After Luo Shixin heard Li Zhiyun's order, he immediately walked to Li Zhiyun leisurely with his legs.

Ay... During this time, in addition to digging the cellar day and night, he and Liniang often discussed life.

The body is a little overwhelmed!

"Immediately reinforce the excavated cellar with cement and store a large amount of saltpeter for ice!"

Luo Shixin nodded solemnly, with a victorious smile on his face.

Li Zhiyun may not know yet, just during this time.

He has led the crowd to dig hundreds of cellars scattered in different urban areas!

He even opened the largest cellar under the Luoyang City Palace under the guidance of Li Niang!

Li Niang said that if Li Zhiyun ascended the throne and became emperor, the future expenses may be very large.

Winter is fine, if you are in the hot summer, you need these things to cool down.

And, if you have these ice cubes, you can store more vegetables and fruits and a lot of food.

That's a lot!

Through the matter of digging the cellar, Luo Shixin also understood one thing!

I was born an adventure genius!

No matter what the structure, you can know at a glance what characteristics of this structure

are and what type of iron pestle is more suitable for excavation!

Thinking of this, Luo Shixin immediately led the order!

Li Zhiyun continued to issue orders:

"Third, after the rainstorm stops, we must immediately carry out all work in an all-round way!"

"And build 10 large camp bases to prepare to welcome the civil and military officials and 300,000 soldiers from Shuofang!"


Li Yuan, who was gagged, had an incomprehensible meaning in his eyes!

Li Shimin was even more surprised!

300,000 soldiers?

Add together the 100,000 soldiers of this Luoyang City itself, then the strength of the troops here will reach 400,000!

Li Shimin knew very well in his heart that although Li Zhiyun did not have many defenders stationed in Shuofang, Western Qin, Turkic, Hebei and other places, most of them were led by tiger and iron horses!

But rough estimates, there are also more than 200,000 people!

Then Li Zhiyun's entire force will be a terrifying 600,000!

Under the whole world, who fights with the front?

If this is the case, the fate of the Tang Kingdom is at stake!!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's heart was full of deep worry.

Among these 300,000 soldiers from Shuo Fang, 150,000 are the original Great Tang's army!

Blame this incompetent Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji!

We must do everything possible to get Li Zhiyun to return these people!

And as for whether to let Li Jiancheng go, well... Better not!

When thinking about this, Li Shimin already had an idea in his heart.

The next moment.

Li Shimin quickly adjusted the angry expression on his face, turned it into a deeply worried look, and said loudly:

"Fifth brother! These three days are extremely urgent, and this king is willing to do his little for the people of Luoyang City! Li

Zhiyun: ???

Li Yuan: ???

The anger in Li Yuan's eyes was even stronger, and his mouth blocked by rags "whined" towards Li Shimin!

At this moment, he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

Prince Li Jiancheng has been detained by Li Zhiyun, although there is no worry about his life at present, but this half a year can be regarded as wasted!

The second son, Li Shimin, now actually bowed to the fifth son Li Zhiyun, who conspired against him!

It's really a shame on my Great Tang's face!

As for that old fourth Li Yuanji, not to mention it!

If he had a little stratagem, how could he defeat this 150,000-strong army in the hands of a little girl?

Thinking of this, Li Yuan's mood changed from anger to deep lamentation, and there were two cloudy old tears in his eyes, and he forcibly refused to let it stay.

Li Zhiyun saw through Li Shimin's careful thinking at a glance, and he was only worried that the 100,000 army from Baoding and the 150,000 army from Shuo Fang would be swallowed by himself!

But as far as these people are concerned, to be honest, Li Zhiyun really can't look at it!

He doesn't need quantity, he needs quality, a loyal army!

Taking a step back, this adds up to an army of 250,000, if all of them are stationed in this Luoyang City, the grain and grass alone will be enough to drink a pot!

What's more, even if these 250,000 troops are given to Li Shimin, what can they do?

Worried about attacking Luoyang?

Under the whole world, who fights with the front!

Whoever comes dies!

Li Zhiyun looked at Li Shimin's very serious look, and suddenly wanted to play with him!

"Then I will arrange for you to assist Shang Shu Yu Shinan of the Ministry of Rites in drafting the etiquette, sacrifices, banquets, schools, exams and other major events of my Shenzhou Empire!"

"And be responsible for negotiations and other foreign affairs activities, so that those separatist forces can surrender to our Shenzhou Empire as soon as possible, and let this Chinese land be unified as soon as possible!"

Li Shimin immediately surrendered his hand and promised:

"Fifth brother, don't worry, second brother, I will definitely do my best to assist Lord Yu!"

Li Shimin is very clear in his heart, the current law can only be bent and complete, and the curve saves the country!

And Li Yuan on the side no longer seemed so angry, just lowered his head slightly, and his eyes were scattered.

Perhaps, whether you can return to Chang'an can only rely on this Li Shimin!


When he returns to Chang'an, he will unite with Xiao Mill in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to attack Luoyang City in a north-south trend!

At that time, see if you dare to rebel against the meaning of rebellion!

Who knows, Li Zhiyun looked at Li Shimin with a strange smile and asked,

"King Qin's words are true?"

"Seriously, seriously!"

Li Shimin immediately laughed.

"Good!" Li Zhiyun played with taste:

"Then your first task is to persuade Li Yuan of this Tang Kingdom!"

Li Shimin: ???

Li Yuan: ???

I'm special....

I really regret not starting out, why don't I shoot you against the wall!

Li Yuan roared at Li Zhiyun again, and his expression should be:

Want Xu to surrender to you?

You're going to die this heart!

Since ancient times, Lao Tzu surrendered his son?

Unprecedented, unheard of!

Li Zhiyun waved his big hand towards the tiger iron rider, and the tiger iron rider immediately took Li Yuan down in anger.

Qin Qiong was also taken down, but he never said a word.

In this contest, he knew that Li Yuan and Li Shimin had lost!

Lose a mess!

After dealing with all this, Li Zhiyun was a little tired, after all, he had just woken up from a coma, and he felt that the physical strength in his body had not fully recovered because of the last forced start!

Seeing that Li Zhiyun was leaving, Xiao Meiniang, who was hiding in the corner, was anxious!

This was the first time she felt her heart beat in this chaotic world!

This is also the first time she has experienced that a flame of hope is already burning in her heart!

Perhaps, this is her only chance to end her situation as a duckweed.

How could he be willing to miss it!

Xiao Meiniang quickly sorted out the two swan embroidery at the collar, so that they were mouth to mouth, and their wings were together.

It creates a feeling of flying with wings.

The white brocade cloak is removed, revealing a graceful and elegant figure.

Peach cheeks are affectionate, beautiful eyes are looking forward to it.

Xiao Meiniang walked towards Li Zhiyun with extremely dignified and elegant steps.

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