Instantly, the weather forecast system gave feedback, which caught Li Zhiyun a little off guard!

[Ding! Five days after Luoyang City, a new round of heavy rain will usher in, this heavy rain will last for four days, please know in advance!

Li Zhiyun's expression tightened, and his heart clicked!

The last weather forecast once suggested that Luoyang City would have five days of heavy rain before the drought!

And the other day it was already a day.

I didn't expect that five days later, it would rain for four consecutive days!

Don't miss this opportunity, and there's not much time left for yourself!

"I wonder how long it will take General Zheng to dig the lake?"

Li Zhiyun immediately asked.

Zheng Wenxiu calculated in his heart, with the current fastest construction period, it will take at least five months to dig a large lake!

Moreover, this is still in the case of working shifts day and night!

"Emperor Qiyu, it will take about five months to build!"

"Five months?" Li Zhiyun shook his head:

"Five days later, Luoyang City will usher in four consecutive days of heavy rain, and then the whole of Henan will usher in a big drought!"

"So, five months is too long, I'll only give you five days!"


Everyone was flabbergasted!

Five days?

As things stand, digging a lake requires not only breadth but also depth!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to store more water, and the effect will be greatly reduced!

This kind of construction period of five months is already very fast, according to the general calculation, it often takes one to two years!

And Yuan Tiangang on the side, his attention was not on this lake, but on what Li Zhiyun said in his mouth: "In five days, Luoyang City will usher in four consecutive days of heavy rain", followed by endless dry weather!

He once calculated that the result was not much different from what Li Zhiyun said!

The young emperor in front of him was really unfathomable, he should have hidden his cultivation!

And his cultivation must be above himself!

Seeing that Zheng Wenxiu didn't know how to answer his question, Li Zhiyun asked

, "General Zheng thinks, where is the most difficult place to dig the lake?"

Zheng Wenxiu is still very familiar with this problem, he has helped Xiao Mill in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to dig several lakes, and he is also familiar with the road and has rich experience.

"Emperor Qiyu, the terrain encountered when digging lakes is different, often digging to a certain depth, and there will be many rocks or fragments that are difficult to dig up!"

"In addition, the excavated soil often needs to be carried by manpower, which is a lot of work!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this, but no, digging a lake is not digging a pit, and who knows if there are some strange-shaped stones under the ground?

Even if there are no stones, just the work of transporting these dirt is enough of a headache!

This is also why in ancient times, once there was an emperor to build a large number of people, a large number of people would be used!

The First Emperor and the Second Emperor built the Afang Palace and transferred 700,000 people, which was the fuse for the burial of the Great Qin Empire!

Cao Wei Ming Emperor Cao Ying built a large mausoleum for his mother Zhen, using millions of people, because of the large-scale construction of civil engineering, Cao Wei's national strength declined, so that some people had an opportunity!

The most famous is the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, the ambitious and ambitious emperor, who eventually caused the people's resentment to boil because of the construction of the Grand Canal to recruit more than two million people, and finally the dynasty changed surnames, and the world changed owners!

And these people have a unified title - tyrant!

Could it be that Li Zhiyun wants to mobilize the strength of the whole country and mobilize all the people to dig this lake?

If so, the value generated by the lake is already less than the price paid!

Thinking of this, everyone felt that Li Zhiyun was a little anxious to achieve quick results, and it was very likely that he was also pressed into the hat of a tyrant, and the gain was not worth the loss!

"Emperor, it is obviously even more difficult to dig such a large area of lake in such a short time!"

"Yes, if a large number of people are used, it will inevitably cause the resentment of the people, which is not good for me!"

"Yes, there is still a month left for the emperor to perform the enthronement ceremony, and at this time, it is not appropriate to recruit a large number of people!"

Everyone was trying their best to persuade Li Zhiyun, and Li Zhiyun wanted to laugh in his heart.

This group of straight-talking people are indeed thinking about themselves, but they just have no brains!

"The problem that General Zheng said is actually not a problem!"

"First, digging the lake manually is too slow, we can do it with explosives!"

"Second, have you forgotten the roller skating device I designed for you? Use this to haul dirt with less effort! Everyone

was stunned.

That's right!

Giant firecrackers can do their job!

Isn't it over once you bury it in the soil?

But Yuan Tiangang stepped forward and said bluntly:

"Your Majesty, you don't want to blast out a lake with artillery!" Although this cannon is good, its power is still not good for digging large lakes!

Everyone's eyes darkened again.

It's really good, the artillery is okay for siege and land outside, but if it is buried underground, the power will be greatly reduced!

In this way, the construction period is still long!

Li Zhiyun shook his head and looked at everyone, a pair of starry eyes

shining: "I didn't say to use artillery, I said to use explosives!"


Isn't this artillery?

Everyone was a little confused, even the "strongest gunner" Yuan Tiangang was confused.

Li Zhiyun turned his gaze away, looked at the majestic mountains and said mysteriously:

"I don't know if you have ever heard... Nitroglycerine? "

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