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Li Shimin wanted to capture him alive, Xu Chen naturally restrained his murderous intent, put away the long sword in his hand, and walked towards Jie Li Khan step by step

"You, don't come over here!"

Jie Li Khan looked at Xu Chen with a smile on his face, but he seemed to have encountered some terrible devil and retreated again and again.

However, after retreating two more steps, he got off the bridge and was in the territory of the Tang army!

"Haha, are you scared? I told you that you can't do it, so you just can't do it. Are you convinced now?"

Xu Chen smiled faintly and looked at Jie Li Khan, with cold eyes, and shouted,

"You bunch of damned Turks, you come to our Tang border all day long to burn, kill, rob, rape women, and do all kinds of evil. Do you really think that we Tang people are easy to bully? I tell you now that the days of the Central Plains being divided and weak are gone forever! Now that we Tang people have stood up, we will no longer be humiliated!"

He said this to Jie Li Khan in a sonorous and powerful way, and the Tang army soldiers were all in tears, their backs straightened, and they felt a sense of pride for no reason.

Yes, they are Tang people, and there is nothing in this world that can make the Tang people surrender!

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Jie Li Khan looked at Xu Chen with a dreadful look, and there was no trace of the demeanor of a grassland king. In fact, he was a coward, otherwise, in the history books, he would not have danced for Li Shimin after being captured alive.

To put it bluntly, this guy was a bully who only feared the strong.

"Now, I give you the power to choose."

Xu Chen's sword effortlessly pressed against Jie Li Khan's neck, and said coldly,

"The first option is that I will let you live as a captive of the Tang Dynasty, and then cut off the head of your brother Tuli Khan."

"The second choice is that both you and your brother Tuli Khan will become victims of my sword!"

"I'll give you five seconds to think about these two choices: 5, 4, 3, 2.……"

He spoke without the slightest pause, with no room for maneuver. The five seconds countdown was like the tolling of a death knell in Jie Li Khan's heart.

"No, don't count, I want to live, I want to live……"

Jie Li Khan felt the cold killing intent on his neck. His psychological defenses had completely collapsed. He closed his eyes and begged for mercy.

He was about to cry...

The 200,000-strong Turkic army was silent when they saw their Khan being so aggrieved. There was no anger towards the Tang army in their eyes, but contempt and disgust for Jie Li Khan's spineless behavior!

"Brother, as the Khan of the Turks, how could you do such a thing?! The warriors on our grasslands would rather die standing than live in disgrace, you are really a shame to the Khan!"

Tuli Khan said angrily, with a look of great sorrow on his face, but his eyes moved slightly, and he winked at the guard beside him. The smart guard immediately came over and shouted:

"You are not worthy to be our Khan!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Turkic army of 200,000 burst into a thunderous voice:

"You are not worthy to be our Khan!"

"Damn Jie Li Khan, what a shame! You are not worthy of being a Turk, you coward!"

"Even the wild dogs on the grassland are braver than you. You cowardly maggot, die under the sword of the Tang people!"

Suddenly, the Turkic camp cursed Jie Li Khan one after another. The man who was once their king was now being trampled underfoot!

"You are really good, you are better at setting the pace than me……"

Xu Chen ordered two soldiers to carry the ashen-faced Jie Li Khan away, then narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the still performing Tuli Khan, and said softly.

The person who benefited the most from this wave of rhythm was Tuli Khan. At this moment, Jie Li was dead, and Tuli was the real master of the grassland!

Tuli seemed to feel the murderous aura from Xu Chen at this time, and recalled the way he had just cut the horse with a sword. Suddenly, his face changed, and he turned his horse's head abruptly and ran towards the rear of the army, shouting as he ran:

"Protect this Khan!"

When he moved, the guards beside him quickly moved, and followed Tuli Khan to the rear to provide cover, shouting:

"Protect Tuli Khan, protect Tuli Khan!"

The Turkic army quickly mobilized and made way for Tuli Khan. After he passed, they quickly closed the human-shaped barrier, which had already formed more than a dozen thick layers!

"Haha, you are so clever, well, I will let you run for another five seconds!"

Xu Chen jumped on the horse, his eyes already locked on the direction of Tuli Khan's escape, muttering,

"System, equip me with titanium divine armor, and at the same time, lock on to Tuli Khan for me!"

To take Tuli Khan's head from among the ten thousand troops, it is not enough to rely on 5000 points of melee combat power, but also requires invulnerable protection.

"Titanium God Suit is now activated……"

"The Titanium God Armor has been equipped! Tuli Khan has been locked, and the system is configuring the best killing route for you!"

"Ding, host, please note that the best route for killing is changing, and the difficulty of killing is increasing. It will be impossible to lock in after ten seconds, so host, please leave as soon as possible!"

The simulation given by the system is very accurate. If Tuli Khan really hides behind an army of 200,000, even if a god comes, he can't be killed. We can only pull him out now before he runs far!


Xu Chen began the countdown to his death again, and within five seconds, he was quickly equipped with the titanium divine suit, from the helmet to the combat boots, fully armed, like a god descending to earth!

"Appeared, the golden armored general!"

Yuchi Gong roared excitedly, his eyes wide open, afraid of missing any details.

The other generals also opened their eyes wide, looking at Xu Chen, who was like a god of war, shining with golden light, and said in unison:

"It turns out that there really is a young man in golden armor. It seems that His Majesty did not lie to us.……"

It's not an exaggeration, it's really that exaggerated!

Before they could fully react, Xu Chen had already kicked the horse's belly and shouted:


The warhorse under his crotch roared out, jumped down from the Weishui Bridge, and rushed into the Turkic army of 200,000, and rushed out a golden bloody road!

On this day, the Godly Marquis Xu Chen transformed into a young man in golden armor, and he was not afraid of 200,000 people. He wanted to take the head of Tuli Khan from the army of thousands!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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