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Chen's words caused a commotion among the 200,000 Turkic soldiers. They all whispered to each other:

"Hey, tell me, is it true that our Khan is incompetent in that aspect?"

"Who knows! However, the Khan and his wife did not seem to have any children, and the Khan also had a hidden illness. Could it be that……"

"Haha, is this my chance? It would be worth dying for if I could have a good time with Han Hou!"

"Go, go, line up, let me go first! I want to be the uncrowned king of the Turks!"

"Get out of the way. There are hundreds of thousands of warriors waiting ahead. Is it your turn?"


In a moment, the reaction became more and more intense. Otherwise, why is it said that it is a common problem for people to talk nonsense? These are extremely open-minded Turks. The dirty words that come out of their mouths are simply unbearable to hear.

Jie Li Khan's mentality was about to be broken by his own people. He suddenly blushed, drew out the scimitar in his hand, and said angrily:

"Bitch, bitch! I will kill you!"

I don't know if the bitch he was talking about was Xu Chen or the poor Khan.

""Silence! Anyone who dares to speak nonsense again will be killed!"

Tuli Khan on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and ordered with a stern face. For a while, the voices of criticism in the army finally died down.

But even he looked at his brother with a strange expression, and then he remembered that his sister-in-law seemed to have a sad face all the time, and his heart was also a little disturbed. Could it be that his brother really didn't have the ability in that aspect?

Even Tuli Khan had such doubts. How could the soldiers on the Tang army miss such a good opportunity? They all worked hard to organize and turned the top of Jie Li Khan's head into a green grassland!

"Xu Chen, ah Xu Chen, you are really……"

Li Shimin looked at the noisy scene and could only rub his temple helplessly, with nothing to say.

The battle between the two armies, such a serious matter, how could this kid make it look like a joke!

However, this wave of"fighting people with their own way" was really good. He was originally very angry, but after doing this, his anger also dissipated a lot.

For a man, what can be more humiliating than"not being able to do that"? This is another Turkic who advocates force. Xu Chen's move hit the sore spot of Jie Li Khan.

Even if he could, he can't do it now!

"Jie Li Khan, you don't have to be depressed. I am not only the Grand Marshal of the Tang army, but also a miraculous doctor with superb medical skills. Your disease is just sexual dysfunction. It's not nothing. Kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and I will save you and let you restore your dignity as a man. If you don't, you will be fine."

Xu Chen made things worse and worse, and said it seriously, as if it was really the case.

The rhythm is like this. When rumors are spread, they become more and more specific. When the rumors are more credible than the truth, who will care about the truth?

Humiliation! For Jie Li Khan, this is a heart-piercing humiliation! He was sitting on the back of a warhorse at this time, his face was almost purple with anger, and the scimitar in his hand was almost deformed. He roared:

"Little beast! Do you dare to fight me to the death?"

When these words came out, the expressions of Tuli Khan and others changed. In the Turkic Empire, if two people have an irreconcilable hatred, they will fight to the death. Both sides must not hold back until one of them dies in the battle!

Jie Li Khan was so angry that he said such irrational words. Tuli Khan said repeatedly:

"Brother! You can't do that. The Tang army only has 50,000 soldiers. Our Turkic warriors only need to charge head-on to defeat the Tang army!"

"If you fight him and fail, won't my 200,000-man army be leaderless?"

As he said this, his eyes were fixed on Jie Li Khan's face. Observing his expression, a desire suddenly grew wildly in his heart.

If Jie Li Khan died, wouldn't he be the only Khan and the only king of the Turks?

Tu Li Khan seemed to be persuading him, but he was actually provoking him! Upon hearing this, Jie Li Khan's eyes widened with anger and he shouted:

"You look down on me too, and think I will fail? I am the most powerful warrior on the grassland, and it is impossible for me to fail, do you understand?"

He roared, and ignored the dissuasion of the guards around him, and rode towards the Weishui Bridge, galloping his horse and whipping it. When he reached the center of the bridge, he stopped and pointed at Xu Chen and shouted:

"You, come out and fight me to the death!"

At this time, Jie Li Khan was furious like a most ferocious jackal, staring at Xu Chen with red eyes. His fighting power was even stronger than usual, and the Tang army soldiers were all a little scared.

"Marshal, don't be impulsive. You are the backbone. If something goes wrong, our army will be in chaos, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

Li Ji looked at the aggressive Jie Li Khan and advised him repeatedly, fearing that Xu Chen would also be impulsive and go up to duel, which would be the end of him.

"Yes, Marshal, if Jie Li Khan is defeated, there is still Tuli Khan to lead the army, but if you are defeated, our battle deployment will be messed up, don't let him show off his prowess!"

Li Jing also persuaded him from the side. He and Li Ji were the two most rational generals in the Tang army, so they naturally had to dissuade him.

Xu Chen's troop deployment was too advanced and risky, and required extremely high operational capabilities of the commander. If he was defeated, they would definitely not be able to operate in a short period of time. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the Tang army would be greatly weakened.

It is very likely that they would be defeated!

However, at this time, the expressions of Yuchi Gong and Li Shimin were slightly moved, and they remembered the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, when the golden-armored god descended from the sky.……

"If the Marshal goes to kill Jie Li Khan, it is not a bad idea... After all, this can also improve the morale of our army."

Yuchi Gong's eyes flickered and he spoke slowly. His words made Li Jing and the others change their expressions!

"Yuchi Gong, are you crazy? Let the marshal take risks. If something goes wrong, can you bear the responsibility?"It would be fine if he didn't help them to dissuade them, but he actually made things worse. If they didn't know everything about him, they would have suspected that Yuchi Gong was a Turkic spy!

Yuchi Gong heard this and was about to refute, but Li Shimin's voice came from not far away:

"It would be good if you could kill Jie Li Khan, Lord Shen, if you go, you should be fully confident, right?"_

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