At the same moment, thirty miles away from Luoyang City, there was a field.

Li Shimin was sitting on the ground, panting heavily.

The legs of his trousers were held high by him until the base of his thighs.

It looks like an old farmer.

Just now, he personally cut hundreds of pits and planted crops such as pumpkins and peanuts.

A sense of well-being is born.

The surrounding soldiers are also vigorously wielding hoes and planting seeds with their own hands.

When they came here, not only did they not resent Li Zhiyun, but they lived in peace.

The key

is that every day you will be rewarded with a cup of Malan Mountain!

The fatigue of the day will suddenly disappear without a trace.

For Li Shimin today, what shocked him the most was Li Zhiyun's absolute leadership of the army and the people's absolute trust in him

! He also finally understood the profound connotation of Li Zhiyun's phrase "water can carry a boat and can overturn it"!

But this fool is definitely not simple

, so when he came here today, he had already made up his mind.

It is necessary to quickly cultivate a rock-solid love for fish and water with the soldiers,

in the hope that in the future, he will be admired by thousands of people like Li Zhiyun.

Although these soldiers were scattered to different military tents, he was confident that he would use the next month to visit all these military tents

! Work in one place for one day and win some people's hearts

! If it doesn't work in one month, it will be

two months! Not for two months...

He had to find a way to return to Chang'an as soon as possible, lest Li Jiancheng, a-stirring stick, mess up the sky.

"Your Royal Highness King Qin, the conditions here are poor, there are many mosquitoes, you don't need to suffer with

us!" "Yes, you are a golden noble body and a proud son of heaven, it is a waste of time to accompany us here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty is now detained in a prison, you should go to Luoyang City to make a deal or two, maybe Your Majesty will be released."

"Your Highness, it's better to... You will beg your fifth brother,

perhaps..." All the soldiers surrounded Li Shimin and persuaded guiltily.

If it weren't for the fact that he was delayed by mudslides and heavy rain and arrived one step late, maybe it would be Li Shimin who would have returned at this moment.

When Li Shimin heard the soldiers' kind persuasion, a touch of firmness burst out in his eyes:

"There is no need to say much

, I am willing to be here!" "As the prince of the Great Tang Dynasty, how can I watch you suffer hardships

!" "I have made up my mind that I will be in the same boat with everyone, advancing and retreating together!" After

Li Shimin finished speaking, he stood up from the ground, walked on his sore legs, raised his sore arms, and vigorously brandished his hoe!

This affectionate words and the figure of the mighty shore infected all the soldiers present.

In an instant, everyone once again struggled to lift the soil and desperately digging holes and holes.

"Where is His Royal Highness King Qin?" Just

as everyone rolled up their sleeves and worked hard, a group of tiger iron horses rushed over.

It was Liu Min, the leader, who spoke.

Everyone looked at the solemn tiger iron horse behind Liu Min, and immediately vigilantly surrounded Li Shimin in the middle.

I am worried that Li Shimin will also be arrested.

Li Shimin threw away his hoe and said angrily, "Is he Li Zhiyun still finished?" "

On the order of the emperor, I will take you to the Wenwu Hall for dinner!" Li

Shimin: ???

the first thought in his mind was that this was definitely a banquet!


, this king will definitely not go!" Hearing this, all the soldiers around him were even more moved, and the admiration in their hearts was born!

"The emperor said that you will definitely not come, sure enough

!" Liu Min's eyes flashed with a hint of pride, and he continued:

"Then Wei Chen will go back to pray to the emperor, and say that His Royal Highness the King of Qin does not want to see Changsun Wuxian!" Liu Min

smiled, and suddenly turned his head to raise his horse.

Li Shimin was stunned.

My Guanyinwu, my puppy

! "Hey, Liu Min, wait a minute! "Wait a minute!" "

You wait, I can't catch up with you!" Li

Shimin spread his feet and chased Liu Min vigorously.

All the soldiers: How do ???

feel that everything is a dream!

What about the Zheng Zheng oath just now

? What about the rock-solid just now?

Liu Min stopped, let Li Shimin ride on the shadow, and quickly rushed to the Wenwu Hall.

In the Wenwu Hall, all the invited ministers and soldiers basically arrived.

Everyone was chatting happily, sharing which peaks they had climbed and what ravines and springs they had seen during this time.

Luo Shixin brought Liniang and Pei Xingjian with him.

Pei Xingjian, who was bare, was playing curiously in the hall, and the scene was very cheerful.

Changsun Wuxian looked at the door of the hall with a look of anticipation, silently out of his mind.

This dead ghost...

She followed her brother to Luoyang this time, firstly, so that Sun Simiao could properly condition her body; secondly, she wanted to resolve the contradiction between Li Shimin and Li Zhiyun, so that the two brothers would no longer go against each other.

And the next moment, a scene that caught people off guard happened

! Changsun Wuxian actually "poofed" without warning and fainted to the ground

! Suddenly, everyone was in chaos!

Sun Simiao hurriedly cut through the crowd and leaned down to check Changsun Wuqian's aura pulse.

Suddenly, Sun Simiao was horrified:

"Emperor, it's not good!"


was taken aback!

This front foot is fine, why is there no heartbeat now?

Changsun Wuji was directly stupid on the side, tearfully pulling his sister's hand at a loss.

"Auxiliary, have you ever fed your sister that nitroglycerin?!" asked

Li Zhiyun immediately.

"That glycerin sister has been eating, but I accidentally lost it on the way here..."

Didn't eat..." Li

Zhiyun immediately understood what was happening.

Li Zhiyun looked at Changsun Wuji with an annoyed expression:

"I told you last time, your sister's heart has a problem, why are you so careless!"

A big man actually whined and cried.

In this world, my sister is his only relative!"

but Sun Simiao lowered his eyes slightly and shook his head with a sigh.


Zhiyun's expression suddenly tightened, and his heart was crossed.

Fuck, human life is at stake, can't manage so much

! Find someone to come and do artificial respiration!

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