Hebei, Shimen County.

This is also the famous place of Shijiazhuang in Hebei in later generations.

During the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun once shouted here, "Wu Nai Shijiazhuang Zhao Zilong!"

It's just that Dou Jiande called the area around Changzhou "Shimen".

Here, the danger of controlling the Tai Xing, the absolute Hebei Province, easy to defend and difficult to attack!

But Li Jing was not happy.

Because 50,000 against 300,000, no one can be light!

The thief army adopted wheel tactics and attacked day and night in turn, intending to defeat Li Jing and the Soviet side in the shortest possible time, so as to achieve the goal of unifying Hebei and completely collecting Dou Jiande's old department and old land.

The battle continued in the middle of the night, and Li Jing and Su Dingfang temporarily repelled a new round of enemy attacks.

And at this moment, eight hundred leagues ahead came to report urgently!

It was none other than that Li Yuan's holy decree.

After reading the holy decree, Li Jing collapsed in the barracks tent.

He was exhausted.

At present, most of the 50,000 soldiers have been lost, and although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack here, the enemy's momentum has not decreased but increased, and when he saw this holy decree, Li Jing's heart seemed to be much cooler.

Li Yuan, this is to let him fight all the soldiers!

Su Dingfang, who was covered in blood, walked in, and when he read the holy will beside Li Jing, Su Dingfang also collapsed on the ground tiredly.

"General Li Jing, what do you think?"

After a recent run-in, Li Jing has regarded Su Dingfang as his own.

Although Su Dingfang represents Li Zhiyun's power, in his eyes, as long as they have fought together for life and death, they are the closest brothers!

This is also the character of a soldier, disdain those who lie to me!

Therefore, Li Jing spit it out!

"Your Majesty can personally take the lead to the battle, it will definitely boost morale, and the starting point is good!"

"Let's stick to Shimen County, it's nothing more than to win valuable preparation time for His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun in Luoyang, and the starting point is also good!"

Then, Li Jing's words turned sharp, and his eyes burst with fierceness:

"But in my opinion, this method is extremely stupid!"

Su Dingfang was stunned: "Why did General Li say this!"

Li Jing picked up the wine bottle on the side and handed it to Su Dingfang:

"At present, the loss of Shimen County has become an inevitable thing, but it has ordered our army to hold it to the death, which will wipe out the remaining 20,000 soldiers of our army, which is a senseless sacrifice!"

"I think that I should inform Your Majesty that in the area of Baoding Bauhinia Pass, relying on the favorable terrain to spread traps, our army will lure the thief army into His Majesty's trap with a rout, take it by surprise, and drag the enemy army!"

"At the same time, ask His Highness Li Zhiyun to send troops to Baoding Bauhinia Pass, form a situation of front and rear attacks, and defeat the enemy army in a battle!"

Li Jing's strategy coincided with that of Li Shimin, the king of Qin.

But Li Yuan refused Li Shimin's suggestion from the beginning.

"General Lee has a good plan, how about we act like this?"

Su Dingfang threw the holy will aside.

Li Jing stared straight at the holy decree on the ground with a pair of eyes:

"No! Although it is said that there will be some disobedience to the foreign military order, it is also good to distinguish the situation, His Majesty issued a death order..."

Li Jing's words changed:

"However, General Su is His Highness Li Zhiyun's person, so there is no need to listen to His Majesty's will!"

"General Su can withdraw from the position with 10,000 soldiers and horses and quietly assemble in the area of Luoyang, I will attract firepower here to cover for you!"

In Su Dingfang's tired eyes, many emotions suddenly arose.

This is the comradeship in the beacon!

This is the basic affection between life and death!

I saw Su Dingfang suddenly stand up, stride out of the tent, and drop a sentence:

"You sleep well, the following things, I'll come!"

And right now.


A scout broke in, and happened to collide with Su Dingfang.

"But the thief army attacked again?"

Su Dingfang hurriedly asked, and Li Jing also stood up nervously.

The scout knelt on the ground and took out a note:

"Qiyu two generals, there is a huge pigeon hovering in the sky outside the camp tent for several moments, and it actually landed on the back of a horse."


The two looked at each other, wouldn't it be carrier pigeons?

"I saw a secret letter strapped to the pigeon's leg."

The scout immediately handed the note in his hand to Su Dingfang.

And the next moment, they were stunned.

This is from Li Zhiyun's personal letter!

Li Jing confirmed this!

When he was next to Li Zhiyun, he paid attention to the observation that Li Zhiyun would have a habit of drawing a cloud like a flying cloud at the end of the letter.

And this piece of paper is exactly like this, this letter must be from Li Zhiyun's hand!

I saw a few lines of small words written on the note!

"Please Su Dingfang and Li Jing, immediately lead the thief army to the Baoding area with a feint defeat!"

"In the evening of today, fight to the death with the thief army!"

After the two of them read it, their eyes were full of golden light and raging fire!

Li Zhiyun has already led the army to the Baoding area at this moment, and he has hammered!

Now, the soldiers have been saved!

"General Li, what do you think?"

Su Dingfang picked up the holy will on the ground, his left hand was Li Zhiyun's order, and his right hand was Li Yuan's order.

The two commands are contradictory.

Li Jing pondered for a moment, and his heart was fighting fiercely.

Faced with such a difficult decision, Li Jing seemed to have made up a great determination:

"Act according to the wishes of His Highness Li Zhiyun, and the whole army will quickly rout in the Baoding area!"

"Then His Majesty Li Yuan's will, how should General Li respond?"

Su Dingfang was very worried.

Because he is naked in resistance!

Especially Li Yuan's first imperial conquest, he met a general who openly disobeyed the order, and the consequences are self-evident!

Maybe as soon as he arrived in the area of Baoding, he would be taken down by that Li Yuan!

"Can't manage so much!"

Li Jing waved his big hand and walked out of the tent with a firm gaze.

This time, between Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun, Li Jing chose Li Zhiyun.

This feeling is inexplicable.

But he felt in the dark that Li Zhiyun was the person he could trust!

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