"Fifth brother, the second brother blamed you just now, thank you for saving your second sister-in-law's life!" Li

Shimin paused, and said with some guilt:

"If... If I had been able to treat your affairs as hard as you did when I was in Chang'an, perhaps... The ending may be different...,"

Li Shimin said, directly pulling away Li Zhiyun and Changsun Wujian.

And Li Zhiyun smiled indifferently, and his heart was actually a little moved, which was the first to stand up and sincerely apologize after the original incident.

"Li Shimin, you are really slow enough, everyone is waiting for you

!" "Sit down and eat together!"

said Li Zhiyun, returning to the calm expression on his face and walking towards the table.

Instantly, everyone took their seats with happy smiles, and the entire hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

The meal was quite happy, everyone talked and laughed about the past, and talked freely about the future.

For the first time, Li Shimin felt that this Li Zhiyun was actually not very annoying.

It seems that he is not much interested in the position of the prince of the Tang Kingdom.

And just as everyone was pushing the cup and changing the cup, a wave of unevenness, another wave of rising

! "Keep the covenant, keep the covenant! What did you eat?" "

You little fart child quickly spit it out for the mother, don't be scared for the mother!" Liniang

suddenly stood up and hugged Pei Xingjian, who was flushed with a red face, and the whole person was worried about the break.

Suddenly, the laughter in the entire hall stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes brushed to look at the

child in Liniang's arms! I saw that his face turned red, and then began to purple

! It seems that the foreign object is stuck in the throat

! Luo Shixin immediately slammed his hand into the child's mouth, trying to take out the foreign object, and Liniang patted the child's back in panic

! But the situation took a turn for the worse, and Pei Xingjian had already begun to roll his eyes! !

Li Niang whimpered:

"Son, son, spit it out quickly!" Li

Zhiyun and Sun Simiao were originally talking at the back of the hall about the feasibility of manually configuring penicillin.

When they heard the crying in the hall, they immediately ran over.

Seeing this, Li Zhiyun immediately stepped forward and picked Pei Xingzhen up, pinched both sides of Pei Xingzhen's cheekbones with one hand, pressed his arms tightly to his chest, and supported the back of his neck with the other hand, so that Pei Xingzhen lay face down on his knees.

Li Zhiyun slapped Pei Xingzhen's back with strength, and a pair of eyes observed whether any foreign objects spit out.

Everyone looked at Pei Xingjian nervously, cheering him on!

"Child, spit it out, work harder!" "Child

, don't close your eyes, don't sleep over!"

"Son, don't scare me, woo-woo, you get better quickly."

"Son, I don't mind being a father, but you have to make me happy!"

After Li Zhiyun slapped countless times, Pei Xingjian still didn't react, which was very bad for everyone

! Li Zhiyun frowned, this Pei Xingjian is also too greedy

! The foreign body must be deep in the throat!

Li Zhiyun did not hesitate to put Pei Xingjian on the table and lay flat with his face up.

He himself sat on a stool, grabbed Pei Xingjian's legs, and let him ride on his two thighs, facing forward.

Li Zhiyun raised the index fingers of both hands at the same time and placed them under Pei Xingjian's chest and upper umbilicus.

The next moment.

Li Zhiyun struck up softly and quickly upwards and pressed, repeating it repeatedly.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and stared at Li Zhiyun with a serious face with bated breath, expecting a miracle to appear again.

Especially Changsun Wuxian was behind Li Zhiyun, picked up a fan and gently fanned it for him, and couldn't help but take out Qinxiang's handkerchief to wipe the sweat beads on Li Zhiyun's forehead.

But it was snatched up by Wu Shu.

"Emperor, how is the child, why hasn't he gotten better yet?"

asked Luo Shixin in a worried whisper, his lips were red from his bite because of nervousness.

Sun Simiao immediately signaled him not to disturb Li Zhiyun, and now he seemed to understand Li Zhiyun's operation techniques and principles, and explained to Luo Shixin:

"The emperor is using the method of impacting the abdomen to compress the lower parts of the two lungs, so that the residual air in the lungs forms an impactful air flow directly to the throat and drives out the foreign body blocking the throat!" After

listening to Sun Simiao's explanation, everyone nodded thoughtfully and understood the working principle of this first aid method.

Li Zhiyun's expression tightened, exerted a little strength, and said to Sun Simiao at the same time:

"Not bad! This method is called the Heimlich First Aid Method!" As

soon as Li Zhiyun's words fell, a jujube suddenly flew in front of everyone, and fell on the table with a "bang"!

Pei Xingjian breathed heavily, and his face, which had turned from purple to black, gradually became rosy!

"Aaaa Whew..." Pei

Xingjian, the little fart boy, immediately cried miserably after he recovered his spirits.


can make Li Niang and Luo Shixin happy

! "You little brat, you can be scared to death! See if I don't hit you, and then tell you to put everything in your mouth!" "You scared

your old man to death! This jujube can be stuffed in your mouth! You have to remember, not everything can be stuffed into your mouth!"

Old Luo, don't teach bad children!" The

happy atmosphere in the hall was restored again, and Luo Shixin and Liniang knelt down and bowed to

Li Zhiyun: "Thank you Emperor for saving your life

!" "Emperor is really a supreme immortal!" In

an instant, countless admiring eyes once again cast towards Li Zhiyun.

A sense of pride arises.

I followed the emperor in this life and had no regrets in my life!

But Li Zhiyun couldn't be happy.

Through the two things just now, it is enough to show that in this era, people are not familiar with some advanced self-help methods.

But these self-help methods can save a person and even a family at a critical moment!

He also thought that in his previous life, the Red Cross Society that was damaged by Guo Ugly was not useless, and the various relationships were not clear.

Let's not talk about other problems, just providing free first aid knowledge training to everyone is worthy of recognition.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun already had an idea in his heart.

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