Looking at this fragrant and rosy-looking elixir, everyone's eyes lit up.

This is the legendary elixir that prolongs life!

If you have so much money, you must ask for one!

Fei Laodao wiped the sweat on his forehead, already showing that he was really tired, and then personally handed this spirit pill to Changsun Wuji, and spoke: "

Daoyou, your sister's situation, you need to take one pill every month, and take nine nine eighty-one in a row, to completely reverse your sister's physical condition!"

Changsun Wuji's face was shocked, and the others were also shocked!


This elixir is fifty taels of gold, and eighty-one is four thousand taels!

That's 4,000 taels of gold!

Although his family is very rich, the current war is tight, and most of the property in the palace has been contributed to Li Shimin!

But for the sake of his sister's physical condition, this considerate and careful brother plans to let his sister take this one first, let's see the situation first!

Changsun Wuji immediately wrapped the elixir carefully, and when he was about to leave, he was suddenly blocked by a figure.

"This Taoist friend, please let me, thank you!"

Changsun Wuji turned around and tried to dodge, but the person in front of him still did not move.

Changsun Wuji immediately raised his head in annoyance and looked at the other party.


"You... You are... Chu..." "

What pestle, give me over!" Li Zhiyun immediately interrupted him, pulled Changsun Wuji over, and directly scolded:

"You three-foot man, if you don't make meritorious achievements, you will fix these useless things all day, aren't you brainless?"

Changsun Wuji was scolded by Li Zhiyun all of a sudden, and stood there dumbfounded for a while, at a loss.

This person in front of him must be Li Zhiyun, the king of Chu, without a doubt!

Although they didn't have much intersection before, he still knew more about the person of King Chu!

Especially later, Li Zhiyun's name resounded throughout the land of China, bringing him a great shock!

But he is Li Shimin's foreign relative, and in this regard, he has always maintained consistency with Li Shimin!

So, in other words, Li Zhiyun is now the strongest opponent who threatens Li Shimin's throne!

All this was also something he couldn't have imagined, he thought that Li Jiancheng would become a threat to Li Shimin, but now it seems that Li Jiancheng has already been abolished!

Thinking of this, a complicated look appeared on Changsun Wuji's face.

And just when they looked at each other, the fat old road behind them was not happy!

What is "useless stuff"?

Is this their magic weapon to make a fortune?

If you say such things in front of so many people, is it shameless to be poor?

Suddenly, Fat Old Dao jumped out angrily, pointed at Li Zhiyun's nose and said angrily:

"You little child, how can you be unobtrusive and reverse right and wrong?"

The thin Taoist priest also pointed at Li Zhiyun and the others and scolded angrily:

"If our elixir doesn't work, why do so many people come every day?"

The crowd of onlookers also began to accuse Li Zhiyun, they thought that this time was the best time to befriend the Taoist Chief, and they must not miss it!

Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu behind Li Zhiyun had already clenched their fists, ready to teach these so-called old Taoists a lesson!

But they were stopped by Li Zhiyun's sharp gaze.

The poppy at the back also looked at Li Zhiyun with a worried face.

According to rumors, the Taoist priest on this Laojun Mountain is not a simple thing, and he will have some spells.

If he is bad behind his back, even if he is an emperor, he can't prevent it.

"Gongzi, we might as well go out first..." Poppy

stepped forward and took Li Zhiyun's hand.

Then, Li Zhiyun turned away.

All of them:???

What's the situation?

In a moment, Li Zhiyun returned.

It's just that there is an extra heavy bag in his hand.

Immediately, Li Zhiyun opened the bag and threw it on the table of Wangfei Laodao.


The contents of the bag were all poured out at once!


It turned out to be golden gold!

That's more than two hundred taels!

Several old Taoist priests looked at Li Zhiyun suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

But everyone's eyes were full of greed.

"This Daoist, what are you?"

Fei Laodao immediately turned his anger into a smile, and a pair of small eyes looked at Li Zhiyun.

"I want four pills, I want it now!"

The thin old man immediately stuffed the gold back into the bag, and said cheerfully:

"Yes, please sit down quickly, wait a while, we will speed up!"

The scene in front of him made Changsun Wuji and the others confused.

This person is really interesting, last moment he said that this pill was a "useless thing", but now he has to ask for four pills.

Does the face change so fast?

Not long after, four red pills were brought up.

Fei Laodao carefully wrapped the four pills and handed them to Li Zhiyun.


Li Zhiyun did not reach out to take it, but said to the four old Taoist

priests: "All Daoist elders have worked hard, these pills are filial to you, it is better to..."

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Li Zhiyun put the four pills in front of the four Daoist priests, smiled strangely, and continued:

"You guys eat it!"

All of them:???

What does that mean?

This person is sick!

Changsun Wuji was originally going to leave in a hurry, but seeing this scene, he was not in a hurry, but found a small stool and sat down on his butt.

I plan to see what kind of medicine is sold in this Li Zhiyun's gourd!

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