After a rapid march of half a day.

A majestic mountain appeared in front of everyone.

This is Laojun Mountain, which was later called "the unparalleled holy realm under the world, the world's first immortal mountain", the longest mountain range in Taoism.

The ancient town of Chonghua under Laojun Mountain was also the world's largest production base of gunpowder raw materials.

But Liu Min and the others didn't know all this, in their opinion, this Laojun Mountain was an ordinary mountain range, it was nothing more than legend that Taishang Laojun had refined the elixir here and got its name!

"Emperor, is there really saltpeter on this old jun mountain?" Liu Min asked suspiciously.

Li Zhiyun did not answer this question, but looked at the night and said:

"Now that it's dark, let's find an inn in Chonghua Town at the foot of the mountain for the time being!"

"Tomorrow morning, we'll go up the mountain looking for saltpeter!"

Everyone found a best inn and walked in.

"Little Er, how many other high-class rooms do you have here?"

Xiao Er looked at the five people in front of him, four men and one woman, and his eyes were dripping:

"There is also a big bed room in this store, which can sleep five or six people!"

All of them:???

Li Zhiyun glanced at this shop Xiao Er, are you thinking too much?

Is the mind so dirty?

"Then forget it, let's change one."

Liu Min said that he was about to go out, and the shopkeeper was anxious all of a sudden:

"Officer, I remember wrong, there are still five good guest rooms!"

"Five? How did it come out so much at once!

Liu Min looked at the shop Xiaoer and shook his head.

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly, and immediately changed his words:

"Sorry, I counted wrong again, there are still four rooms!"

"Okay, it's all on!"

Liu Min slipped over the silver, and then!

Picked up three keys with lightning speed, handed one to Bing Yuanzhen and the other to Zheng Wenxiu, and kept one for himself.

The three people immediately went upstairs in a hurry, afraid that Li Zhiyun would react.

Li Zhiyun looked at the only remaining key on the counter and smiled awkwardly.

What kind of flowery intestines are these people!

Coming to the room, Li Zhiyun and Poppy sat on the stool at the same time, and the blush on Poppy's face was directly red to her neck, and she did not dare to face Li Zhiyun squarely.

Who knows, Li Zhiyun actually got up and walked towards the bed and picked up the quilt.

Poppy's heart was abrupt, could it... The emperor is going tonight...?

Poppy seemed to have made up her mind, looking at Li Zhiyun's dashing and robust back, her heart was crossed and began to take off.

Big-sleeved shirt outside....

Small sleeved shirt in the middle....


Li Zhiyun shook the quilt unhurriedly, and then picked up the quilt and turned around.

Instantly, the four eyes are facing each other!

Li Zhiyun's eyes came from above.

Poppy immediately said coquettishly:

"I... The clothes are broken..."

Li Zhiyun forcibly endured the change in his heart and walked to the door of the room:

"Girl Yu, you can stay here at ease, tomorrow morning, I will send you to find your mother."

"Emperor, where are you going?"

"I'll go and squeeze with Liu Min next door."

"Don't... I... So scared!

Poppy suddenly cried:

"Actually, my mother has died for many years..." Li

Zhiyun softened a little, holding the quilt and putting it on the recliner at the door.

"Then go to bed, I'll spend the night in this wooden chair."

Poppy lay on the bed with some disappointment, and her heart went up and down.

Could it be that you are not beautiful enough?

Or maybe the emperor doesn't like himself at all?

But how many men dream of chasing themselves!

"Emperor, can the concubines follow you in the future..."

said Poppy with courage.

Li Zhiyun was a little tired at the moment, and said in a low voice: "This question." More later! Saying

that, Li Zhiyun fell asleep.

In the dream, it was Wu Shu's cute face and charming smile...

I don't know, when I can go back....

And the poppy lying on the bed was quite complicated, thinking about what Li Zhiyun's last words meant.

"This question, more on that later?"

Why later?

Is there any learning in this?

Poppy couldn't sleep, so she sat up on the bed.

Well, sometimes I meet, but there is no fate, but it is also very good to be a confidant.

The two were silent all night.

Early the next morning, Li Zhiyun went downstairs to eat breakfast, and when he looked down, he saw three lewd men staring at him.

"Gongzi, this is a lamb's loin, I specially ordered the shopkeeper to bake it in the morning!"

"Gongzi, this is tiger and tiger medicinal wine, all made of good parts, you can taste it quickly!"

"Gongzi, this is the wild goat I found, this meat is delicious, come on!"

Li Zhiyun frowned, he didn't expect these people to be so coquettish!

At this moment, Poppy walked down the stairs.

Deep under the eyes, there is a circle of dark circles!

It seems that the spirit is not very good, could it be that I didn't sleep last night!

The three looked at the two people standing one after the other on the stairs, and immediately lowered their heads and ate.

"Shopkeeper, bring me a cage of buns and two taels of wine!"

Just then, a voice came.

Li Zhiyun suddenly felt that this voice was very familiar, and turned his head to look at it silently.


Li Zhiyun suddenly chuckled in his heart.

Changsun Wuji!?

Why did this Li Shimin's eldest brother, Changsun Wujian's own brother, and the first person of the most powerful "Twenty-four Heroes of Lingyan Pavilion" in the future Great Tang appear in Yichuan County?

Look at its appearance, a small dispenser who does business.

Even if you look closely outside the store, you will not find anyone suspicious.

Obviously, he came alone.

What did he come to this Laojun Mountain for?

In fact, there are many people who come to Laojun Mountain, and everyone basically comes to ask some Taoist priests for medicine.

Could it be that he also came to ask for medicine?

Still is... Something else?

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