When everyone heard the word "danger", they all looked at the three altars beside Li Zhiyun vigilantly.

This glycerin is extracted from lard.

This nitric acid is extracted from saltpeter.

Although the green alum is somewhat corrosive, as long as you don't touch it, you'll be fine.

What is the danger?

But the emperor said that if there is danger, there is danger!

Liu Min and Zheng Wenxiu pulled Poppy and immediately took a step back, and Changsun Wuji saw it and quickly followed and took a step back.

Bing Yuanzhen suddenly felt that there was no one around him!

He just wanted to retreat, but saw Li Zhiyun raising his head to look at him.

Bing Yuanzhen: I wipe!

This group of villains, hmph, actually retreated, then aren't they ... Prominent?

Bing Yuanzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and took a step forward to pull Li Zhiyun aside:

"Emperor, I operate here, and you guide me from afar, how?"

"Yes, Emperor, we will operate here, you are far away to give us orders!" Liu Min also came over with a smile.

"Look at the two of you, how can you do this without me? Let me show it! Zheng Wenxiu also walked over.

Bing Yuanzhen hammered everyone's arms with one hand.

That's pretty much it!

Changsun Wuji, on the other hand, looked at the scene in front of him with envy.

This kind of monarch-subject relationship, I am afraid that there will be no second one under the sky, right?

Why... You actually have the urge to follow Li Zhiyun to do it together?

Oops, forget it, can't think about it!

Changsun Wuji patted his head vigorously.

Li Zhiyun looked at these three people, a little crying and laughing, but his heart was full of emotion.

Before he knew it, it had been about six years since he came into this world.

The first five years were spent in a muddle, and from the sixth year, he unknowingly gained a lot of dead friends.

Li Zhiyun still walked over and drove the three out, but when he turned around, he found it.

Fuck, there is even a Yuan Tiangang who is not afraid of death standing next to him!

Why, do you think that cultivation can resist this explosive?

Is it water in the brain?

Yuan Tiangang still didn't understand what Li Zhiyun was going to do next, and what danger could these three altars have?

"Chief Yuan, you should also stay away!"

Yuan Tiangang brushed his mustache and said with interest

: "Poor Dao has just seen the firecrackers and soap invented by the emperor, and he thinks he is quite safe, so is the emperor going to use these three things next to make it out to digest glycerin?"

"Is this oil just a fusion of these three things?"

Li Zhiyun looked at Yuan Tiangang and smiled, he didn't expect that he really understood a lot about this product, but he definitely didn't know the power of this chemical reaction.

"Yes, yes, the fusion of the three together is 'Indian God Oil'!"

Li Zhiyun looked at the dumbfounded Yuan Tiangang and quipped.

"Hindu God Oil? What is it for? Yuan

Tiangang suddenly became interested, anyone who can be related to "God" is definitely not simple!

"Uh-huh, originally one minute, now half an hour, men use women can't stand it, women use bed can't stand it!"

Li Zhiyun said with a bad smile, and the poppy on the opposite side actually pursed her lips and passed a charming look to Li Zhiyun.

"Between heaven and earth, there are such divine objects?"

Yuan Tiangang's eyes shone with essence.

Seeing that Yuan Tiangang still did not leave, Li Zhiyun helplessly spread his hands and began to act.

According to the memories of Xueba in his previous life, Li Zhiyun laid out two bowls.

In the first bowl, pour in a small half bowl of glycerin.

In the second bowl, pour a little concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid into it to fuse the two together.

Then, pour the mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid in the second bowl directly into the glycerin, and then vigorously stir with a small iron rod.

"Chief Yuan, you're still far away!"

Li Zhiyun held the head of the iron rod, leaning over and shaking as far away as possible.

But Yuan Tiangang is more awesome, turning his back on his hand, his eyes slightly squinted and pasted on the bowl to watch, and his mouth still shouts from time to time:

"According to the poor road, there is no danger in this"

But at this moment.

Just listen to the bang!

The small bowl actually exploded!

Li Zhiyun raised a strong kick towards Yuan Tiangang with a thunderous momentum!

Another bang! Yuan Tiangang was caught off guard and lay on the ground!

Everyone immediately gathered around and pulled Yuan Tiangang up.

"Dao Chief, Dao Chief! Wake up, wake up!

"It's over, look at what the big lips of the Dao Chang have been bombarded into!"

"I didn't expect ah, how can this half bowl of things be so powerful!"

"Oh, isn't Master dead!"

Even the other Daoist priests in the distance rushed over and cried.

Don't mention that scene is funny!

White-haired people send black-haired people!

This brunette is really older than all of them!


Yuan Tiangang actually opened his eyes, and the next moment.

He actually jumped up with a bullet, and a pair of reddened faces that were bombarded looked at Li Zhiyun excitedly.

"Emperor, this thing... So powerful?

"If it weren't for the fact that the poor road was hiding quickly, and the emperor was quick to get out of the foot, the poor road would almost be cold!"

Li Zhiyun patted Yuan Tiangang's shoulder and said with some guilt:

"I'm sorry, I seem to have misremembered the technique of refining nitroglycerin, come again!"

"What, still coming?"

In an instant, everyone immediately retreated and hid far away!

Yuan Tiangang learned to be obedient this time, raised his foot and strode back.

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