xu Chen looked at those stern faces and shouted loudly,

""Get on the horses and set off!"

With the order, the war horses neighed, stirring up the dust on the battlefield. Xue Rengui took a deep look at them one last time, and the next second he resolutely turned his horse's head, jumped on his horse and whipped it away.

Three thousand elite cavalrymen left in a cloud of dust, and they would never give up until they accomplished their mission!

Watching the three thousand cavalrymen leave, the remaining soldiers who stayed in the barracks all showed envy on their faces.

They had no place in the vanguard troops, and no place in the death squads. Even if they won this battle, it seemed that they had nothing to do with it.……

"What do you think is going on? Are those of us who stayed behind really inferior to them?"

"Oh, don't say that. The marshal's vision in selecting people is indeed good. A fellow villager with good physical fitness was selected as the vanguard. We are indeed not as good as them.……"

"Yes, if we want to blame someone, we should blame ourselves. It's others. We didn't train hard enough. If we had known this, I would have……"

"If I had known earlier, I would have exercised every day! Is this useful? This is fate!"

For a moment, the soldiers sighed. They did not blame the sky or the earth, but only their own bodies!

Xu Chen saw all this and smiled. He shouted:

"Stop complaining! All those who can enter our military camp are healthy. As for physical fitness, we can't blame others, but only blame you for being lazy! You eat more than others, but work less than others. What do you call this? This is called a glutton!"

Xu Chen started to lecture again. Although his words were harsh, they were very friendly. Those dirty words were often used by the soldiers, which could narrow the distance between the two sides.

Some soldiers laughed out loud, while others lowered their heads in shame.

It feels so bad to be called a glutton!

"Still laughing? Laugh again? Okay, I'll remember you. Just wait and see how I deal with you!"

Xu Chen stared at the soldiers below with an extremely sharp gaze, but also with a bit of smile. Then he suddenly changed the subject and said seriously,

"From today, I will start real military training for you. There are many military training items, including 5km cross-country, military boxing, fighting skills, 400m obstacle course, weight training, sprinting, etc. I know you haven't heard of these words, but you will understand them once you try them. They are very simple."

As he spoke, a sly smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"The purpose of military training is not to allow you to gain physical growth in a short period of time, but to give you an idea in your mind, as a soldier, what areas we need to strengthen. I would be ashamed if I couldn’t even beat an ordinary citizen after a year of training!"

Modern military training is generally very scientific, emphasizing the overall development of comprehensive qualities. If it is a special forces unit, the training subjects should be divided more finely!

And after Xu Chen looked around, he found that the ancients’ training methods were too simple. At most, they just ran and practiced basic operations such as swords. There was no systematic training regulations at all. How could such an army have combat effectiveness?

The reform of military training is also a long way to go!

The Tang army soldiers did not know at this time that they were about to face a devil instructor, and the following training process was later called"devil training.""!


In the afternoon, Li Shimin brought Cheng Yaojin and others to inspect the military camp, and what they saw was completely different from yesterday. At this time, the training ground had been divided into four major training areas!

In the first training area, they practiced military boxing, and they fought vigorously!

In the second training area, it was a one-on-one confrontation training, punching and kicking back and forth, and they had a lot of fun!

In the third training area, they practiced the 100-meter sprint, and in the fourth training area, they watched the sandbags doing weight training!

In addition, there was a troop outside the military camp, all of them were carrying a heavy bag and running all over the mountains.……

"What is going on here?"

Li Shimin was stunned and speechless for a long time. It had only been less than a day, and how could Xu Chen make the military camp like this? It was noisy everywhere, but despite the noise, there was order in the chaos, without the slightest confusion!

Li Jing, who was standing aside, pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, saying:

"Could it be that this is a new way of training soldiers invented by the Godly Marquis?"_

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