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Chen was a little confused at this time, but the system reported again:

"1. Bicycles are one of the best tools to overcome heart problems. Bicycles not only allow blood to flow in the legs, but also strengthen the microvascular tissue, which is called incidental circulation."

"2. Habitual cycling can expand the heart"

"3. Cycling can also prevent high blood pressure, sometimes more effectively than drugs. It can also prevent obesity, hardening of blood vessels, and strengthen bones.

"4. Bicycles are a tool for losing weight and help relieve stress in life and work"


The system continued to broadcast a series of information, listing the various benefits of riding a bicycle. Xu Chen almost fainted after hearing it, and quickly stopped it:

"Stop, stop, stop! There is no point in saying so much! It is the Tang Dynasty now, where can I get a bicycle?

This is not the 21st century, where you can just find a bicycle shop and buy a bicycle!

"Based on the materials currently available in Tang Dynasty, the system can provide the host with a bicycle design. Except for the rubber used in the tires, which needs to be provided by the system, the rest of the materials can be obtained on site."

"The bicycle design has been given, and the rubber tree seeds are ready. Please check them."

The system analyzed it and immediately sent the bicycle design to Xu Chen's mind.

In fact, bicycles are a relatively easy means of transportation. Even in the Tang Dynasty, simple and primitive bicycles could be made. It was nothing more than some parts that could be replaced by plastic in later generations were replaced with iron.

Of course, the rubber needed for tires is also very important. At this time, only the Amazon rainforest has rubber trees. Fortunately, Xu Chen has the system, so he can get rubber tree seeds. This tree is not difficult to cultivate.

"Hey, it looks pretty good."

The bicycle design in Xu Chen's mind was so clear that he was itching to ride one.

For him, riding a horse was not as comfortable as riding a bicycle. At least he could control the speed and direction, and there was no cost burden.

""Xu Chen, what did you see?"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen, who seemed to be in a trance, and asked. He was very worried. What if the examination revealed an incurable disease? His eldest son, Li Chengqian, was still young.

How could he inherit the country?

"Oh, it's nothing. Your health is fine now, but your cardiovascular system seems to be a little bit bad due to genetics, so you need health care treatment."

Xu Chen was pulled back by Li Shimin and said casually.

Let Li Shimin ride a bicycle? This seems a bit... cough cough

"Health care treatment? What kind of treatment is that?! Tell me, I am really anxious to death!"

Li Shimin asked repeatedly. He was extremely annoyed by this suspense.

"Well... bring me paper and pen!"

Xu Chen waved his hand and gave an order. Eunuch Zhang immediately presented the four treasures of the study and ground ink for Xu Chen.

He dared not neglect this gentleman.

After taking the brush, Xu Chen thought for a moment and began to paint on the paper. After a while, a simple bicycle appeared on the paper.

"What is this?"

Li Shimin came over and asked curiously. Based on his experience, it seemed to be some kind of mount?

"This is called a bicycle. As the name suggests, you pedal it with your own feet to make it move forward. The faster you pedal, the faster it will naturally go."

Xu Chen looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction. If he used a pencil, it would be more realistic. This time he used a brush, so it was just barely passable!


Li Shimin muttered to himself, then asked doubtfully,

"But I see that this thing only has two wheels. If someone sits on it, won’t they fall off? It should have at least three wheels to keep it from falling over!"

As soon as he saw the bicycle, he felt unsafe, as if it would fall over at any time.

"Stupid! You keep riding it, it's in motion, so it won't fall over, right? When you stop, look at the kickstand on the rear wheel. Put it down for support when you're not riding, and put it up when you're riding."

Xu Chen shook his head and pointed to the drawing he drew.

"This bicycle is the best solution for treating your chronic diseases. If you ride for half an hour every day, it will be very beneficial to your body, and you don't have to be so careful about what you eat. You don't exercise, but this is to help you lose weight, don't you understand?"

The ancient emperors were also representatives of desk work. Most of the time they were either sitting or lying down. Of course, they had a lot of diseases. In this case, riding a bicycle was his best exercise solution.

"I see... Then this bicycle is really a good thing. According to what you said, the faster you pedal, the faster it goes. If you keep pedaling, wouldn't it be faster than a horse? And you don't have to eat grass to rest, great!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, and his attention was all on the bicycle. He didn't notice Xu Chen's rude words, and only heard him excitedly say,

"If all the soldiers in the army could fight on bicycles, wouldn't they be invincible? This is not a flesh and blood body, so even if it is chopped by a sword, it shouldn't be damaged, right?"

Xu Chen:"???"

Fighting on a bicycle? Why don't you go to the sky! That scene is so beautiful, I can't imagine it……

"You... you really think too much. How fast do you have to pedal a bicycle to catch up with a horse? Even if you can catch up, you will be exhausted! Besides, although it is not a flesh and blood body, the wheels can be easily cut. Even if you ride on a rugged gravel road, there is a possibility of a tire bursting!"

Xu Chen explained helplessly,

"If it is used as a normal means of transportation, it is still possible to try, but the road must be repaired first. It is still possible to travel within Chang'an City, but outside the city, nine out of ten vehicles will explode."

This old Li is really too whimsical!

"Oh? Hahaha, I thought too much, but according to what you said, it seems to be very good! It can greatly improve the efficiency of travel!"

Li Shimin's old face flushed slightly, smiled embarrassedly, and then asked curiously,

"Having said so much, where is the bicycle now? Take me to see it!"

He was already a little impatient to try it out!

However, Xu Chen shook his head and shrugged:


Sorry , this is just a concept, I haven't built it yet.

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